2x Bass Pedal Reductions

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      Would it be wrong to make a lower-difficulty chart be different between a standard and a 2x kick version? Is it discouraged to use alternating feet for easier difficulties?

        Would it be wrong to make a lower-difficulty chart be different between a standard and a 2x kick version? Is it discouraged to use alternating feet for easier difficulties?


        With every RBN release that has done this, the lower difficulties have stayed the same between versions. It is generally discouraged to change the lower difficulties.


          I don’t think it makes sense, but that’s my opinion, to have “Normal chart” go from E-M-H-X and “2x Bass Pedal chart” go from E-M-H-X+, without the X part in the middle. I think the jump in difficulty becomes too much.


          I don’t think you’ll get the 2x bass pedal of a song if you want “real” E, so what I’ve done the very few times I’ve done a 2x bass pedal song, is the “Normal” version is E-M-H-X, and the “2x” version is M-H-X-X+. This way you can play on Expert, and once you’re comfortable and/or bored, you can say, well, add more pedals to that mix, and you play X+.


          But then again, I know this isn’t canon, but it’s just how it makes more sense to me.

          I don’t think you’ll get the 2x bass pedal of a song if you want “real” E, so what I’ve done the very few times I’ve done a 2x bass pedal song, is the “Normal” version is E-M-H-X, and the “2x” version is M-H-X-X+. This way you can play on Expert, and once you’re comfortable and/or bored, you can say, well, add more pedals to that mix, and you play X+.


          You haven’t done that with any of my songs/chart collaborations I presume? I am not really a fan of the idea due to hand movement and other such things on Expert compared to Hard.

            You haven’t done that with any of my songs/chart collaborations I presume?


            what I’ve done the very few times I’ve done a 2x bass pedal song


            Nope. Only on my songs. I feel like it’s been more than just Fury of the Storm. May be just that one, I don’t remember.


            I am not really a fan of the idea due to hand movement and other such things on Expert compared to Hard.


            That has no bearing on this decision. “Hard” would still be “Hard”, you just have to select it on Medium in game. And you’d be playing the “Hard” chart with all the things that go into playing in Hard mode now. Point being the difficulty system is in place to distinguish from one difficulty to the next. This system becomes useless if you go (EMHX) 10, 40, 70, 100 and (EMHX+) 10, 40, 70, 140. The jump is too much, so while “Hard” is still “Hard”, the jump to Expert is too much.

            It would be like having 100 notes on expert, 70 notes on hard, 30 notes on medium and 25 notes on easy. Hardly seems like the Medium difficulty has any point in that scenario.



            In any case, do as RBN has done is the final word since my personal opinion is just that, and not what C3 adheres to or what most authors here adhere to.


            This is one of the reasons I believe Harmonix should’ve made Double Bass Pedals either an Expert+ difficulty or at least made it an option (like Pro cymbals), but there’s no sense in debating why they didn’t.


            I adhere to the M-H-X-X+ format if I only make one version of the song, but if I specifically make a 2x Bass Version, I go E-M-H-X and E-M-H-X+ simply because it affects less players and the notes don’t get crammed on lower difficulties. The other drummer that needs to think about what version/difficulty to select is the Expert drummer, who knows what he/she is doing. This way, the noobs on E-M-H don’t need to worry and can play either version of the song.

            That has no bearing on this decision. “Hard” would still be “Hard”, you just have to select it on Medium in game. And you’d be playing the “Hard” chart with all the things that go into playing in Hard mode now. Point being the difficulty system is in place to distinguish from one difficulty to the next. This system becomes useless if you go (EMHX) 10, 40, 70, 100 and (EMHX+) 10, 40, 70, 140. The jump is too much, so while “Hard” is still “Hard”, the jump to Expert is too much.

            It would be like having 100 notes on expert, 70 notes on hard, 30 notes on medium and 25 notes on easy. Hardly seems like the Medium difficulty has any point in that scenario.


            In any case, do as RBN has done is the final word since my personal opinion is just that, and not what C3 adheres to or what most authors here adhere to.


            Hmm have you tried doing Expert pedal charting with Hard hand charting on Hard for the 2x Pedal version? That way it would essentially be a more streamlined leveling structure in terms of difficulty while also adding the extra challenge a extra pedal might make possible for a Hard player to do, and help Hard players adapt to double pedal stuff.


              You either have a double pedal and you can use it, or you don’t. If you do, X is X with 2 pedals. If you don’t, you don’t download the song. Having X on H is an issue when you get into setlists and stuff like that.

                there’s no sense in debating why they didn’t.

                Well, their specific reasoning was stated many times, which was that they thought the number of players with a second bass pedal and the urge to play those charts was very small. Which, compared to the entire RB3 playerbase, it was.


                2x bass is now, like, a thousand times more relatively important than it used to be, so it seems like a bigger issue. But with the ability to change song names and stuff fairly easily (have you repackaged all of your DLC into CONs yet? It’s awesome!), 2x bass versions aren’t a big deal. Alternate versions of songs are a big thing for us.

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