
“División” by División Minúscula

“División” is the fourth studio album by División Minúscula, a Mexican band. It was released on November 2012.

Natalia Cano from “Rolling Stone Magazine” defines it as a “Hybrid” album that compiles musical aspects of previos works: “The adrenaline of the album Extrañando Casa, the powerful sound of Defecto Perfecto and the sensitivity of Sirenas combine

This stage of Division Minuscula is a stage in which everything that has been Division Minuscula is now together in this album. It is a stage in which his 3 previous albums are summarized in the songs of this album

With the reincorporation of Ricci, former guitarist of Minuscula Division, this album has the 3 guitars joined to the other instruments to offer all the sound shown in this album.

“División” was released on November 28, 2012, and features “Voces”, “S.E.D.” and “Humanos Como Tu” as singles from this album

Customs songs from the album “División”

Track #1 from the album “División”

Recounts all the events of the band, and the importance of the fans in the history of the band. “Voces” is the second single from the album División, released on March 18, 2013.

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Track #2 from the album “División”

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Track #3 from the album “División”

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Track #4 from the album “División”

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Track #5 from the album “División”

This song is basically about love. “Humanos Como Tu” is the third single from the album División, released on February 7, 2014.

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Track #6 from the album “División”

Here the custom

Track #7 from the album “División”

It was a song that was worked on long before releasing the material, it was finally included in División with some variations. “S.E.D.” is the first single from the album División, released on October 25, 2012

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Track #8 from the album “División”

Here the custom

Track #9 from the album “División”

Here the custom

Track #10 from the album “División”

Here the custom

Track #11 from the album “División”

Here the custom

División Minúscula in “División” are:

-Javier Blake: Voice, Rhythm guitar
-Alex Luque: Bass
-Kiko Blake: Drums
-Efrén Barón: Rhythm guitar
-Ricci Pérez: Lead guitar
Rodrigo Montfort (Bucho): Keyboards

This is a project with my brother, which I hope we can finish completely, and I hope you enjoy this!


Marcos (Qweflol)

Andrés (andrew etg)

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