Where and How Do I Submit Songs?

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  • #388879

    Hello, I have tried PMing some of you about this, but haven’t gotten any replies yet (or maybe I did and it’s a site glitch, I am not sure because the site acts weird for me) so I thought I would just ask here in the open. Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong section.


    Basically I want to submit some charts, one of my own song and one of the theme song for the popular web comedy series Zero Punctuation, for a possible official CCC release if you will, but I have no idea where to even start. I am allowed into the playtesting section (sorry about not doing more playtests btw, some stupid anti-piracy law passed recently over here and I am sitting out this month to see how serious they are with this law), so should I just create a new thread there for each song, or do I have to submit the chart/song to consideration somewhere first? And if so, how do I do that?


    Sorry for being so clueless, this is all working very differently from the normal RBN dance I am used too lol. Hope I am not being a burden and I will go back to help playtesting once I am sure it won’t send me into court =P


      Check your PMs.


      And likewise, as I am currently working on a chart right now that I would want for consideration at some point, would I be able to get the same PM?

        And likewise, as I am currently working on a chart right now that I would want for consideration at some point, would I be able to get the same PM?


        When you’ve got one (mostly) finished chart, drop me a note. We can start from there. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

          Check your PMs.

          Does this mean we’re not doing e-mails anymore?

            Check your PMs.

            Does this mean we’re not doing e-mails anymore?


            That’s a bit of a logical leap. I just addressed his questions there rather than in a reply here.

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