My Saved Game Deleted?

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  • #388983

    Ok so I’m aware of the problem with customs where it comes up saying saved game not detected and you just have to reset your xbox to fix it, but today mine kept saying this and my saved game is gone. All my characters, scores, stars, and goals are gone. Is there any way I can get this all back? I’ve had rb3 since launch day and this is pretty disappointing.


      Is the file actually toast? Does it still load under TU5? If you move it off your removable storage (and onto your PC) and back again, does it then load? Do you have a backup?

        Ok so I’m aware of the problem with customs where it comes up saying saved game not detected and you just have to reset your xbox to fix it, but today mine kept saying this and my saved game is gone. All my characters, scores, stars, and goals are gone. Is there any way I can get this all back? I’ve had rb3 since launch day and this is pretty disappointing.


        If you didn’t move your TU5 saved game to a dedicated USB stick you may not have much luck fixing it. Remember: all things TU5 on one stock, all things TU4 on another, DLC on the HDD.


          I remember reading at some point that someone was able to revert it by changing something with the container, but I honestly don’t know particulars. I looked for it once for someone else and couldn’t remember where I had seen it.

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