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  • in reply to: Viv’s Custom Pile (Guitar Hero 3-Pack! 10/1) #491118

    Did you try using the most recent Xbox360 Warriors of Rock multi’s? I havn’t used any myself but they should be better quality.

    It’s not the quality, it’s more the mixing. I prefer a lot of the original mixing from albums compared to how Guitar Hero likes to do them, especially with the vocals as they don’t have harmonies and will practically mute out certain vocals so another part is the main vocal line

    in reply to: Viv’s Custom Pile (Guitar Hero 3-Pack! 10/1) #491114

    Oooo, and these are all single-tracked? I didn’t expect that since they’re originally from Guitar Hero… multi-tracks are usual the enemy! But this time, Wii users rejoice! Thanks!

    To be honest, I did it because the GH tracks for Setting Fire to Sleeping Giants and Buried Myself Alive are trash imo. Young Cardinals I just got lazy <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” /> but if it makes things better for you then I’m glad I did it!

    in reply to: Viv’s Custom Pile (Guitar Hero 3-Pack! 10/1) #491109

    Well, since you all were such smart little boys and girls, here’s your reward: The Guitar Hero 3-Pack!



    Setting Fire to Sleeping Giants by The Dillinger Escape Plan!

    A very challenging but fun song from Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock!



    Young Cardinals by Alexisonfire!

    An amazing song for singers with some awesome drum fills, released as DLC for Guitar Hero: World Tour and on!



    Buried Myself Alive by The Used!

    An amazing emo song that’s a real banger, released as DLC for Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock!


    Enjoy, and happy playing!

    in reply to: Viv’s Custom Pile (Guitar Hero 3-Pack! 10/1) #491015

    Well this is good! I have a 3-pack ready to release! I’m sorry again for being so sporadic with my uploads. I’m sure a lot of you don’t think it’s a problem but I’m just worrying about it anyway lol.

    So here’s some hints for the next 3-pack! I’ll release it Tuesday, October 3rd, but if you all can guess the songs before then, I’ll release them on Sunday, October 1st instead!


    I’ll give away the theme to better help you all guess: These are all converts from Guitar Hero!


    Song 1: The most difficult song of the bunch, this is also the only on-disc track from this pack. This is the 8th track from this talented band’s 2nd album, their 1st with their current vocalist. This mathcore/metalcore song is featured on the (technically) 2nd to last tier and has a ridiculous solo on guitar.


    Song 2: Some DLC from a band that currently doesn’t officially have any charts in Rock Band either by Harmonix or by us, although I know there have been 2 charts done in the past for 2 songs from a previous album of theirs. This Canadian post-hardcore band’s song came in an album track pack and is the 2nd track on their 4th album.


    Song 3: Last, of course it wouldn’t be a Viv track pack without some emo. This emo song was released in a massive DLC pack and features a single from this well known emo band’s self-titled album. All I’ll tell you is that it’s the first time I’ve charted the word “puke” for a chorus.


    Happy guessing!

    I can’t be specific cause I’m a little shit who loves guessing games, but I’ve got a song from your playlist planned somewhere down the pipeline (probably within the next couple months) that I’ve been itching to do for a long time.

    in reply to: Songs you can’t believe haven’t been done yet? #490469

    I wish I could contribute to this with some songs released this millennium but I can’t seem to think of any at the moment. Instead I’ll appeal to all the old fogeys here <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

    Was very surprised this song hasn’t been done.


    I’m not too keen on older songs but there’s a chance if no one gets to it by the year 2020 I might give it a shot

    in reply to: Charting Rock Band DLC that has been removed from store? #489673

    We simply don’t want anything that has already been done by Harmonix. There are many reasons, and when it comes to pulled content of the reasons is that we don’t want users to wait for content to be pulled to get it as custom content. And there is nothing about this open to discussion, so please don’t try to argue about it because if we only had one rule it would be this one.


    Also, your question assumes we would stop you from authoring anything, which is bizarre. You are allowed to author anything of course, no one is telling you what you can and can’t do on your own time (I have authored some RB4 content for myself to also play it in RB3), you just can’t release it here.



    Farottone gave you one No.


    Here is another No.




    (P.S. Do whatever you want on your time time and web space).


    Ok, thank you. I’m sorry if it seemed like I was going to try to argue cause I understand you guys put in a lot of effort into this site and your work and can understand the rules of it.

    I guess I’ve never thought of just doing it and not posting out of respect I guess so it never even crossed my mind to do it anyway lol, I’ve adhered to the C3 rules so charting an official HMX song just feels dirty to me haha.


    Thank you

    in reply to: Charting Rock Band DLC that has been removed from store? #489659

    What I’m hoping for is someone like Farrotone or TrojanNemo to weigh in and give some reasoning, just getting a “nope” with no reasoning isn’t what I’m looking for

    in reply to: converting Guitar Hero to Rock Band: midis? chart lists? #489637

    OK thank you! I’ve gotten charts for 3 of the songs and I’m throwing the midis in now. Working like a charm!


    The only problem is, I didn’t find any midis for a song I’m doing from Guitar Hero 3. If they’re not in bluzer’s thread am I out of luck or would they be somewhere else?

    in reply to: converting Guitar Hero to Rock Band: midis? chart lists? #489619

    REAPER imports midi, you just have to drag them into the program. Make sure you are inserting the MIDI at the first beat of the project. You then need to manually make adjustments for Rock Band.


    Alternatively you could load the MIDI in EoF and save it as a Rock Band MIDI, though the first method is prefered.

    Ok, I’ll give the first one a shot and see how it goes


    Not entirely related, but you should also check the Customs Database on this site to make sure that a given song you’re wanting to convert hasn’t already been converted by someone else. The entirety of both World Tour’s and Metallica’s setlists have been converted by GHtoRB3, as well as a lot of other songs from other games, and there are also converts done by other authors as well (I myself have ported “Bloodlines” by Dethklok, for example). This way you can save time on some songs that may already have a conversion done.

    lol don’t worry I have made sure to, I’m only converting 4 songs and I’ve double and triple checked to make sure they haven’t been done

    in reply to: converting Guitar Hero to Rock Band: midis? chart lists? #489616

    Official Guitar Hero charts can be found in bluzer’s Phase Shift conversion thread, on the Frets on Fire forums. You can import the midi, including all difficulties, into REAPER and then adjust for the Rock Band authoring requirements.


    Hope that helps!

    OK, what would I use to import the midis? Do I just use Reaper and throw them in and it will do the rest?

    in reply to: Viv’s Custom Pile (Guitar Hero 3-Pack! 10/1) #487935

    Oops…I guess it’s been a while. I’m sorry I had promised you all some content and I just…couldn’t muster the motivation. Blame it on my ADD, baby.

    For real though, I’ve had a rough couple of months mentally and so I’ve been focusing on easy things to relax. Charting songs is a very taxing thing as you all may know, and it’s been just hard to sit down and do it, especially doing all difficulties which just feels like death. So here’s the good news: I have an entire album, along with 2 other songs fully charted with expert charts, up to my standards (which I would like to think are high charting standards). I’m not sure when or if I’ll ever get the difficulties done for them although I would like to. If you all would prefer me to release them as is without other difficulties I can do that, although I’d prefer to have all difficulties. I just don’t know when I can do it, and concerning CAT reductions, I can’t seem to figure it out how to get it to work right to have them properly done.


    What I am able to offer are 2 songs I made last summer that never got released, as well as mentioning an update to a previous track.

    I’m sorry again to not be able to bring you the content I’ve promised and wanted to bring.


    Gun by CHVRCHES


    High Enough to Carry You Over by CHVRCHES


    There was also an update by atupomaruru (check his thread here to Interdimensional Voyage on a Ghostly Passenger Ship by ZUN, you can check the updated chart here:

    in reply to: Viv’s Custom Pile (Guitar Hero 3-Pack! 10/1) #483433

    :smug: :v: :golfclap: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> :lol: :smug: :v: :golfclap: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> :lol: :smug: :v: :golfclap: <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> :lol:


    Gotcha!!!! April Fool’s!


    You thought I was dead and done with customs but I fooled all of you heheeh you should see the look on your faces!


    So it was a joke that I was done with making customs!

    It was a ruse that I wouldn’t come back and make more songs!


    So this means: VIV IS BACK!!!


    As of now I have some songs planned for release! And although I have no set schedule, I would like to try and release a pack every month! Let’s see how long this lasts this time haha.

    in reply to: Childish Gambino? #481112

    This entire album is full of amazing songs for Rock Band. I’d love Boogieman and Redbone also. If I wasn’t retired I’d do them myself, but I already have way too much on my plate and no time to go back to working on songs.

    You made me come out of hiding to say thank you! I can’t even play them right now cause my XBOX is busted but the fact that you’ve released them is reason enough to celebrate! Plus the Dance Gavin Dance you did a while back. Keep it up! And have fun at Neverender you lucky devil :qq:

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