Charting harmonies?

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  • #388513

    When you’re charting a song with harmonies, where exactly do those notes go?


    I’d been charting vocals in PART VOCALS (using the RBN2 template) which works fine, but now that I’m adding harmonies, should all those notes go down in HARM1 instead, with the harmony in HARM2?


    If I do the melody in PART VOCALS and the harmony in HARM2, then tell Magma that there’s a harmony, it complains that “ERROR: MIDI Compiler: (MIDI FILE): Song info has 2 vocal_parts, but has 0 vocal MIDI tracks.”.


      PART VOCALS and HARM1, HARM2 and HARM3 are two different worlds. unified only by the OD phrases (by the way: change the track name to HARM1 from PART HARM1, because PART HARM1 in the RBN2 template is wrong. Same for 2 and 3, that’s the reason for the error you’re getting.). PART VOCALS has what you want the player to sing when he plays vocals. Harmonies have the separate voices and are used when the player plays harmony. So, HARM1 has the leading voice, HARM2 has the secondat voice and the higher harmony, HARM3 has a third voice and the lower harmony (as a general rule). In 90% of the songs, PART VOCALS and HARM1 will be identical, because you get the leading voice in both parts.


      Aha, makes sense. Thanks.


      I’ve got two related questions:

      If there are no harmonies in the song can we just delete the HARM charts?

      The files from the other thread don’t add the import lyrics action mentioned in the cached docs. Is there another way?

        I’ve got two related questions:

        If there are no harmonies in the song can we just delete the HARM charts?

        The files from the other thread don’t add the import lyrics action mentioned in the cached docs. Is there another way?


        As far as I know, you can export them anyway — game won’t check the blank charts ’em up if you don’t indicate there are harmonies in Magma — but yeah, you can delete them. Can’t answer your second Q, unfortunately — I do all mine by hand LIKE A BOSS.

        I’ve got two related questions:

        If there are no harmonies in the song can we just delete the HARM charts?

        The files from the other thread don’t add the import lyrics action mentioned in the cached docs. Is there another way?


        As far as I know, you can export them anyway — game won’t check the blank charts ’em up if you don’t indicate there are harmonies in Magma — but yeah, you can delete them. Can’t answer your second Q, unfortunately — I do all mine by hand LIKE A BOSS.


        Aw snap. The event text I’ve have to move around so far have not been cooperative or smooth. Charting vocals is going to be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.


        Hopefully google will come up with a tutorial on how to chart the + and # manually.


        Thanks for responding. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

          Aw snap. The event text I’ve have to move around so far have not been cooperative or smooth. Charting vocals is going to be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.


          Hopefully google will come up with a tutorial on how to chart the + and # manually.


          The RBHP Contribution guide touches on those events, fwiw.

          Aw snap. The event text I’ve have to move around so far have not been cooperative or smooth. Charting vocals is going to be fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun.


          Hopefully google will come up with a tutorial on how to chart the + and # manually.


          The RBHP Contribution guide touches on those events, fwiw.


          Found it. It’s quite thorough. It will come in useful for when I get around to charting vocals.


          Thanks. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

            I’ve got two related questions:

            The files from the other thread don’t add the import lyrics action mentioned in the cached docs. Is there another way?

            What exactly are you asking here? How to import lyrics?


            Open up the specific vocal chart in reaper (click on Harm1, Harm2, Part Vocals, etc). Click the actions tab, find import lyrics. In order to import lyrics, all the note tubes must be ready in the mid.


            Your text file with the lyrics should look like this

            Ly- ric + + A- no- ther + + Ly- ric


            A space between each syllable, plus signs for pitch changes, and add # for any talkie.

            Does that help?

            I’ve got two related questions:

            The files from the other thread don’t add the import lyrics action mentioned in the cached docs. Is there another way?

            What exactly are you asking here? How to import lyrics?


            Open up the specific vocal chart in reaper (click on Harm1, Harm2, Part Vocals, etc). Click the actions tab, find import lyrics. In order to import lyrics, all the note tubes must be ready in the mid.


            Your text file with the lyrics should look like this

            Ly- ric + + A- no- ther + + Ly- ric


            A space between each syllable, plus signs for pitch changes, and add # for any talkie.

            Does that help?


            Oh I had to open the vocal part. Tried it. Nothing appeared. Tried putting on the lyrics on one line, nothing.


              The shortcut may not be set by default. I know it isn’t on my install.


                Oh I had to open the vocal part. Tried it. Nothing appeared. Tried putting on the lyrics on one line, nothing.


                Remember to select all the notes you need to import lyrics for. In 99.999% of the cases, that means CTRL+A for Select All and then import. Otherwise it won’t import a thing.


                Oh I had to open the vocal part. Tried it. Nothing appeared. Tried putting on the lyrics on one line, nothing.


                Remember to select all the notes you need to import lyrics for. In 99.999% of the cases, that means CTRL+A for Select All and then import. Otherwise it won’t import a thing.


                OH that’s how it works. I figured it converted the text into lyric/event/label things and I moved them into place.


                Yep. That’s not going to work for me. I’m using the lyrics the lyrics and plus signs as guides for where notes start/end. It’s easier for me since that I’ll be asking a friend for help on the vocals charting.


                Thanks again.


                  Looking through the RBHP docs they say that HARM2 phrases should all be encompassed within HARM1 phrases. But what do you do with a song that is constantly overlapping the vocal parts?

                    Looking through the RBHP docs they say that HARM2 phrases should all be encompassed within HARM1 phrases. But what do you do with a song that is constantly overlapping the vocal parts?

                    The reason for this rule is that strange things happen when there’s overdrive on HARM1, and different phrases on HARM2 or HARM3 – the lyrics are displayed in gold as if it’s going to be overdrive, but it isn’t. So, keep phrase and overdrive markers the same through PART VOCALS, HARM1, and HARM2.


                    For a song that’s constantly overlapping, decide on an intelligent breaking point. If there are notes in the harmonies that go over a phrase marker, then split the note at the phrase marker, and attach a silent lyric (“+$”) to the note after the split.


                    Note that there’s one other limitation to look out for: if there’s no gap between phrase markers, then overdrive phrases “spill over” into the next phrase – again, the lyrics are gold, but it isn’t really an overdrive phrase. All it takes is one little 1/64 gap and everything’s okay. The player will see a small gap in the line, but in rare songs where there are more than 7 of these back to back phrases and you really need an overdrive in the middle somewhere, it’s better than making the song too hard to gold star because of too little overdrive.


                    Remember that phrases should end on a quarter or eighth note where possible. That makes the vocal animations work out better.

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