Hello everyone! It has been a while since I’ve done a release big enough that I deemed worthy to make a large formal post, but this is the most ambitious project I have ever taken on as a charter. In celebration of Korn’s 14th studio album, Requiem, being released, I decided to challenge myself to create one fully fleshed out custom of one song from each of their albums in preparation, with a song off their new album as the finale. I barely managed to make the deadline, but I am very excited to share them all finally as it has been a long process. Korn is a band that while very popular, does not have very many fully complete customs on the C3 database. Many of the customs up there are half-finished at best which has always been sad for me. These customs are an effort to make up for that, and for songs that already are in the database, I have started from the beginning myself. Picking singles as well as deep cuts and fan-favourites, Korn is now heavily represented in Rock Band 3.
Starting with Korn’s debut album which kickstarted Nu-Metal, I revamped a very old custom of mine from my Phase Shift days. While this track isn’t the most popular from the album, it is surely a fan-favourite. Slipknot’s entire sound is basically ripped from this song, kegs and all.Korn’s second album is very much in the vein of the first while being a little more catchy and playful. This song is easily the biggest track from the album and is a Korn staple that needed to be present here in this pack.One of my favourite album openers of all time featuring probably my favourite vocal performance from Jonathan Davis, I knew this would have to be my choice for Follow the Leader even though it is an album packed with so many memorable and popular tracks being the album that really made them who they are.Issues is my favourite Korn album and Trash has always been up there for my favourite Korn song, so it was an obvious choice here. I’d like to do this entire album justice as it has mostly been complete in the database, but deserves a much better release. As I have opted to touch on every album, this could not be the case. At least pairing this track with the fantastic Make Me Bad and Somebody Somewhere customs should deliver a solid Issues experience.It was hard for me to pick a song from this album to do, so I went with the second most popular track instead of opting for any other of my favourites as there are many good choices. Another great Korn album that I think is too overlooked aside from Here to Stay.Another one of my favourite Korn songs from an album full of songs that are mostly middle of the road. A leftover from Untouchables, this song hits way harder than anything else from this album, so it was a no-brainer choice for me. Also a very popular Korn track, this was one I knew I needed to do for the pack. Coming off the first album without guitar player Head, it was also the first album of theirs to be produced by Atticus Ross of Nine Inch Nails. Definitely a different sound for Korn but one I found to be executed well, especially on this track.A deeper cut from another album that I feel is way too overlooked and over-hated. The second album featuring production by Atticus Ross, you can really feel the industrial-tinged sound coming through on this album. Very good performances by Jonathan across the album as well as drums by Terry Bozzio on most tracks. I’ve always loved this song and had to do it even though it might not be the best representation of the album.The opening track from an album where Korn reunites with original producer Ross Robinson. While the album is a little too desperate to capture the original sound and is a little too derivative to be that memorable, there are some good tracks off of it such as this one.Easily my least favourite Korn album, the band cashes in on the dubstep hype and creates an album featuring many of the biggest names in dubstep. It feels quite goofy and definitely has not aged well. Still, I had to do a track off of it for this pack, so I chose my favourite which still brings enough of the Korn sound to the forefront.The first Korn album that features the return of Head and one that marks the modern era of Korn in my opinion. This album also keeps the electronics of the previous album but does it in a less dubsteppy and more tasteful way that also carries over on the following album. This is one of my favourite tracks on the album and is decently popular.One of my favourite tracks from a great album. Maybe not the best-known song off of this album but one that stands out as unique while still sounding like old Korn like much of this album and the following album both do.One of the hardest-hitting Korn songs ever made, this song comes from their dark and most recent album aside from the one released today. Thanks to BluberDuck for allowing me to use their drum chart and also to Bdawg for the guitar part although I did edit it quite a bit to line up more with the midi I had.The best single in my opinion from Korn’s brand new album Requiem. Thanks again to BluberDuck for also providing the drum chart for this song. Really glad to have been able to finish the pack off with this song in anticipation for the full album.
That concludes this enormous Korn custom pack. Hope everyone can find something they enjoy from this long list and hopefully I’ve touched on some of your favourites as well. Thanks and have fun!
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