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  • in reply to: Cracker – “Low” {b02/LU:1.Jul} #402851

    Awesome, thanks fellas. I’ll definitely go over the drums a second pass and make sure I didn’t miss anything else during the cut and paste, and make those adjustments on bass.

    in reply to: Cracker – “Low” {b02/LU:1.Jul} #402816

    Pushing release of this one back a couple of weeks. I haven’t had a chance to work on it again yet, and I was hoping I’d have some feedback on the areas mentioned above by now, especially the ghost snares on drums.

    in reply to: I Fight Dragons? #402621
    Honestly, any songs by these guys would be awesome to have in Rock Band.

    My wife was talking about them earlier today, so I did some searching, and it looks like they publicly released stems for “Money” and “No One Likes Superman” to let people do remixes. I might add these songs to the back of my queue and work on them at some point in the future, provided no one else beats me to the punch. Or they might get moved to the front of the queue if the aforementioned missus beats me with punches.

    in reply to: Cracker – “Low” {b02/LU:1.Jul} #402588
    Fun fact: This song was quite close to being in RBN, but the label let it twist in the wind.

    That IS a fun fact, indeed. Of course, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that, I’d probably have enough for a Happy Meal or two by now.


    There’s a few others on my “almost-RBN-but-not-quite” wishlist… maybe I’ll get to some of them sometime in the future.

    in reply to: Scienyde’s customs-in-progress #402562

    New one uploaded into playtesting!

    in reply to: Multitracks for use #402546

    I *might* be interested in doing Teardrop at some point. Love the song, just don’t know how interesting it would be in respect to a full band.

    in reply to: Directed cuts failing to call #402435

    It’s entirely possible I may be misremembering, or they changed from RBN1 to RBN2. If the documentation says no do_, then it’s probably right.

    in reply to: Directed cuts failing to call #402433
    I can’t get some directed cuts in my VENUE track to play no matter what. The affected cuts are [directed_all], [directed_all_cam], [directed_all_lt], and [directed_crowd]. When one of these calls come up in the song, the venue ignores them and either continues the previous cut like there’s nothing there, or switches to one of the generic distant shots as if it received an invalid call. Has anyone had this problem before or know any obscure rule regarding directed cuts that might prevent them from playing (like too much/too little distance between it and additional cuts, or you can’t place cuts on the same tick as a lighting call or something)? It’s seriously frustrating trying to write a venue when ALL of the directed band cuts are disabled.


    Granted, it’s been a while since I mucked around with any custom venue work, but aren’t the calls supposed to be [do_directed_all], [do_directed_crowd], etc?

    Yay, my first song release day! Though one minor thing from the blog post, PK… “Children” isn’t a multitrack, it’s just your normal custom with audio in the backing tracks. So, not as impressive I guess. :/

    in reply to: Scienyde’s customs-in-progress #402367
    Just to say, awesome choice on The Prodigy there. I’m open to helping out on that one after I get through my current shortlist if you like.

    I may need some help on the drums. I honestly have no idea how I’m going to chart the overlapping breakbeats. :confused: It’s still a ways down the line though.

    in reply to: Scienyde’s customs-in-progress #402355

    Just made a quick update to the OP getting my nexties in order and adding a few more planned projects. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

    Okay, I know it’s close to the wire, but there’s a new version up. I remixed the multitrack stems to get it sounding closer to the actual cut on the EP. This is really not my strong suit as I have no audio engineering experience for the most part, but hopefully it’s good to go. I also added in crowd control events. Otherwise, everything else charting-wise is the same as the previous version. For that reason, I’ve only uploaded a new rb3con file, and all the previous stuff is still available to download.


    Fingers crossed nothing else breaks. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    I was thinking about doing this at some point, but glad to see someone else has beaten me to the punch. Looking forward to your work. If you’re looking for help with getting that saxophone on Pro Keys, I’d love to lend a hand.

    in reply to: New Uploader and Scheduler system for all C3 authors #402287
    I changed the server’s configuration a bit yesterday but things didn’t change. It must be about the script timing out, because they can’t reproduce it and I have no issues using a connection with 200 KB/sec upload capability. We’re gonna have to switch to FTP for users who experience the issue.

    Please let me know when that is set up. I know we’re coming down to the wire with this week’s releases and I’d like to make sure we’re good to go as soon as possible.

    in reply to: Quentin Tarantino Pack? #402258

    The Delfonics – “Didn’t I (Blow Your Mind This Time)”


    You do realise that now you actually have to do it, right? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

    Aw crap, is that how it works around here? :/

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