C3 Legacy

March 27, 2015 – Nine TV show theme songs!

Note: Videos may contain authoring issues that have been fixed, and are for preview purposes only. Video recording courtesy of Lowlander.

C3 releases for March 27, 2015:
New! TV Themes C01 9-pack

  • Alabama 3 – “Woke Up This Morning” (farottone and Meander)
    from The Sopranos
  • Barenaked Ladies – “The History of Everything” (DoNotPassGo and ejthedj)
    from The Big Bang Theory
  • Daniel Ingram – “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Theme” K (Nightmare Lyra)
    from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
  • Elliott, Ferguson, Berghofer – “Barney Miller” (Nyxyxylyth)
    from Barney Miller
  • Jonathan Wolff – “Seinfeld” (BearzUnlimited)
    from Seinfeld
  • Ragtime Revolutionaries – “Chicks Dig Giant Robots” (RyanHYK)
    from Megas XLR
  • The Refreshments – “Yahoos and Triangles” (BearzUnlimited)
    from King of the Hill
  • The Rembrandts – “I’ll Be There for You” K (pksage and farottone)
    from Friends
  • The Ventures – “Hawaii Five-O” (BearzUnlimited)
    from Hawaii Five-O

New! The L-Train (and friends) – Moonrise (Linos Melendi ft. Nightmare Lyra)

  1. Moonrise Pt.1: Prelude, Harmony M 2x
  2. Moonrise Pt.2: Nightfall M 2x
  3. Moonrise Pt.3: Lunar March, Battle of Sun and Moon M 2x
  4. Moonrise Pt.4: Daybreak, Harmony Restored M 2x

A red X denotes Pro Guitar/Pro Bass charts, a blue M denotes full multitracks, a blue K denotes a “karaoke” multitrack (separated vocals), and a rusty 2x denotes that a 2x Bass Pedal version is also available. FtV denotes a song previously released by a C3 author outside of C3.

OK, this is from the bad season, and what’s-his-name is in there, and we didn’t actually do the Parks and Rec theme. But it has Rock Band in it!
This week’s pack has been a long time coming! TV theme songs are some of the catchiest tunes around, and their fame/popularity makes them perfect choices for every Rock Band party. We’ve got old shows, new shows, live-action shows, animated shows, comedies, dramas… Our only regret is that we only had time for nine songs! Cue up the laugh track, greet your friend Norm, and prepare to rock (or at least pantomime your rocking, depending on your show’s budget).
And if you somehow don’t like any of these awesome theme songs, or you just happen to like epic metal operas — a very reasonable position — we’ve got that, too!
Authors’ comments for this week’s releases:

  • “Seinfeld” – A classic! Bearz says, “Funky bass line and brass on keys.”
  • “Yahoos and Triangles” – Bearz says, “This short but sweet tune from ‘King of the Hill’ has some great guitar leads and fun, if somewhat repetitive, bass and drum parts.”
  • “I’ll Be There for You” – We simply couldn’t have released this pack without this song, and it ended up being really Rock Band-appropriate! This full 3+ minute version includes a guitar solo, bass riffs that almost never repeat themselves, and of course the iconic vocals. Also, uh…something something Chanandler Bong.
  • “Hawaii Five-O” – Bearz says, “This classic instrumental has a fun, fairly challenging drum part. The guitar and keys mostly follow the main melody, but the keys have some additional interesting flourishes.”
  • Moonrise – NL says, “Linos Melendi bring you this fully multitracked 25 minute long grand epic Rock Opera for Rock Band, which sadly had to be split up into 4 parts due to game engine limitations. Even so, this is still a blast to play with majestic operatic vocals, varied and challenging guitar parts, orchestral and active keys, fast and heavy drums and good riffy bass parts. This song was previously available elsewhere, though this new version have improved charts and audio mixing so even if you already have the first version we still recommend you pick this up. Play all parts in order for the best effect of how it’s meant to be experienced!”

Fixes uploaded in the last week to previous C3 releases:

  • Sleeping with Sirens – “Fuck You”: Minor lyrics fixes

See you next Friday!

New! TV Themes C01 9-pack

New! The L-Train (and friends) – Moonrise

Download 2x Bass Pedal version

Download 2x Bass Pedal version

Download 2x Bass Pedal version

Download 2x Bass Pedal version

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  1. Just a heads up, you set the the download link for Moonrise Part 3 (2x) under the “Pack” heading. The download link works fine, but you need to type it in since it’s not mapped to a button like the other songs are.

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