Rock Band:Japan

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    Hey guys. Remember back when HMX came up with Rock Band (and everyone was trying to figure out how to get Welcome to the Jungle as seen on the demo), and HMX was hinting at a spinoff with Japanese rock? But never came to be?


    Let’s put ourselves back in that time. It’s 2007/2008. Wish set lists are still the “thing.” Dragon force is hated by everyone. What would have been some songs you would have wished seeing in there? In 2013, what songs would you have loved seeing now?


      From the mainstream, Supercell.

      From the underrated, something that was originally done for an MMO PC game.


      Babymetal, every single bloody song by them <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


        I’m not really into J-Rock that much but back in the 90’s I loved Romantic Gorilla.



        Probably some Shonen Knife or Melt-Banana. Both bands I am not too familiar with, but like what I’ve heard of them and will most likely check them out.


        Anime songs!! (like Rewrite from FMA, Evangelion’s opening, Maximum The Hormone’s songs, or God Knnows from Haruhi Suzumiya, etc etc).


        Also idol songs would be cool. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

        Anime songs!! (like Rewrite from FMA, Evangelion’s opening, Maximum The Hormone’s songs, or God Knnows from Haruhi Suzumiya, etc etc).


        Also idol songs would be cool. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

        A Cruel Angel’s Thesis is probably one of my most wanted songs for a custom. If the drums didn’t seem like they would be so hard I would make it myself.

          A Cruel Angel’s Thesis is probably one of my most wanted songs for a custom. If the drums didn’t seem like they would be so hard I would make it myself.


          At various points over the past year I have penciled both this and Komm Susser Tod into my list. Still haven’t seen Evangelion but man I like those two songs.


          I’m favor of something of anime’s songs.I want someones of the D-Grayman openings,specially these:



          Or the FMA:Brotherhood 5th opening(Rain-Sid):


          Man I like me some J-Rock.


          D’espairsRay, Girugamesh, Dir En Grey, 12012, Maximum The Hormone, Babymetal.

          I’ll take anything anyone will chart lol


            There are a dozen or so that I would live to have:

            Asian Kung Fu Generation – Rewrite

            L-Arc-en-Ciel – Stay Away

            the Pillows- Juliet

            Pizzicato Five – Baby love Child

            Puffy Amiyumi – Umi Heto

            Utada Hikaru – Sanctuary


            The song “Sound Life” from the series Trigun would be awesome as well.


            Here’s hoping that one day the fine people of C3 see fit to have release weeks devoted to canceled projects like RB:Japan and RB:Pearl Jam. :-D


            I’m doing Megitsune by Babymetal. Finished guitar and 2x Drums, I’m going to start charting the vocals soon, but I’ll probably have some trouble charting Pro Keys in parts like the chorus, where you can’t hear it very well. I’ll have a Expert Only, No Overdrive, No Keys version by the end of the week. I get frustrated charting vocals, so I never spend a lot of time charting at once.

            This song is amazing, I just found out about this band and was like “OMG, I need to play this on RB3” haha


              Two songs I’ve always wanted in RB3 are Super Love Song and FRICTION by B’z. Not exactly super obscure when it comes to J-rock, but they both have good energy and would have fun harmonies.


              Friction? I LOVE THAT SONG!!! And it’s in ENGLISH!!! Oh god it would be awesome!


                I would’ve loved some cool indie j-rock stuff like Ogre You Asshole or more realistically something better known but badass like 9mm Parabellum Bullet

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