Jul 3, 2015 – Twenty 80s songs! Like, gag me with a spoon!

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  • #449510

      Nah, nevermind, not worth wasting the text.



      One of my favorite bands in the so called 10 that they cover all the time is Buckcherry !!

      What was that big hit song they had ? :confused:


        An announcement of great customs? Check.


        Lots of people posting thanks and gratitude for all this high-quality stuff they’re getting for free? Check.


        That one dissenter who goes out of her way to insult other people’s musical tastes and belittle the work of the authors, and then swears she isn’t doing anything wrong? Check.


        It’s official: It’s the weekend! Woohoo!


        Edit: And holy cow, I again called one of the releases this week without even trying. That’s two weeks in a row! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Edit: And holy cow, I again called one of the releases this week without even trying. That’s two weeks in a row! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


          Don’t even TRY calling Hocus Pocus, it won’t work… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif”>


            This is by far the best release I have seen since I found C3, 20 songs from 20 different artists(that’s twice as many as 10) & everyone I have heard on a radio station throughout the years. One author had a part in 18 of them. Thank you to all the authors & contributors & tool makers who week after week make these so I can have many good times playing them. When RB4 comes out & C3 is done I think I will just sit down & cry like I lost my best friend <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> , there is no way in hell that this release will ever be matched for quantity & quality by anyone.

            Thank you Farottone for being the :c00l: person you are, throughout all the bitching & moaning I have witnessed you put up with over the years you still pump out a collection of hits like this. :golfclap: :golfclap: :golfclap:

            This release deserves a standing ovation & what’s the chances you could do an encore??????

              When RB4 comes out & C3 is done

              Who knows if there will be C3 releases, but the forums will still be here. I’m not jumping on RB4 unless it’s got online play or supports my e-kit, so at least for me, it’s still customs ftw.

                When RB4 comes out & C3 is done

                Who knows if there will be C3 releases, but the forums will still be here. I’m not jumping on RB4 unless it’s got online play or supports my e-kit, so at least for me, it’s still customs ftw.


                Online is crucial to me as well, I would love to support Harmonix again by giving them my money for a game I love, but when they tell me the parts I like aren’t included from the get go, but if enough people shell out a serious amount of dough for more plastic instruments they will never use we might include them features later put a serious halt to my excitement for the new game. I sincerely hope customs will be around a long time.

                  we get negative feedback every week, and every week we do and say nothing.

                  Is negative feedback not worthless if it was constructive criticism? …Not that I’m implying that written post was so.

                    we get negative feedback every week, and every week we do and say nothing.

                    Is negative feedback not worthless if it was constructive criticism? …Not that I’m implying that written post was so.


                    The worth of the feedback is not even part of the discussion: we never censor feedback, that’s the point, regardless of its worth. The issue is in saying “you are ignorant so you do songs I don’t like”. That’s not feedback, that’s a direct insult that we can’t allow.

                      we get negative feedback every week, and every week we do and say nothing.

                      Is negative feedback not worthless if it was constructive criticism? …Not that I’m implying that written post was so.

                      Criticism of how songs are authored is welcome. Criticism of which songs are released is worthless. They were authored because the author wanted to do it.


                        One of my favorite bands in the so called 10 that they cover all the time is Buckcherry !!

                        What was that big hit song they had ? :confused:


                        Let’s keep it civil please, it’s pretty clear what the message here was…


                        Edit: And holy cow, I again called one of the releases this week without even trying. That’s two weeks in a row! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                        Don’t even TRY calling Hocus Pocus, it won’t work… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                        don’t play with my expectation and my heart




                        One of my favorite bands in the so called 10 that they cover all the time is Buckcherry !!

                        What was that big hit song they had ? :confused:


                        Let’s keep it civil please, it’s pretty clear what the message here was…


                        Sorry Farottone Just using my freedom of speech like Pixiegirl does !! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> lol

                        I only refereed to a band a hit song they had ! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />


                          After seeing this weeks releases, I am sure The Hall Of Fame Committee will be contacting C3 :rock:


                            finally george Harrison on rockband, would like to see more of his great works here in the future releases, nice to see some songs with improved quality

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