[How-To] Playing Customs on 360

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  • #470977

    I agree with you… I decided to hijack a thread or two because I wasn’t getting any responses on my own… I typically wouldn’t do that…


      is there a way to convert ps3 customs to xbox con files ?


      only reason I ask is that I originally started out just on the ps3 but have gotten R3 for the 360 as well and I downloaded a bunch of songs in the ps3 format.


      if I need to re-download them in con format that’s fine, was just wondering if there was an alternative


        Re-download is your only viable solution. It’s technically possible…but I assume I’m one of a handful of people in the world that would know how to do it. There’s no tool for it since customs are made in Xbox format.


          ok cool thanks TrojanNemo


          Should I follow these directions or the one in the video?


          Assuming its the video I’m thinking of, follow these. They’re more up to date to deal with some changes to the Xbox 360 dashboard


          Assuming its the video I’m thinking of, follow these. They’re more up to date to deal with some changes to the Xbox 360 dashboard

          The video is the pinned one http://customscreators.com/index.php?/topic/8998-tutorial-playing-custom-songs-video/


          I was wondering because these directions look wayyy easier


          Yup, that video is outdated. Follow the ones in this thread instead


          Hey guys awesome tips I have wanted to play customs in rock band ever since I got the game two years ago, anyways I just have 2 questions

          will this work on the xbox 360 slim and does this method work to this very day September, 2 ,2016 thanks


            Should and yes.


            Hey guys I have another question, so I have downloaded loads of customs but can I play my custom songs mixed with the songs I paid for on the store ?


              Yes, as long as you don’t have any license issues that would require you to be connected to the internet.


                So a while back I posted about an issue that was supposedly resolved but is still giving me a bit of trouble.


                Basically I put the customs and TU4 into the disc from RBtoUSB, but afterwards it’s biased coin toss against me as to whether it will actually read on the Xbox. On failure, even before running the game the console finds no data in the appropriate folders, and running it back into RBtoUSB will notify that the directories are corrupted, requiring a reformat and resync.


                So far I’ve found nothing to really correlate to what makes it work or not. Everything relevant is updated, and the flash drive is closed properly in the software and OS.


                I don’t think this is related to the C3 software, but I’m more open to suggestions for how I can further troubleshoot this.


                  That sounds like a flash drive issue. One of my flash drives I used to put customs on went through the same thing, and when I swapped it out for another one, the issue was resolved.


                    Looks like that might have been the problem. Shame, it was a nice drive. One of my largest and the newest. Oh well.

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