The ELP Triple Threat!

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends, ladies and gentlemen… Emerson, Lake & Palmer!
Yes, we’ve got an ELP triple pack for you today! From their first, third, and fourth LPs!
First up we have Knife-edge, a moody piece with those three chords that the whole song is structured around. We get a good keyboard solo. Some, largely restrained drums from Carl Palmer himself, and the classic, great voice of Greg Lake.
If you’ve seen the song length, or have already played the custom before reading this, you might have noticed that this is in fact NOT the original 1970 mix that appeared on the original LP. This is in fact the Steven Wilson remix from 2012. While typically I like to use the original mixes of songs, in this case, the original version ended with the physical tape slowing down. Being unable to replicate it digitally, we got to hear the “full ending” as part of the remix, and since it gives us a hard ending, I chose to use that version instead.

Next up! We got an instrumental off their third LP, appropriately title “Trilogy”! This bad boy would be their concert opener for a goo chunk of their shows back in the day. Those first couple notes with the pitch bending, followed by the main melody, it just screams concert opener!

Last, but certainly not least, is their magnum opus, the big one, the chucker, the mammoth, the behemoth, you-name-it. Their longest (and best?) song:
Karn Evil 9
Now, this technically has been released before. AJFOne23 and I have worked on all the movements (dubbed “impressions”) in the past, and there’s not much different from those charts. This is those three charts combined in one massive, long, undertaking. And yes, this does break the 1MB cap, so beware!
Another thing I want to mention as well, is that there is guitar present in the 1st Impression (expertly charted by NSW1-6), and that has been moved to the bass chart (for venue reasons).

And there you have it! That’s all I got for you guys today! I hope you enjoy these songs, there’s definitely more coming out of the pipeline. Until then, I’ll see you guys next time!