What was your first Harmonix game?

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    My first Harmonix game was Frequency for PS2, then I played the first Guitar Hero and finaly, the best game for me, Rock Band

      Actually, mine was probably one of their installation pieces at Disney World.


      (That is, so long as “instilling a sense of play” counts for being a “game”…)


        I discovered and played Guitar Hero 1 a few months before Guitar Hero 2 on the PS2 was released.


        GH2 on the ps2. Sweet Child o’ Mine, Less talk more rokk, Free Bird, and YYZ was my life!


          Guitar Hero 2 as well. When I got my Xbox 360 it was an unspoken law to get Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, and to a lesser extent, GH2, so I got all three.


          Needless to say I do not regret any of those choices.


          …Rock Band 2. i’ve always been late to the party when it comes to video games. :sweatdrop:


            First one that I bought was Rock Band 2. I bought an Xbox 360 just for that one.

            First HMX game I played was the original Guitar Hero. It was…rad.


            I had always been a PC gamer !


            Until I played Guitar Hero 2 at a friends house. Told him if they every make a game like this with drums, I’d be all over it.

            Then I discovered Rock Band 1. Went the next day purchased a Rock Band 1 full band pack & Xbox 360 “Been Hooked ” ever since…..


              I started with TBRB as my first game from Harmonix…and that was in January of 2011. Then I got RB3, and then all the other games to import into RB3, and the rest is history. I never played GH1/GH2 except maybe at arcades?


                I had their PC program, “The Axe” back in the 90’s. My dad and I used to mess around with that thing so much. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” /> Think like digital guitar pedals before digital guitar pedals and stuff. Lol.


                Then Amplitude.


                THEN GUITAR HERO! *been history ever since*


                *reads wikipedia* I guess I was one of 300 people who purchased “The Axe”. :o I guess you can say I was an early investor! Ha!


                  Amplitude and Karaoke Revolution.


                    I played GH2 on a kiosk at Wal-Mart, and I remember having fun, even if I was a bit confused at first. Then a few years later I got Rock Band 2, and fell in love with it.


                      For me it was Guitar Hero 2 as well, but on Playstation 2 with a regular controller. That already clicked immensely.
                      Then there was a deal on Neversoft’s Guitar Hero 3 bundled with 2 guitar controllers.
                      On june 24th in 2011 I ordered Rock Band 3 for Xbox 360 after buying 2 discounted and repackaged Band Hero sets.

                      That might have been the point where it all went wrong special and I unwittingly started on my quest to live in a house built entirely from plastic instruments.
                      (Maybe I should ask Trojan Nemo and Farottone to have a look at the building plans of their respective dwellings <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> )


                        Rock Band 1. I watched some guys play GH that got knocked out of a poker game I was at (it wasn’t long before I had to sit and watch). My wife and I had just had our first baby along with 2 girls she worked with. Us husbands were kind of forced upon each other and we would play Wii while the wives talked and the babies sat in a corner in their carriers. So I bought Rock Band to mix it up. At first we pushed the microphone away – “I’m not singing, YOU sing…”. Now it’s game on and we have every RB release and around 800 paid downloads. We suck, but loads of laughs especially attempting to harmonize. C3 was like finding gold!


                        Guitar hero: Rock’s the 80s and RB1 around the same time

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