Customs in Rock Band 4?

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    I made an account just to post on here. Really hope you’re still at it Maxton! I saw the github and that it hasn’t been visited in about a month and I’m wondering if there has been any progress since? Wish I could help out but I have no idea ;-;


      I made an account just to post on here. Really hope you’re still at it Maxton! I saw the github and that it hasn’t been visited in about a month and I’m wondering if there has been any progress since? Wish I could help out but I have no idea ;-;


      There’s nothing to share really. Work has been halted while Maxton has been working on a custom solution to get .pkgs working (Which is LibOrbisPkg if you’re looking at his GitHub)


      Right now we use the PS4 dev tools, but there are some problems with that. 1. That’s illegal and 2. We can’t distribute anything made with those tools.


      In terms of progress for in-game, there are still two major things left to go until everything is at a minimum in stable working order, camera in venues (post procs and lighting works) and harmonies (solo vox works fine)


      I really hope it works out tho, this quite incredible! Also, that screenshot looks like a really old version of RB4. What happened there? lol


      As far as I understand the exploit only works with older PS4 firmwares and that probably results in only being to use old versions of RB4. This might change in the future, as in exploits might be able to be used in recent PS4 firmwares and/or might be able to install recent RB4 updates. The PS4 homebrew scene is still pretty new.


      If i recall correctly, I think there was an N64 emulator for the xbox one that could take roms (not from a usb but from onedrive or something like that). I can’t remember if the emulator was on the xbox store or not.


      If the emulator wasn’t installed through the online store and came through onedrive or hacking or something like that, then there is a possibility of an app/game that allows the installation of custom songs. And even if the emu came from the online store, the fact that it accepts custom files from onedrive could be big news if someone figures out how to apply that to rb4.


      wishing i had a ps4 tho <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

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