Forum Replies Created
Incredible work all. Thank you so much. I’ll be making my donation tomorrow post-Bank Holiday. Happy New Year to everyone and thanks again.
December 25, 2019 at 9:34 pm in reply to: Chart-a-thon Final Day, Final Release! C3 NYE Bash! #508700Good evening friends. I and my good friend Bansheeflyer are here to bring you the completed Pearl Jam classic album vs. When it was released in late 1993 it shattered any doubts about a sophomore slump and was arguably the most raw and aggressive record they would ever release. The playing and songwriting is superb from start to finish. I hope you will all enjoy this mammonth effort. A few song were previously released but have been updated with the authors blessings. Check my own archives for the missing tracks and stay tuned for mb1nightmare’s update for the opening track “Go”.
GUITAR: froogle
BASS: Kloporte
GUITAR: Bansheeflyer
GUITAR/BASS: Nunchuck/Sygenysis
GUITAR: Bansheeflyer
GUITAR: Bansheeflyer
GUITAR: Bansheeflyer
GUITAR: Bansheeflyer
GUITAR: mb1nightmare
GUITAR: Bansheeflyer
Song Count: 269
Coming up – grubextrapolate & MrPrezident come through with a curious release for y’all.Oh my… Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyy.
December 19, 2019 at 10:01 am in reply to: Chart-a-thon Final Day, Final Release! C3 NYE Bash! #508504Just the quickest of notes to say a collective thank you to everyone for their efforts during this event. I’ve not been able to play RB for waaaaay too long but am enjoying picking up some of these amazing customs and reading through the write-ups, watching the vids, etc. I will be dropping my coin appropriately and can’t wait to see what else is in the pipeline.
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December 1, 2019 at 10:01 pm in reply to: Chart-a-thon Final Day, Final Release! C3 NYE Bash! #508066Excellent.
November 25, 2019 at 8:41 pm in reply to: Chart-a-thon Final Day, Final Release! C3 NYE Bash! #507932Ooooooooooooh.
Great idea again, folks.
A question: do all songs made across all the communities for their platforms make their way into each game? Example: if a Clone Hero chart is created will a RB3 ‘version’ be created as a matter of course? I suspect not but wanted to check.
I like the concept of bidding for songs to be created but also recognize the risk (as it were) of a chart being created the bidder isn’t happy with. Will these charts be at official C3 levels (you know what I mean) of quality? If so then there’s a baseline of quality that’s inherent and that’s probably all that can be asked for. I think bidding for certain authors is a slippery slope that might put people under a bit of pressure… Like someone mentioned above, I might want author(s) x and y but neither of them like the song or feel inspired to do it. What happens then?
I think if there’s a baseline of quality involved (C3 levels) then the mods / coordinators can be left to dish them out (assuming there are takers at all).
Unbelievable release. A true highlight from Vs and then loads of brilliant Suede. Plus more goodies besides. Thank you all.
June 8, 2019 at 12:16 pm in reply to: C3X World Tour: Leg Three, Week Three: Guilty Pleasures, et cetera #505521Nice work all. Great excuse to get stuck into a-ha tracks that aren’t the massive hits!
May 16, 2019 at 10:11 am in reply to: C3X World Tour: Leg 2 Week 17 Finale – “The Beatles Legacy / Happy Birthday, Ghostbyob!” #505246Good grief that is one helluva birthday blowout! Amazing work all!
A thousand yesses!
May 3, 2019 at 7:58 pm in reply to: C3X World Tour: Leg Two Week 15 – “May Day! May Day! May Day!” #504825Unbelievable work, everyone. Thank you.
And whilst we’re all trading Division Bell stories, I was consumed by that album at the time of release. I managed to get hold of a massive cardboard promo of the artwork which I had on my wall (not The Wall, my wall) for ages and went to see them tour with the album, catching the very last night of the tour at Earl’s Court (RIP). An incredible show – and it was so early in my Pink Floyd career I didn’t know Wish You Were Here at all, so them opening with ‘Shine On…’ was new and mind-blowing to me as a 15 year old kid. I cried during ‘High Hopes’ and then they played the entirety of ‘Dark Side Of The Moon’ in the second half of the show as well as other classics. A genuinely incredible night and I feel very fortunate to see it.
April 14, 2019 at 10:59 pm in reply to: Yaniv’s workshop – Andrew Bird 3-Pack!! (Plus loads of Pavement, and much more!) #504435Great work!
Im falling behind but thank you for the releases!
March 25, 2019 at 11:55 pm in reply to: C3X World Tour: Leg Two, Week Ten: New Wave Extravaganza #504055What a sensational week! Going to grab all of these for sure. And after a write up as effusive as the one for This Years Model Im going to listen to the album tomorrow. Thank you all for your work.
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Completely agree with the above!