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  • in reply to: Thank You Scientist #479416

    You know, considering they put out a new album this year (and one of my favorites of the year to boot) I’m amazed that not only are none of their older songs on the database, but that only two people have even seemed to mention them on the forums at all. Really great band, and some amazing songs I’d love to see given the Rock Band treatment. Especially the RB3 treatment, since while they don’t have keys they have violin, trumpet, and saxophone parts to put on the keyboard chart. …Though working out exactly what to do with those parts might also present the biggest challenge in charting their music (aside from not having officially published lyrics to most songs, so some parts are hard to decipher the words to).


    I have seen someone post the entire Maps of Non-existent Places album on guitar charts to YouTube, charted and recorded in Phase Shift. The charts tend to include the violin, trumpet, and sax parts on occasion, so they might need to be filtered over and have the charts properly separated for full band purposes. …Additionally I’d really like to see some songs from their EP The Perils of Time Travel, as well as their new album Stranger Heads Prevail.


    The Perils of Time Travel


    -Leave Your Light On

    -Make Like a Tree (Get Out)

    (The other two songs, Grin and Gemini, would also be good but those are the three big ones I’d want to see.)


    Stranger Heads Prevail


    -Mr. Invisible

    -Blue Automatic

    -Rube Goldberg Variations

    -The Amateur Arsonist’s Handbook

    (And any others, but again those are the big ones I want to see.)


    …Honestly I almost want to learn charting to do these but they’re probably not going to be super easy to do with no practice. But since I want to see some stuff from this great new band on this site, I feel like this thread deserved a response.

    in reply to: Ayreon – Human Equation #467782

    Lmao. The Dev is amazing. BUT those are legitimately the only ones I’ve found. And I’m a legitimate Ayreon fan. I’m down to reduce it if someone can chart “The Theory Of Everything”. I love that album! I have a Star One song waiting to be done too. :o

    Alright then! Sorry if I seemed rude or anything, I didn’t mean to. And I’d definitely love to see more from Ayreon in the future, and like I said would chart a few of the songs if I felt like having some practice would help me do the music justice. And definitely more Star One as well, though the fact that they have four singers might make the vocal harmonies a bit tricky at times. But I’m sure there’s a way to get it to work.


    (Also somewhat off topic but I’m definitely pumped for the new Haken album as well, if your picture is any indication. I may or may not have listened to the two singles nonstop when they came out…)

    in reply to: Ayreon – Human Equation #467260

    Indeed, full band charts would be nice, even for the songs that have guitar only charts. Day Sixteen: Loser has an organ solo performed by the organ player from Uriah Heep (no joke) that would be honestly pretty sick to have a keyboard part charted to play. Not to mention that the vocals would be pretty great for basically any and all Ayreon songs.


    Also I realized a few things from my list. I somehow completely forgot about the songs from Into the Electric Castle, there’s some good stuff there to be charted. And unfortunately some of the songs I listed (mainly the We Are Forever section of Age of Shadows/We Are Forever) run into some serious multi-layer harmony vocals that would be impossible to properly chart for vocals, and difficult to condense in a sufficient manner. There’s one part of that song which has the same woman singing at least six separate vocal lines at once. A lot of it (probably the binary string spoken word vocals, which covers at least three of the tracks in and of itself) would probably have to be left off the vocal chart entirely.

    in reply to: Ayreon – Human Equation #467191

    Alright, this may be better as an edit to my previous post rather than as a separate one, but searching the forums I found that beard216 has at least a few more Ayreon conversions that aren’t on the database. This is because they were posted in his thread before the database was added to the site. They’re also all guitar-only from what I’ve seen, as per usual from him, but in any case they do exist. The search feature only takes me to the first “hit” in the thread, which is from late last May. I couldn’t page all the way through the thread (It’s pretty huge, it’s 53 pages and counting for me and the earliest hit is on page 11) but I found guitar-only charts of Day Three: Pain, Day Eight: School, and Day Sixteen: Loser. …I’m guessing he’s a Devin Townsend fan.


    Here’s a link to the thread in question.

    in reply to: Ayreon – Human Equation #467143

    I can definitely agree with this post. I found the Ayreon project a couple years back and love pretty much everything from it, and The Human Equation is probably my favorite album from it too. Probably my favorite rock opera alongside Scenes From a Memory. I think I remember seeing something for Day Three: Pain in the old customs repository back before the database existed, but I don’t know much about that chart. That’s also the only Ayreon chart I saw in it, period. As for the database as it exists, there’s two guitar-only customs (beard216 converted FoF charts of My House on Mars and Chaos from the Universal Migrator albums) and the RBN release of Dawn of a Million Souls, also from the UM albums. It’s a shame, there’s plenty of Ayreon material begging to be made.


    I’ll go ahead and add a short list of songs that I think need made in some capacity, starting with The Human Equation since this is the main topic but also including a few from other albums that I think deserve some consideration.


    The Human Equation:

    Day Two: Isolation

    Day Five: Voices

    Day Seven: Hope

    Day Eleven: Love

    Day Fourteen: Pride

    Day Sixteen: Loser


    Others (Album title in parentheses):

    Eyes of Time (The Final Experiment)

    Sail Away to Avalon (The Final Experiment)

    Listen to the Waves (The Final Experiment)

    Carried by the Wind (Universal Migrator Part 1: The Dream Sequencer)

    Journey on the Waves of Time (Universal Migrator Part 2: Flight of the Migrator)

    The New Migrator (Universal Migrator Part 2: Flight of the Migrator)

    Age of Shadows/We Are Forever (01011001) (…Yes, I have that title memorized)

    Liquid Eternity (01011001)

    Ride the Comet (01011001)

    Unnatural Selection (01011001) (No, it’s not the same as the Muse song from the same year with the same title. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />)

    River of Time (01011001)


    The Theory of Everything is a weird one to put in here because it’s made up of four seamless, twenty-odd-minute “phases” with nine to eleven separate tracks each. Given the seamless flow, separating out individual tracks would be impossible for some of the album. But charting the phases as units presents more issues… It’d probably be hard to chart the vocals out in a sensible manner, seeing how there’s so many different vocalists, but for those who don’t mind longer suite-type customs on the instruments it’d be a damn fine album to have.


    …That probably wasn’t a short list, was it. Long story short I love Ayreon (along with Arjen Anthony Lucassen’s other projects like Star One and Guilt Machine) and they’re criminally underrepresented here, especially with how the customs community has plenty of prog rock/metal fans. If I get good enough at charting to handle as complex music as this, I’d definitely be willing to give it a crack, but I don’t think at present I can make any promises on such challenging music to chart.

    in reply to: A few more Tool Songs! #466898

    Why do so many authors have songs in threads like that instead of in the actual database?

    I don’t know… I mean, maybe I think about this differently than most, and perhaps as someone who hasn’t yet attempted to chart a song my opinion on the matter isn’t valid… But especially since the shift from weekly releases to the database, I see customs that appear only in the forum threads as being an unspoken “work in progress”. That is, they aren’t quite ready for the database yet, but are there for people to download and critique if they really want the songs. At least that’s how I’d treat it, with songs I’d chart being put on the database once I’m satisfied that the quality is up to scratch. But others may see it differently, and in any case that’s neither here nor there with regards to this part of the forums.


    On topic, I do definitely agree that a few more Tool charts in the database would be great.


    EDIT: Just think that I should add something to clarify, I do realize that for people who have been posting charts in threads since before the shift, my view certainly wouldn’t hold, especially for cases where the person who charted the songs is either unable or unwilling to put in the time to post them to the database proper. But eventually it would be nice to have an organized, complete database of all the customs available on the site. …In any case even what we have now is extremely impressive.

    in reply to: The Sound of Silence #466771

    I really love how well that cover worked, you wouldn’t necessarily think a band like Disturbed could cover Simon and Garfunkel like that, but they really pulled it off. I read that Paul Simon himself says he approves of it, which means a lot, especially when the cover is from a completely different genre than the original song. …Needless to say I’d love to see this playable at some point, and since I’m probably not going to get RB4 in the foreseeable future I’d definitely love to have it here.

    Very interesting, eclectic mix of music, I can approve!


    John Denver – “Country Roads”


    I feel like as a West Virginian I’m almost obligated to give this a +1, although I also feel obligated to be pedantic and mention the full title of the song is “Take Me Home, Country Roads”. =P


    Still, it would be a great song to have around in general, and especially to those of us in the Mountain State. …If I ever get around to learning how to chart I may actually be interested in trying to chart it myself, or at least help someone else. But we’ll see if I’m any good at it, or if I’ll ever get a computer I trust to start using the software I need.(My current laptop is admittedly on its last legs…)

    in reply to: 3 Band Requests (Rishloo/Bloom/Kaipa) #465355

    I’ve actually completely coincidentally listened to Rishloo a bit lately, and I really should check out more of their stuff, it is really good. I didn’t actually remember them having any songs on RBN (perhaps due to playing the games for the Wii, and therefore having very limited access to only some of the earliest RBN tracks), but I’ll definitely check out more from them soon, as well as some of the other groups you mentioned. In the meantime I’ll add a tentative +1 for anything by Rishloo, because I get the feeling I’d definitely be interested in at least a few songs from them!

    in reply to: Aussie Songs #464733

    I posted a thread a little while back requesting a particular Australian artist that may be a bit obscure, and also rather… bizarre. But it still fits the overall request. It’s currently buried down around the sixth page of the Song Request forum, but I wrote a lot there so rather than repeating myself I’ll just link the thread.



    The artist in question is Mike Mills (aka Toehider), and he has some admittedly strange songs that go all across the different genres you can think of playing with guitar (electric or acoustic), drums, and/or keyboards. If I get a chance to really attempt to do some charting myself I’ll probably give some of his work a shot, just because I doubt that otherwise too many will do it. But in any case I’d love to see some of his music get into the database, even if it’s a long shot.

    in reply to: Unique Song Requests #464635

    I wouldn’t mind the original “Reach Out To The Truth” from the PS2 version of Persona 4, not sure how I feel about that remix

    Yeah. Maybe *a* remix would work but that one in particular seemed a bit off to me, at least for Rock Band purposes.


    Also on the note of Persona soundtracks, I mentioned this in another thread but I’d love the soundtrack-exclusive “Dark Hour” version of Light the Fire Up in the Night from Persona Q. Really good fit for Rock Band if you ask me.

    in reply to: Game Music Requests #464477

    If we’re talking fan arrangements and remixes, I could definitely get behind some tracks from Metroid Metal being on here. I think some may already have been made into customs, and I know non-C3 customs of some of them have existed since GH2 was the main game people put custom songs into. But more of them and more easily accessible charts can’t hurt.


    If we’re talking actual game music, there’s definitely some official game soundtrack songs that could work in a Rock Band arrangement, even without stretching instrument definitions. One game in particular I’d like to see some customs from would be Xenoblade Chronicles, because even if the songs are overhyped/overexposed, there’s no denying You Will Know Our Names, Mechanical Rhythm, and possibly Engage the Enemy would work pretty well as customs.


    Also this is on the brain since someone mentioned Persona music in another thread: the Dark Hour mix of Light the Fire Up in the Night that was exclusive to the soundtrack of Persona Q: Shadows of the Labyrinth.

    in reply to: Unique Song Requests #464474

    I had to check the link to see if that was THE Reach Out to the Truth I thought it was.


    It was. And I approve.

    in reply to: Song Request List – Disregard Previous Post #463061

    Is it sad that I want to give +1 to You Can Call Me Al almost entirely for that short bass solo? It’s a great song too but that’s what I really want to play from it.

    in reply to: Panic! At The Disco – Death of a Bachelor #462424

    +1. Would love Golden Days or Crazy=Genius

    Golden Days would definitely be a great one as well, and probably be one of the easier ones to make into a full band custom. I’ll also add Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time to my list, though I’m not certain how the rules regarding officially charted songs apply to the fact that it samples an officially released song (Rock Lobster). …It probably wouldn’t affect too much but it’s better to be sure.

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