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Alternity wrote this for PS3 users: “Don’t forget that you have to change the user of the savegame and re-encrypt it for it to work.”
I have no idea. I don’t own a PS3. I have Xbox 360. You can try ask other people around in the community. No, RB3 Xbox 360 and PS3 save files are not 100% but close to finish. Hopefully someday in the future both of those save get finish if anybody have those controllers and play Expert to continue the progress.
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We have this forum discussing save data. There is already PS3 save file uploaded.
If your using RB3 files for Clone Hero, you need C3ConTool. Click on Phase Shift Converter, select Down Mix to Stereo, and drag the file into the converter.
I’m pretty sure the staffs are working hard and fast as possible to update the database.
5 hours ago, ScorpioVH5150 said:Could someone please do a Van Halen pack or something sometime? He was my hero and today’s news has been gut wrenching. I know we have a lot of VH but anything would be cool. I love it all. Thanks everyone
Don’t worry man. I’m in the same boat.
Rock Band 3 is one of the biggest music game that bring people together. Without customs and TU#4…this game wouldn’t be around up to this day. It is the perfect game for customs and pro-mode. RB3 read THE2020s, THE2030s, THE2040s, and so on. No matter what how old this game is…it does awesome things.
September 19, 2020 at 1:34 pm in reply to: Customs suddenly vanish from my library (RB3 Xbox) #514226Try put the files in a RB3 pack. Sometimes it will work.
I just couldn’t believe how little content RB4 had. I think even if it gets ported or we get a new RB5 it will just pale in comparison to 3. I don’t even know what to do with my 2 Ps4 guitars now that I’ve gone back to playing 3 in my 360 lol.
Try sell both guitars and buy something or instrument you don’t have for RB3. RB4 was nothing to me. I’m pretty sure RB5 won’t be good either.
I started music back in late 90s and in 2005, Guitar Hero introduce me into more bands I never heard off. RB3 is pretty a musical game to me. I don’t care if the players are better than me. I like playing songs that are fun. If I sell my Rock Band stuff, I will regret it. Now, we have customs. That mean I can spend money on other things like clothes, food, merchandise, etc. I don’t need to spend money on RB3 anymore.
The future is most likely CloneHero/Strikeline. CloneHero is the closest to RB that we have on PC and it has the most active development team out of any of the similar games.
Just needs some more time in the development oven and for vocals to be added.
Clone Hero, Strikeline, Rock Band 3, and Phase Shift will be the future of rhythm games because everything is on there. I was questioning this: “Why owning separate Guitar Hero and Rock Band games? I can just sell them and keep Rock Band 3 for Xbox 360 that has songs all-in-one game.” I sold all my GH/RB game and kept Rock Band 3/Clone Hero with all 7 instruments. I don’t even need to buy RB4 at all.
That among other things is a big reason Id want to do this. I just like my albums to match, like Beast & the Harlots album art looks just off to me.
Yeah me too. Even custom songs. I like having album art match with the rest of songs instead of seeing it color dark, crooked, etc.
Technology what killed Rock and music in general. I remember growing up listening to Steve Miller Band, Santana, Kiss, etc in the mid 90s. 50s to early 90s was Jazz, Blues, etc. In 2000s Nu-Metal, Grunge, and Punk went huge. In 2010s, Rock music fell off the mainstream 100%. Country, Pop, and Rap took over the mainstream. Yes, music mainstream nowadays is garbage. Now they have bass blasting, talent-less, singer off key (They use auto-tune to fix it.), pressing buttons on instruments, etc. I don’t know about Country music because they use live instruments. Mainly Pop and Rap are talent-less people. All they talk about is money, fame, dancing, and sex. It’s rare to find a talented musicians but they are out there. Even there are bands out there making real music but they are not getting attention. Dirty Honey, Bishop Gunn, and Fuzz…I know they are music. Greta Van Fleet is also music but the are commercial success. I don’t care if bands nowadays are rip-off or not. I like listening to instruments and vocals. If your looking for Rock bands, you need to ditch top 40 garbage charts and go find talented bands on the internet. Rock maybe dead but it will always be there behind the curtain
I’m a real deal drummer because I grew up listening to old bands and I played school jazz band for 3 years. I have confident of playing songs and doing stick tricks.
My personal opinion is what we see of Rock Band now is the last we’ll see of Rock Band. No one will want to invest in the hardware it takes to make it happen and this game is pretty much relegated to the die hard fans of this genre. This is what happens when you don’t innovate to keep moving something forward. RB4 is basically RB3 with missing features and a few new ideas (Rivals, Brutal Mode) thrown in. RIP Rock Band.
But hey, we’ll always have customs, which to me was the biggest gift I could have ever received with this game.
Pretty much. I was a die heart GH fan back in 2005. I still love GH/RB games but it’s just hard to keep up nowadays because we are adult now. I said “I don’t think I never going to see another Guitar Hero game again”. Guitar Hero and Rock Band are dead franchise now. R.I.P. Guitar Hero and Rock Band.
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