Customs in Rock Band 4?

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  • #393058

    Sorry if this is against the rules, I’ve tried to look and it doesn’t seem to be. But are there customs in Rock Band 4? If not, will they be possible? Any info on customs with Rock Band 4 would be helpful and appreciated anyways <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” /> <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


    I’m pretty sure nobody really knows yet.


      No, no customs, it’s unlikely that it will happen.


      Use this forum to discuss customs that do not fall under the C3 umbrella. Create topics for your own RELEASED tracks or projects


      No, no customs, it’s unlikely that it will happen.

      Okay, thanks. I’ll stick to RB3 unless RB4 gets more interesting then


        The day we can convert all our RB3 customs to play on RB4 will be an amazing accomplishment. The reason being is there is not a song cap limit that we are aware of for RB4. Having 10000 songs in the library would be unbelievable.


        The day we can convert all our RB3 customs to play on RB4 will be an amazing accomplishment. The reason being is there is not a song cap limit that we are aware of for RB4. Having 10000 songs in the library would be unbelievable.

        The Day Customs work in RB4, is the day Trojan will have TU5 working with customs and online play.


        The day we can convert all our RB3 customs to play on RB4 will be an amazing accomplishment. The reason being is there is not a song cap limit that we are aware of for RB4. Having 10000 songs in the library would be unbelievable.


        ahh i have like 1200 songs altogether and counting lol


        So many customs have keys that i wouldnt want them in RB4 anyway

        Aeryk b

          we almost got rb4 for Pc :/


            Please don’t resurrect 7 month old threads unless you have something meaningful to contribute to them.


              RB4 customs on PS4 should be possible now (on FW <=4.05), after the new PS4 kernel exploit release. I'll be researching this in the coming weeks!


                Sony will have this patched in a week.


                Until then.




                  I’m in the process of researching the new midi format and other files required for customs. If anyone wants to follow along or help out I am keeping a github repository updated with my progress:

                  Wolfpack Awoooo

                    RB4 Customs are 98% not gonna exist because Xbox One and PS4 don’t transfer the songs from last gen consoles. All it does is sync up your account purchases and uses that data to reinstall previously purchased content.

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