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Last I heard, TheWay wanted to handle CC, so it maybe coming eventually.
I’ve also got some good progress on God Called in Sick Today. Need to find someone to handle one section of the drums and the expert charts are done.
Dude, you are an actual legend. I didn’t realise you were the OP until after I added my +1 and thanks to you I’ve gotten a lot of my favorite AFI songs already so I just want to say thanks for learning how to make them and all the hard work you put in to them, they’re really good!
“Our preference is to minimize the number of redundant threads, so, whenever possible, structure your requests around a specific genre or artist/band, and before posting a new thread, check to see if something exists. We’re not going to freak out about duplicate threads, but I can tell you that replies in a given thread echoing support for a given artist or song are more effective in getting us to notice them that having seven hundred different MOAR MUSE threads”
I’m not trying to be a dick, but it just annoys me when I am trying to do the right thing and people point me out like I’m stupid for doing it.
Instead of making another thread, I used one that already has the song I wanted to add my +1. Sorry if there’s something wrong with that.
Dude this post is 5 years old
And the song hasn’t been done yet, your point is?
+1 for Carcinogen Crush
I really want to see God Called in Sick Today at some point too. I think its pretty much one of the only “old” AFI songs that the band still plays live.
I don’t know what you mean by “+1”.
It means I also want that song. The more people show they want specific songs, the more that song is likely to get noticed by someone who would be willing to chart it.
A couple of well known pop songs that I am surprised haven’t been done yet
Kelly Clarkson – Since U Been Gone
The Veronicas – 4 EverAlso This
When you reach the limit you get a popup saying that you are over the limit and it ignores songs over the limit.
I have had freezing happen before with issues like ghost songs.
So no, you don’t always get the warning message but I get what you’re saying.
Did you also delete the old cache file? it might be attempting to go over 3000 songs in the cache even though you unplugged your other ones.
I’m a pretty big fan of the higher end Logitech PC speakers, I am running the 5.1 Z906 in my room with my gaming PC and Scorpio, and in the lounge room where I play Rock Band I have my old speakers, the Z623 system, which is still an amazing sounding stereo sound set for blasting music. I’d really love to hear what those bad boys sound like in the OP though.
As a long-time Sum 41 fan who hated Underclass Hero and Screaming Bloody Murder, I was shocked when I loved 13 Voices. It’s a relief they’re continuing the awesome-comeback streak! I like the new single a lot. That said, I won’t be charting it…
…but that said, I will have at least two Sum 41 songs for Canada Day releases this year. They are full-band upgrades of customs already available in the database, but I also hope to get an original song from their first EP into the mix. Fingers crossed!
And fingers crossed the new album is good all around! Thanks for the heads-up.
It seems we have very similar tastes in music!
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_cheeky.001.gif” />
Still hoping to see “What We’re All About” someday.
Really glad they’re still making music though, love me some Sum 41.
Oh my god yes!
You seriously guessed the third one
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />
Wow, these are amazing! Thanks to everyone who was involved in these fantastic conversions and especially to those who added Keys and Pro instruments!
+1 for Ready to Die – Andrew WK
I can revise and release it here, right now I’m kinda slow because I’ve been very ill lately, and I didn’t have the time to release anything new by now, but you can send me if you want.
I am so sorry I didn’t see your reply sooner. I will send you what I have! Thanks for wanting to check it out!
+1 for “And the Hero Will Drown”
Easily my favorite song by that band and it takes me back to NFS Underground. Damn, it would be fantastic in Rock Band.
+1 to Not Your Kind of People. I have probably spent more hours watching the MGS V trailer with that song rather than playing the game (Not really but you get the idea).