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Thank You Raynebc.
I did not know phase shift had the ability to play RB3 Pro Tracks – I thought it only supported 5 lane instruments and therefore treated a Pro Guitar as such, so that’s good news Thank you.
The least of my concerns is attaching the guitar as a keyboard. This is already easy enough using the adapter, but as i stated above, my attempt at using the the PG with midi adapter on the keys “K“ setting did not go as well as i had hoped, while it didn’t have any issues connecting or staying connected as a keyboard.
Main problem is that the PK charts are not applicable to the guitar fret-board.
-strumming guitar does nothing,
-some random frets work for random charted keys as hammer-ons, and most frets do nothing.
-theres not enough charting space on pro-keys tracks for all the frets of a guitar.
-there’s no way to chart open strings on pro-keys as well as most other guitar techniques that make PG mode resemble the actual guitar in the slightest.
…If anyone ever discovers a fix for this, i’ll check back all the time
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I really appreciate your assistance on this. As of now Im reduced to a cut-throat between (a) having bass guitar or (
having a 2nd guitar, …or else phase shift possibly with 2 guitars plus an additional Bass guitar track. either is ok by me and gets me to where I want to be.
I’ve settled for removing the bass guitar and replacing it with the 2nd harmonized guitar with each guitar having it’s own stem (as well as all other instruments and vocal(harmony) stem’s for that matter, except bass guitar of course.) i’m not sure If i’m allowed to share it with anyone but it works well.
I started a thread asking the rules of improving DLC songs, but nobody replied to that yet. So if it’s allowed I would share.
well it appears I have overlooked a few limitations.
My goal was to chart for a 2nd PRO guitar within the PRO keys midi track (I’ve seen other people chart a rhythm guitar on keys) but what I failed to realize is that “Rhythm on Keys” is only a function on 5 lane instruments, and that actual guitar tabs won’t fit within the scope of the Pro-Keys midi-charts. i didn’t realize this until i got the template that shows the notes/pitches which are valid in pro keys. It differs too much from the Pro Guitar chart and is limited in relation. It would appear the Pro-keys chart only has enough keys to match about two guitar strings worth of notes.
Hmm. Any beautiful hacks or scripts that are written in order to utilize the PRO-keys track for use with a lead PRO Guitar? seems like dream-land at this point
Also, I just tried playing some PRO-Keys songs with my PRO-Guitar through the midi adapter (switched to “Keyboard” setting), and it doesn’t really interpret the notes accurately or dependably. strumming is useless as it just requires notes to be hammered on and there’s no rhyme to what guitar frets would match with corresponding charted keys.
And I don’t suppose Phase-Shift has compatibility with PRO Guitars, or else we’d harm-out PRO–guitars on that game for this song
YES dude. this is still enlightening new users! I’ve been wondering what do do about this problem since I started. Glad I found this, All i use c3/Magma/Reaper for is Pro Guitar and Pro Bass authoring. I line up the preview with the guitar stems I create and it saves me 90% of the time for charting and catches all the mistakes before testing on the game now. Sweet. Just, YES dude. Yes
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Thanks Larg! That’s excellent news, as I have extracted the guitar from the mix, so guitar has its own dedicated stem. As well as the background track being the remainder of the mix with guitar excluded. Got killer software that does the trick quickly. I’ll have to recompile and see what i did wrong in magma. Thanks again!
Yes, Definitely cross-talk. I use an alesis kit with the mad-catz midi pro adapter. The setting on my module is abbreviated as “X-talk”, and the higher the setting, the more vibration it lets through. so on mine, lower number is more cancellation. But i don’t have a yamaha so I’m not sure if yours is backward settings, but just double-check because maybe your higher numbers refer to more cancellation. careful because too much cancellation and it will not let you purposely hit two pads next to each other at the same time (over-kill)…
…when my x-talk is all the way down to 1, I cant get simultaneous hits from the
1.snare & hi-hat,
2.snare & tom 1,
3.Tom 3 & tom 4
because it cancels the nearest drums to the one you hit.
But all the way up to 15 and hitting one pad triggers all near by drums through the percussion rack, i keep mine at 7-8 right in the middle and it does fine.
and try turning up the “threshold” setting on the yamaha module for the pad(s) that are too sensitive. Higher threshold means you have to hit it harder or it wont activate at all, where as sensitivity gives you different volumes per each hit. Highest sensitivity = loudest bang on a soft hit.
After all other settings, then I’d go for bring down the sensitivity setting.
If you’ve already added the song into your game prior to adding Pro G/B then you’ll need to do a song cache delete so it can recognize the new dta changes that were made. It’s really easy to fix.
Yep, that was the fix. Thank you! Went into storage/hdd/games/rockband3/cache > delete. Start game – Voila!
Thanks GreenPanda!
Thank you for your fast replies. Please let me know if i should start a new thread instead. I don’t want to trump someone elses topic.
I discovered the templates and it certainly makes things a lot easier. Out of the 3 provided templates in the package, the rBN2 template is the only one that has the pro keys section, but In all of the templates, none of the ProGuitar or ProBass midi tracks are included. i’m looking for documentation that can explain the following…
Can i just simply create a new track for each pro instrument and follow the naming convention for track (i.e. Part Real_Guitar)? or is there more required configuring of the pro instrument tracks?
What needs to be done for the “Pro Guitar Upgrade Package, and how do i implement it into magma?
also, I extracted a midi file from a Con RB3 file that actually has proGuitar included…I noticed that if i drag it into the track area of an open project, it adds all the instruments including pro Guitar. Then I delete the midi info so that i can add the correct notes in the editor. Would this be the easiest way to setup a Pro Guitar Track in my project? So does that alone give me a Pro Guitar Track?
What additionally do i need to create in order to get magma to to render a con file ready for rockband that includes pro instruments? I have already successfully made non-pro rockband 3 customs and they play fine.
Thanks in advance!
There’s a lot of great information on this thread so thank you all. I found almost everything i need while doing my homework. I recreated someone else’s song just for practice sake, and that person did not include the PRO-GUITAR part as most do not, so next i wanted to author a PRO-GUITAR midi track.
But how do I do that in addition to the 5 lane regular guitar part, so that the user maintains the option whether or not they want to be in PRO GUITAR mode or basic GUITAR mode. Does magma organize both separate midi files into the con file, one midi file for PRO GUITAR and one for GUITAR ? It looks like only one file can be used for guitar. I see the checkbox for the pro instruments, but I’d figure there would have to be another section in the game data section specifically for the pro-guitar midi file to be uploaded onto. I have searched high and low on the tutorials.
Also, can a “non-PRO” authored midi track be easily edited to become PRO without starting from scratch simply by changing the velocities and adding in channels 97-102 (as well as higher channels for HOPO …etc), If the midi file contains the values used for the PRO feature, does it automatically qualify as a PRO instrument Track? Of does it need some other special configuration?
Can I just ask a question regarding your “PRO KEYS” midi track? Did you author using the exact same process as if it were normal keys? And does Magma know the difference between Pro and non-Pro files just based on the values and placement of midi notes? Or does the midi file need a unique format or type to be seen and treated as a pro track?