12 Days of ChristmasReleases

12 Days of Chartmas 2022 Day 11 Slot 2: Guitar Hero to Rock Band 3 Is Back!

Hello all! The Guitar Hero to Rock Band 3 Project returns with another pack of songs, only these might not be quite what you’d expect. Since the beginning of the project, GHtoRB3’s goal has been to bring the songs of that other great music game series into the single greatest music game ever published. (We can debate whether the “Guitar Hero” or “Rock Band” series are better as a whole, but we’ll have to agree Rock Band 3‘s crown is indisputable!) Songs from every GH title, from the guitar-only Guitar Hero to the full-band Warriors of Rock, have been converted in labors of love. Until now, though, one game has been conspicuously left out: Guitar Hero Live. Now I know what you’re thinking. How can you convert charts from a game that uses entirely different controllers, and therefore entirely different game play, than any of the previous Rock Band or even Guitar Hero games? Simple. You can’t. Not easily. But we did anyway! We took songs introduced by Guitar Hero Live‘s GHTV, turned their GHL guitar charts into the 5-lane charts we all know and love, and then added all the trimmings you’ve come to expect from the greatest full-band game, including bass, drums, vocals with harmonies, and keys! So, if you’ve been missing playing along to GHTV since the service was shuttered, here’s your chance to revive a few favorites and learn how to play them all over again!

Click each picture to go to the song’s download page.

A special note about that last one: “Take My Bones Away” was an intended GHTV track that for some reason never saw an official release on the service. So, even though we’re still calling it a GH convert, this may well be your first chance to play it in any music game!

This GHtoRB3 release was a group effort brought to you by:
The Oreo: guitar, bass and drum charting
Ungrateful Dead: additional guitar and bass charting on “Take My Bones Away”
FujiSkunk: vocal and keys charting
Ultimate MANG0: playtesting, chart polishing, project coordination and venues

Hope you enjoy, and come back tomorrow for the 12 Days of Chartmas grand finale!

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One Comment

  1. ey my guy thank you so much for the full band catfish chart, this and sea girls have been really cool since i like a lot of uk indie but there’s not much besides wombats and arctic monkeys. cheers again mate

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