Chart-a-thon Day 36, Slot 1: División Minúscula, Catedrales, Esperando… Live!

We are happy to have finished some customs which have been something special for us, being live songs, we feel that these songs would have that potential to come out as customs so we hope that this content will be to your liking
Fronteras is the first live album by División Minúscula, which has great acoustic versions of their hits.

Catedrales is a band from Monterrey, Mexico

This is the acoustic session of the song “El Al” from Esperando, more about Esperando here

Remember that you can thank this content, part of Chat-a-thon 2021, by donating to the American Cancer Society at the following link:
Always happy to offer a new full album of this great band, and some customs of these bands that are fantastic. andrew etg & Qweflol