Board Rename + C3 vs. Contributing Author

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  • #388710

      Hi folks,


      You may (or may not) have noticed that I have renamed the board here a bit. As some of you may remember when we first started out, we were drawing a distinction between C3 Authors and Contributing Authors, with C3 Authors essentially being an author that was a frequent contributor, active in the community, releasing to the schedule, and had been with us for a notable period and all that somesuch and a Contributing Author was someone who would occasionally provide a song here or there for release. Everyone started as a Contributing Author and “graduated” to a C3 Author. This was partially because we wanted to have a sort of probationary period and partially because we couldn’t give everyone their own FTP account to upload files due to account limitations.


      We have since decided to do away with that distinction altogether, since there really is no need for it, especially given the fact that nearly everyone we’ve brought on board as an author is already doing things like helping to fill holes in the schedule, being active on the boards, and doing everything we would have expected. If you release with C3, you’re a C3 Author.


      Unfortunately, the FTP account thing remains a hurdle, but I think (at some point) we were going to see about at least having everyone’s name show up properly on the interstitial (instead of it just saying something along the lines of ‘from a contributing author’), but please don’t hold me to that. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

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