cPlayer – The Rock Band Customs Player v2.4.0 [9/9/15]

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  • #448800

    Sorry to hear that. I thought these articles might give you some ideas. You may need an electrical engineer for pcb fixes etc. Swapping pcbs directly doesn’t work without some additional board work.


    http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2013/02/di … -belly-up/

    http://www.payam.com.au/content_common/ … -power.seo


      Ouch! Man, that’s gotta hurt… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


      What does this mean for the other utility projects? Recent versions of those lost as well?


        I was done issuing updates to Magma, but it was backed up. C3 CON Tools was backed up recently enough that only some of the unreleased changes were lost and can be redone.

        The only victim for C3s purposes is cPlayer. Personally? I lost a ton of stuff that I’m desperately trying to recover.

        In C3 CON Tools, can you play audio in Visualizer? When you click Save in Visualizer, does it upload the screenshot to Imgur successfully?


        Yes I can play audio backing and multitrack, and mute each instrument if needed. The imgur upload worked ok, and gave me a url then opened in my browser.


        The error shows you’re missing something that cPlayer relies on, but it only relies on dependencies that should already be installed and what it comes with. Make sure you’re not extracting the .exe to an old installation and losing some of the new .dlls that come with it.


        This (2.2.0) is the first version I have downloaded and tried, is it possible i’m missing a file from a previous version? are previous versions available? I tried putting all the files from cPlayer in the same folder structure as C3CONToolsv373 & MagmaC3v327 overwriting them, but that didn’t work, same error.


        In light of your disk issues, don’t worry to much about this, i’ll try it in a VM and another PC.


        Okay when I read what I missed,

        first I facepalmed at my own error

        second, I was laughing,

        then third, I was just plain sad.

        Hope you can recover what you need, plus I’ll bet that there are enough folks out there who would donate for your HD if you asked. Then again I know you guys don’t want to aks for donations at all, so nevermind…


          I know we’re not supposed to talk about that word that starts with c and rhymes with what’s left over when something gets burned, but, maybe given the fact that you’re a cool guy who has sunk God-knows-how-much time and other resources into making the world of rhythm gaming a better place, we could stand to chip a few bits your way to help with getting your other projects back? I know I’d be willing if the opportunity arose.


            Guys the gesture is appreciated but not necessary. The only thing lost was the last update to cPlayer, and it’s not like many people care about that.

            The rest that is lost is personal stuff that I would not collect money to recover even if that was something allowed on here.

            I’m still trying on my own, and professional recovery is estimated at $800-1500 for my drive and I wouldn’t take a chance considering it’s not guaranteed the data can be recovered.


            But thanks for the thought.


            Good luck with the drive recovery, losing a drive is one of the worst feelings :smith:

              I’m still trying on my own, and professional recovery is estimated at $800-1500 for my drive and I wouldn’t take a chance considering it’s not guaranteed the data can be recovered.


              But thanks for the thought.


              Understood. Fingers crossed and prayers up!

                Personally? I lost a ton of stuff that I’m desperately trying to recover.

                Bah. That sucks. Been there myself. Lost a lot of songs that I’d written that way: had the mixed down tracks online, but could never go back to the old sessions after.


                Given that you’re already to the point of swapping out circuit boards you’re probably far beyond this, but I actually had luck with the “freezing” technique on a laptop drive once: gave me enough time to snag the files I needed from an XP installation via a Linux “live”/RAM boot disk. That had the clicking noise symptoms, though, and I have no idea what you’re seeing/hearing. YMMV, do at own risk, etc.


                Best of luck.


                  I had to give up on recovering the data myself. I found a local lab that can do the work and for $100 will give me a diagnostic and tell me how bad the damage is and give me a quote for the data recovery. Maybe there’s still a way to resurrect cPlayer (and my personal files).


                  I’ll say I took a look at the pre-obsfucation compiled binary and, frankly, I can’t even remember some of the many things I had done for this last update. So I might be able to recover perhaps 70% of what I had done in the last update from the decompiled binary, but I have no motivation to attempt that any time soon.


                  Just read about what happened. I hope you can get all of your stuff back <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />


                  Perhaps you should ignore cPlayer for a bit and focus on your personal files first. I think we can wait, and RL always beats online woes…


                  I concur about this. I’m honestly more concerned about your personal files than I am about cPlayer. Don’t get me wrong, if you can get it back as well, great, but you’ve already provided a great program for us to use.

                  But I think we can all agree that you should focus on your personal files before cPlayer.



                    Anyone else got more songs than me?

                    I suppose maybe some Phase Shift users, but RB3 users I would be impressed to find someone with more songs <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />

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