weezer weezer weezer 2/23/2019 ☀High As A Kite☀

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  • #431383
    About the trilogy, I think a good option would be doing what Harmonix did with 2112. Release each song individually and also a combined version (if possible)


    yes I like this idea. Thanks


    “falling for you” is up

      “falling for you” is up



      Sweet! Definitely a favorite of mine.


      “peace” added


      “simple pages”added


      excellent! another three great songs! thank you so much!


      “miss sweeney” added!!!

      excellent! another three great songs! thank you so much!


      You are most welcome Super!

      About the trilogy, I think a good option would be doing what Harmonix did with 2112. Release each song individually and also a combined version (if possible)


      “The Futurescope Trilogy” is up.


      Thanks for the suggestion guys. Instead of 3 separate songs with 2 of them only 2mins each I made the trilogy:

      I. The Wasteland

      II. Anonymous

      III. Return to Ithaka


      and “Anonymous” has a standalone version.


      whoo-hoo! the first complete weezer album in RB3! never would have thought that this would be the latest one. I think the combined version of the trilogy works perfectly. you rock! :excited:


      thanks super I appreciate it. the trilogy is sooooo good. Still trying to figure out how to do the ending but the big rock ending works for now. Enjoy!


        Just hear the trilogy, I think it’s awesome. Can’t wait to play it! Any chance of Heart Songs coming out any time soon? I don’t know how you pump this out so goddamn fast, you’re a fucking wizard.


        Thanks C16. I made a change to trilogy this morning so download again if you get a chance. nothing huge, just missed a bass drum note.

        Heart songs will be up tomorrow. Thanks again!


        Looks like you’re close to being finished with weezer, any plans for another band afterwards ?


        nothing planned yet

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