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  • Sorry about that. Should be fixed.

    in reply to: 2x Bass Pedal Reductions #407640

    This is one of the reasons I believe Harmonix should’ve made Double Bass Pedals either an Expert+ difficulty or at least made it an option (like Pro cymbals), but there’s no sense in debating why they didn’t.


    I adhere to the M-H-X-X+ format if I only make one version of the song, but if I specifically make a 2x Bass Version, I go E-M-H-X and E-M-H-X+ simply because it affects less players and the notes don’t get crammed on lower difficulties. The other drummer that needs to think about what version/difficulty to select is the Expert drummer, who knows what he/she is doing. This way, the noobs on E-M-H don’t need to worry and can play either version of the song.

    in reply to: All That Remains – Six (v2 10/05) #407443

    The CONx2 file is only the single bass chart. Not a big deal since drums don’t need playtesting, but just sayin’.

    This song should be ready for a sanity check. As stated in the OP, lower difficulties could use a second set of eyes and I will be making a Rhythm on Keys version based off of RyanHYK’s Pro Keys interpretation above. Tell me if there are any problems with the uploaded files.

    in reply to: Addressing all authors #405770

    I apologize for not being active lately. I am hoping to contribute to this project much more in the near future. I just figured I would put that out there.

    in reply to: Rock Band extras that never were #405291

    Not to kill the thread at all, but I believe my thread (titled “The Future of Rhythm Games) covered a lot of good “features that never were.” That thread went of on a tangent because everyone felt like berating my chances of creating a rhythm game, but some of the features mentioned in the thread may spark some discussion (or already have).

    in reply to: How are songs difficulties rated? #405288

    The player should have been the one to assign difficulties to songs.

    in reply to: I think we are going to have a major problem… #405287
    The only changes will be if Harmonix serves up an RB4 someday


    Not that RB4 will support customs anyways ….



    Do you mid if these two songs sit here for awhile? This one is good to go aside from the possible inclusion of a Rhythm on Keys part. The other one still needs quite a bit of playtesting, especially on Pro Keys. I can’t work on these probably for another 1-2 week(s), but after that I may chart a third song and release a pack. That’s all assuming these threads can stay in limbo for a bit longer.


    Neither of these are in the scheduler BTW.

    all difficulties for all instruments are charted


    I agree with the new playtesting process, but I do not agree with the above statement. When submitting a song, I believe the author should do all instruments on Expert (Pro Keys being an occasional exception) and basic things such as practice sections and Overdrive. The reason I believe an author should wait on reductions is to avoid making suggested changes to more than one difficulty. I suppose there’s no reason to say someone can’t submit reductions with the initial release, but I don’t think they should be required.

    in reply to: RB3 Disc Installation Question #403247
    It doesn’t work. I recently bought a copy of RB3 with TU5 and tried it out myself. It’ll just run off the disc.


    This is most unfortunate, but it’s another question answered I guess.

    in reply to: Complete idiot proof guide to making customs #403153

    Start with just the charting aspect of it. Figure out how to chart an easy instrument such as drums or guitar. Then learn the basics from charting that instrument. Only after you know how to plot notes in Reaper and have a semi-playable, one instrument chart should you learn multiple instruments and all the formalities.


    If I were teaching you, I would recommend learning about charting in this order:

    • Importing audio into Reaper and lining it up
    • Charting Drums
    • Charting Guitar
    • Charting Bass
    • Tempo mapping
    • Animations (at least for drums)
    • Events in the three instrument tracks
    • Other formalities (practice sections, drum events, BEAT track)
    • Overdrive


    I would HIGHLY recommend you wait to learn keyboard and vocals until you’re comfortable with the other three instruments and all of the behind the scenes events and such.

    in reply to: Five Finger Death Punch #403035

    Hard To See and Burn It Down are both official RBN songs. If I’m correct, I think the rules of C3 state that we can’t release songs that have been officially charted for Rock Band (for reasons of wanting to maintain somewhat good rapport with Harmonix in the event that they ever stumble across this forum). I believe this also includes making 2x Bass and RB3 Versions of songs already in Rock Band. Admins, please correct this if I’m wrong.


    As far as the other songs go, there’s a good possibility that they will be charted and released through C3 at some point. I know that Jdcow45 and I both enjoy 5FDP, so I can almost guarantee that at least one of us will push through some songs at some point. Which ones and when is unknown, but you can be assured that there are authors within C3 that enjoy 5FDP.

    in reply to: Gamer 901’s Releases #402418

    Welcome Gamer901. I’m looking forward to seeing the quality of work produced by the head of the Rock Band club at UAT. In case you haven’t pieced together who I am, I was the guy who emailed you about the club awhile back.


    Mod edit: do not refer to people by their given names unless they authorize it first.

    in reply to: [28.Jun.13] DragonForce – Fury of the Storm [FINAL] #402275

    I caught some things on regular keys that need fixed. I can’t do much now, but I’ll make some changes and PM you a MID sometime tonight. Unless you’d rather I spend the time typing up a post about it, but I think making the changes then sending a one track MID would be easier considering I will most likely make a chart to visualize the changes anyways.


    I understand how little time there is to revise this, so I will make it my UTMOST priority to make/type out these revisions tonight.

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