New feature: push your song

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      So, we author what we love, which is not always what people know. For that reason many gems might just go over most of our userbase’s head. That’s why pksage has kindly accepted to rework his blog posts a bit to incorporate “pitches” about our songs.


      The idea is to tell our readers why a song is worth downloading and playing. You don’t have to look hard and find something that deserves a spotlight, quite the contrary: don’t oversell your songs but anything that sticks out is worth mentioning. A rare bass solo, great harmonies, a duet, amazing drum fills, etc. all is worth a mention in the scheduler notes. I’ll let pksage chime in to advise on how to write the short and to the point text but please take advantage of this: we author songs with amazing qualities, it’s time to entice our users to enjoy the songs they don’t already know. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


        Basically this is what I already do, but you’re saving me some work and ensuring that I represent the qualities of your song that you WANT me to talk about.


        Pimp out gameplay elements, like farottone said, but also feel free to include 12-Days-ish snippets of why you picked the song, or whatever.


        I think this is a fantastic idea. I definitely have some lesser-known songs that I want to chart but because no one else will know them I’ve stuck to more popular stuff. Will definitely keep this in mind when I’m choosing future customs to chart.


        And yeah, the thing about interesting charts would be great too. I would never have picked up the Default pack if I hadn’t been told that the drum parts were insanely fun.


        Here’s something for the blog post this Friday about the School of Rock pack. I know a lot of people either won’t have seen the film for years (or at all) so I wanted to explain where each song comes within the film.


        Hey gang! DVDSmith here, with three songs that are bound to test your head, and your mind, and your brain, too. They all come from the Jack Black movie “School of Rock”, which was released on DVD in the US ten years ago this Sunday. School of Rock is one of my favourite movies, and together with drummerockband we’re here to give you a pack of the three major original songs featured in the movie.


        For those who haven’t seen the movie, or don’t remember it, let me sum up the plot for you. Jack Black plays Dewey Finn, a struggling guitarist who is kicked out of his band, No Vacancy, after a performance of “Fight” that ended in a failed stage dive. To pay the rent, Dewey takes a job as a substitute teacher at a local school, where he discovers that the class he’s teaching are gifted musicians and great singers. So, he rips up the school curriculum and starts teaching the class about the history of rock music, and forms a new band with them – the School of Rock. Complete with a song called “School of Rock”, the band make their way to the local Battle of the Bands, where they compete against several other bands for a record deal – and among them are No Vacancy, Dewey’s old band, playing their new anthem “Heal Me I’m Heartsick”.


        If you haven’t seen it, I definitely recommend it – it’s one of Black’s best films, really funny with an amazing soundtrack that helped 14-year-old me discover great artists like Led Zeppelin, The Ramones and Stevie Nicks. And if you have seen it…just watch it again. After all, it’s infinitely quotable.


        Until next time, friends. LET’S GET ROCKIN’!


          Thanks, I’ll use this! In the future, though, please drop this into a PM to me (or the scheduler notes, if formatting/etc. isn’t important). I don’t always see every thread before the blog post. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

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