[How-To] Playing Customs on PS3

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    Yeah sorry, I quote you by accident. Anyways.. weird thing happened, I played few songs mentioned above as solo bass to test them again, and now I got stars and progress saved when I restarted rb. Might be that it was just individual problem. I’ll keep you informed if I encounter same problem.


      Could it be that the problem only happens if you are playing with full band?


      well I mostly played all songs with my gf as guitar/drums combo. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> Might be my rb got a bit wild as I have total of 1050 songs. I bought a lot of dlc’s when they where available.


        OK, as I mentioned above I will check and give a feedback after I achieved more experience…

        I do appreciate it, thanks. I still don’t have a working PS3, but once I do I will definitely look into it.


        Sorry. I was doing some testing… I played as solo bass progress where saved. restarted rb went inside and joined guitar/drums I saw stars saved. I restarted PS3, went inside joined guitar/drums and stars are not there again.


        So basically I’ve gone trough all songs I’ve downloaded from C3, and they all don’t give me stars and progress saved.


          What you guys are failing to realize and conflating is that “giving” you stars and “saving the stars so they’re there next time you run the game” are two different things.

          On the xbox if you delete your song cache you lose any offline scores. This is mainly customs. I expect the same happens on PS3. And since you don’t have a song cache file…it never saves the score across game sessions.

          So it’s not a problem with the c3 song nor a problem with the conversion. It’s a problem inherent in PS3 customs.

          OK, as I mentioned above I will check and give a feedback after I achieved more experience…


          Cool, it would be nice if you can post if you have similar problems.


          Well I don’t give much attention to my score, but when you have 1050 songs it’s quite difficult to look for new songs you downloaded, so the easiest way to find them and put them in my playlist is to sort them by difficulty. Then I search for songs that doesn’t have any stars or the one that we didn’t play very good. (3 stars or less)

          What you guys are failing to realize and conflating is that “giving” you stars and “saving the stars so they’re there next time you run the game” are two different things.

          On the xbox if you delete your song cache you lose any offline scores. This is mainly customs. I expect the same happens on PS3. And since you don’t have a song cache file…it never saves the score across game sessions.

          So it’s not a problem with the c3 song nor a problem with the conversion. It’s a problem inherent in PS3 customs.


          Thanks, I guess it must be it. Even tho TDCMark said that on PS3 version of Rockband 3 doesn’t have the cache like wii or xbox versions of the game.


            Isn’t that what I just said?


            yup! Thanks a lot for explanation. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

              On the xbox if you delete your song cache you lose any offline scores. This is mainly customs. I expect the same happens on PS3. And since you don’t have a song cache file…it never saves the score across game sessions.

              And there’s your answer. Unfortunately that’s something we don’t have control over. Why HMX decided to make our version of the game without a cache is beyond me…


              So I guess it doesn’t work just with 3K3y, does it?

              I haven’t even got my 3k3y installed yet. It’s been a huge problem, one guy told me he could install it for me, then 2 weeks later he tells me he can’t and broke the quick solder board (QS:cool:, so I had to find a new installer and find/order a new QSB…So today I’m bringing the new QSB over to the installer. We’ll see if this was worth all the effort by tonight/tomorrow.

                We’ll see if this was worth all the effort by tonight/tomorrow.

                I agree, it’s a huge effort of time and money but there are so much opportunities we do have now.

                I do not regret reading thousands of tutorials and spent a lot of time, cause I would feel unsatisfied without trying to have the possibility to play all these great custom songs in my favorite game… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                  I don’t think I could go back to Rock Band without customs, so if it turns out the 3k3y doesn’t work…I’ll probably sell my console and find a system that has CFW on it <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />


                  Back on topic: my apologies for not having the rest of the database uploaded. If I’m not at my job, then I’m working on some custom songs I’d like to get released. I’ll try and get some more updated today.



                    Kinda a noob here. I did manage to figure out how to add the ps3 file songs to my cfw and get them working. My question is can we use the phase shift format somehow on the ps3?


                    As well how long does it take to compile a new song over? Is the a faq on how to do that?


                    Thanks to all onbringing back life to rock band. Now if only I can figure out how to get reactions to work with song pkgs.


                    <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                      As far as I know there is no one-click solution to convert PhaseShift songs back to RockBand.

                      You have to use the C3 converter to create PS3 ready custom songs. But it only works with rb3con files (XBOX).

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