Need help fixing a click track in one of my stems

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      So I’m charting Dance All Night by Dirty Heads for C3 Generations, and I’ve run into a problem with my stems. The stems I have contain a click track on the drums stem, which is definitely not in the actual mix of the song. To try and combat this, I’ve made a version that has everything except for the drums, and I also got a version that is the original mix. I’m trying to use Audacity’s invert function to create a stem, but I can’t get it right. I line them up in Audacity, then I select the track without the drums and I invert it. However, when I play both at the same time, nothing seems to change. I think the issue has something to do with the volumes of the tracks being different. The original mix is louder than my version without drums. Can anyone help me figure this out?


        There’s an old tool called Audio Diffmaker that could also make a differentiation audio track for you based on your stems.



        Otherwise, other tools that you could look for are pretty pricey, and cheap methods may take more than a process of elimination.


          It can be done, though it might be a little bit time consuming. I downloaded the stems myself so I could hear what you were referring to. Just work with the drum stem instead of trying to work with the whole mix.


          Take the isolated click track hits at the beginning of the drum stem, copy them and make a new track out of them. Keep copying them and looping them across the entire track, lining them up with the original drum stem as you go. It’d help to keep that second track inverted so you can hear how well the hits are being cancelled out and make adjustments as necessary. Hope this helps!


            It can be done, though it might be a little bit time consuming. I downloaded the stems myself so I could hear what you were referring to. Just work with the drum stem instead of trying to work with the whole mix.


            Take the isolated click track hits at the beginning of the drum stem, copy them and make a new track out of them. Keep copying them and looping them across the entire track, lining them up with the original drum stem as you go. It’d help to keep that second track inverted so you can hear how well the hits are being cancelled out and make adjustments as necessary. Hope this helps!


            I was able to use this method to generate a pretty good stem. Thanks!

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