weezer weezer weezer 2/23/2019 ☀High As A Kite☀

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  • #434821

    Do You Might Think


    I will try

    Do You Might Think


    “you might think” is up. never knew they did a cover, thanks for the suggestion. wanted to get it up as next week is the holdiays. haven’t tested but pretty straight forward, will test over the weekend. Enjoy!


    “crab” is up and some updates


    I downloaded You Might Think and it doesn’t appear on Rock Band


    strange works on my end as I’ve been testing it. Do you know off hand if the original “Cars” version is in Rock Band? If anyone knows how to solve this issue please let me know. I can recompile it but I doubt it will solve the problem unless I rename something? Thanks in advance


    I recompiled it with a different song ID and version number. I don’t know if this will help but give it a try and let me know




      Way to do Crab. Outside of “Keep Fishin'” it was probably my one remaining Weezer favorite that you hadn’t gotten to.



      Way to do Crab. Outside of “Keep Fishin'” it was probably my one remaining Weezer favorite that you hadn’t gotten to.


      “Keep Fishin” up

      Happy New Years guys!

        Way to do Crab. Outside of “Keep Fishin'” it was probably my one remaining Weezer favorite that you hadn’t gotten to.


        “Keep Fishin” up

        Happy New Years guys!


        No way! You rock and thanks a hundred times over. What’s left for you to release, Rivers reading the phone book? <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


        If you feel like branching out, there’s all kinds of great, Weezer-esque alt-rock that would be very welcome, like Jimmy Eat World, Death Cab for Cutie, They Might Be Giants, etc. Regardless, thanks for providing so much great charting!


        I love your work, and I love me some weezer! Great job, I hope “I can’t stop partying” is coming soon ;-) it would be a great party song to do. Thanks for the great weezer tracks, keep em coming, and keep up the great work.

        I love your work, and I love me some weezer! Great job, I hope “I can’t stop partying” is coming soon ;-) it would be a great party song to do. Thanks for the great weezer tracks, keep em coming, and keep up the great work.


        I appreciate it!

        I will absolutely do can’t stop partying for you. I didn’t think anyone cared for it. I will most likely do the coconut teaser version if that’s ok. Will have it for you monday.

          I love your work, and I love me some weezer! Great job, I hope “I can’t stop partying” is coming soon ;-) it would be a great party song to do. Thanks for the great weezer tracks, keep em coming, and keep up the great work.


          I appreciate it!

          I will absolutely do can’t stop partying for you. I didn’t think anyone cared for it. I will most likely do the coconut teaser version if that’s ok. Will have it for you monday.

          YESSSS!!! I was gonna mention the coconut version because it has some fun sounding drums.


          Awesome! I love the coconut version, as much as I hate to say this, I really like Lil Waynes part in the album version..if somehow you can do both versions, that’d be awesome, either way, thank you for the reply, and keep on keeping on ;-)

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