
Rock Band 3 Customs Book

Hi everyone! As some of you know, I started writing my “customs book” a while ago. My goal was to produce a visually engaging and easy to read text for all Rock Band custom authors. It took me a little bit longer than I expected, but today it is finally here!

The Rock Band 3 Customs Book breaks the whole authoring process down into bite-sized chunks:

  • Each page covers a single topic in a simple visual way.
  • Explanations are straightforward and easy to read.
  • Graphics are clear, colorful, and free from distraction.
  • Focus pages detail key authoring information.
  • Configuration pages show you how to setup and optimize your authoring environment step-by-step.

Whether you want to author custom songs from scratch, or improve existing ones, this book will help you create amazing content.

Take a look inside and see what you’ve been missing – it’s an essential guide for beginners, and a great reference for seasoned authors!


Many thanks to all of the authors who have answered my many questions over the years, and to Nemo for hosting the .pdf file! A gallery and chapter list are below:

Chapter 1: Software Install
Chapter 2: REAPER Configuration
Chapter 3: Introduction to REAPER
Chapter 4: Music Theory
Chapter 5: The MIDI Editor Grid
Chapter 6: Tempo Mapping
Chapter 7: Advanced Tempo Mapping
Chapter 8: Audio Separation
Chapter 9: REAPER FX and Plugins
Chapter 10: Imported MIDI
Chapter 11: Drum Authoring
Chapter 12: Introduction to Guitar, Bass, and Keys
Chapter 13: Guitar and Bass
Chapter 14: Pro Keys
Chapter 15: Keys
Chapter 16: Vocals
Chapter 17: Drum Fills, Overdrive, Unisons, Big Rock Endings, & Solos
Chapter 18: Vocal Harmonies
Chapter 19: Events Track
Chapter 20: Venue Authoring
Chapter 21: Automation with CAT
Chapter 22: Package Custom
Chapter 23: Xbox Setup and Play-Testing

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  1. Thanks! This has been really helpful, I have something up and playable – with a weird problem I can’t figure out. There aren’t active replies on the message board or the Discord. What’s the best place to go to get troubleshooting?

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