Forum Replies Created
Hey, just in case it wasn’t clear – May 24th was the date for the start of leg 3 (as indeed happened). The National pack will be released in a later date this leg.
Totally misinterpreted that on my end, thanks for clarifying. Still psyched all the same.
…This is still happening today, right?
This is huge. I have not been able to put this new album down all week, and Rylan is a top-tier cut from it. Bring on the 24th!
Someone’s asking for Snail Mail? LOVE it!!
I’ll probably do Heat Wave – great damn song. This group and Soccer Mommy are coming up on my “what’s next” list. Just haven’t posted them yet as it’ll take me awhile to get to them.
Looking forward to both of those, potentially. Along with Phoebe Bridgers, they’ve been my trifecta of favorite indie sad grilz music.
February 19, 2019 at 8:02 pm in reply to: “No songs by [obscure band]!?” – Atruejedi’s Eclectic Requests – Now Recruiting! (updated 2/19/20) #503548First time seeing this thread. Back when I joined the C3 community a while back, I immediately wanted to create something very similar and reading this thread had sort of inspired me to do it. We had a lot of the same ideas for formatting but I will make sure I do enough with the execution to avoid ripping you off.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> I admire the obvious passion you put into presenting these suggestions, which also have a general recommendation angle. That is to say, I have heard of many of the artists featured in the thread… but I have not necessarily taken the time to listen to them. The few songs I sampled were great though, and I will undoubtedly be scrolling through the first post to see what are currently active as C3 customs. Keep up the great work.
I would absolutely love Digital Witness, too. Such a jam.
Just had to hop in here to congratulate you on the Kid A release and praise you for your lighting and animations. Those little flourishes, to me, make your customs truly shine and stand a cut above the rest. It’s fun enough to hit notes that resemble the instruments in songs you love… but see the screen glitch, swirl, or light up at just the key moments really illustrates how much effort you put into these things, and I hope it’s something you never skimp on. Thanks for the content as always.
Not much of a Junk guy, personally, but I would be stoked on everything else youve thrown up there for consideration. Early M83 is so good and Ive been pining to strum along to Wait in Rock Band for years now. Very excited to see your progress on these at some point.
December 8, 2018 at 11:10 am in reply to: Deftones Discography Project *Update 12/28/2019: Saturday Night Wrist complete!* #502327Congrats on wrapping up White Pony, that’s an amazing feat. I can’t wait to fire that one up start to finish.
Popping in here to say you have some incredible tastes as far charting goes – current and WIP – and that I can’t wait for those National tracks to see the light of day.
October 12, 2018 at 8:07 pm in reply to: Yaniv’s workshop – Andrew Bird 3-Pack!! (Plus loads of Pavement, and much more!) #501345I don’t post a lot these days but I had to jump in and voice the appreciation for that Arcade Fire pack. Thanks a ton, friends. You are good people.
July 17, 2018 at 2:23 am in reply to: beard216’s C&C’s: (“Decompression Period” by Papa Roach! 9/20) #499577I’m sure you’ve already got them in the pipeline, Beard, but you’d be my hero if you could convert those new NIN tracks at some point.
June 4, 2018 at 3:07 am in reply to: beard216’s C&C’s: (“Decompression Period” by Papa Roach! 9/20) #498475No disrespect towards Kamotch, but this raises a question that I have had on my mind for a while: how long should anyone wait before authoring a song that is in a separate WIP thread? I get that time is finite and life happens, but assuming Beard did see that you were working on a Gravity chart… it has been 9 months. Should he give it a year? Two years? Sometimes people lose interest in charting or something comes up and they can no longer access the web or find time to do customs. I totally get it. But when that happens, does their entire WIP list get set in stone and become off limits to active authors? How do we really know who is working on what after X months?
Just my 2¢.
Super stoked on that Slowdive. Especially the newer material.
September 2, 2017 at 1:28 pm in reply to: beard216’s C&C’s: (“Decompression Period” by Papa Roach! 9/20) #490141Hey beard, thanks for all the great work – could I please request Nobody Speak (feat. Run The Jewels) by DJ Shadow and A Horse Called Golgotha by Baroness from Ungrateful Dead’s FoF thread?
This guy’s got amazing tastes and I 100% endorse these requests.