weezer weezer weezer 2/23/2019 ☀High As A Kite☀

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  • #431776
    Just hear the trilogy, I think it’s awesome. Can’t wait to play it! Any chance of Heart Songs coming out any time soon? I don’t know how you pump this out so goddamn fast, you’re a fucking wizard.


    “Heart Songs” up

      Just hear the trilogy, I think it’s awesome. Can’t wait to play it! Any chance of Heart Songs coming out any time soon? I don’t know how you pump this out so goddamn fast, you’re a fucking wizard.


      “Heart Songs” up

      Man, I couldn’t agree more! It’s amazing how fast you did all those songs in such a good quality with FB and reductions! Thanks again for your great work! I will continue downloading all the stuff you bring to us! :excited:


      Have you ever thought about converting something from the Ramones after you finished Weezer? :shobon:


      Thank you hamburger! I am a fan but I haven’t thought about what’s next.

      As I said before, when I get into something I go all out but before you know it I’m on to something else so get em while you can. There’s still a lot more weezer for me to do so keep checking in. I’m also making minor minor updates as I get a chance to play test the songs so please stay updated. Thanks again guys, your comments are appreciated!


      “pardon me” is up

      another severely underrated song

        “pardon me” is up

        another severely underrated song

        I just wanted to say how glad I am that you are doing songs from Make Believe. I hear constant hate about the album, but I’ve always enjoyed it. Thanks again!


        Thank you zelda! I really appreciate it. I don’t understand the hate but who cares right?


        Thanks again for working on this stuff! May I ask what state Getchoo and Falling For You are in? Can’t wait to get my hands on those too.


        Happy Halloween!

        “Getchoo” is up and so is “Butterfly”. That should finish off Pinkerton.

        Butterfly only has Guitar and Vocals but I don’t know how to edit that in visualizer. Have a great Halloween everyone!


        thanks for finishing off pinkerton.


        Would I be the only one who’d wnat to play pinkerton front to back as one long song. I think the album clocks in at 34 minutes…might be a little long, but it’d be a f#(@#(# blast!


        you’re welcome proto. yeah I think that would be awesome. The new album is another that would work real well as a long song.


        Best Halloween confirmed. Thanks again!


        I’m getting a page can not be displayed message when trying to DL these. Can’t wait for some of the mighty W!


        Coma, maybe dropbox servers were down earlier? I don’t know but just tried every song this morning and all downloads are working


        “Glorious Day” up


        Thanks for all of this. Pinkerton is one of my favorite albums.


        Some of these songs would be so much better with harmonies though. Like Go Away or even anything off of Pinkerton for that matter. That would be great.

        Definitely a lot more songs left to do though. Keep up the awesome work.


        thanks pubert! I wish I had time for harmonies too and i’ll do my best to go over songs like “go away” and add them when I have time. Thanks for taking the time to join us and comment. hope you enjoy!

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