weezer weezer weezer 2/23/2019 ☀High As A Kite☀

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  • #430915
      Yes for sure. Updated them today. WIP

      Awesome. It was really hard to wait for those updates but I wanted them to be completely done before I got them. Thanks for all the awesome songs!


      “waiting on you” added and some updates


        Thanks for the modification of the IJTOTLOMD Vocals! It’s better now.


          lol…..so intense!


          Zelda, glad the vocals are improved. the vocals were all over the place. thanks for the feedback.

          Hopefully will have the remaining 2 songs from ewbaite up tomorrow, need to test them out.


          “I’ve had it up to here” and

          “Anonymous” added. Some updates too


          I’ll be honest, when you said “the remaining two songs,” I expected the entire Futurescope trilogy to show up, but suppose I can’t complain since we have the rest of this whole great album <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


          Thanks again for working on this stuff! May I ask what state Getchoo and Falling For You are in? Can’t wait to get my hands on those too.


          bony, I didn’t know if people would want the entire trilogy. I really have no idea how everyone would feel about 2 parts that are instrumental. I can always add on “the waste land” and “return to ithika” to anonymous or release them as separate songs. I don’t know what I’m going to do just yet.


          As for “getchoo”, I never charted it because it’s always been my least favorite on the album but i’m sure it wouldn’t take longer than a day to do. I’ll get that done before I tackle maladroit. “falling for you” is done but I need to add OD.

          I slowed charting down as I felt interest has died down with the weezer stuff. I still have the remaining green album and make believe to release (all songs are done but no OD). I’ve focused on getting out the new album but now that it’s done I will go back and touch up the remaining songs. I’ve also made numerous corrections and updates as i’ve learned more and more from all the feedback. thanks!


          I’ll have falling for you on monday. have a great weekend!


            If you’ve noticed a lack of enthusiasm it’s probably because you’ve been providing such an embarrassment of riches!


            thanks for filling my hard drive with so much Weezer!


            Sounds good! I think with how progressive and surprisingly deep the trilogy is, people would love to play them (I know I would!). Whether you want to release them as one song or as three songs, that’s up to you. It definitely works for me in any case!


            Gotcha, I do hope to see Getchoo one day but I won’t pester ya, can’t force you to do songs you don’t like. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

            Definitely hope to see Maladroit too, but same deal. If you get burnt out, don’t sweat it. I promise you there’s definitely still some interest in more Weezer, though, and it’s not just from me.


            I will definitely do getchoo for you. Thanks for the encouragement.


            hahahaha…..thanks for the laugh “?” !


              About the trilogy, I think a good option would be doing what Harmonix did with 2112. Release each song individually and also a combined version (if possible)


              speaking of a combined version, how complicated would it be to to pinkerton combined. I think without girlfriend it’d be 30 minutes. It’d be a blast to do all at once. Frankly so would the blue album.



              looking forward to green album too…sadly weezer died then for me, but the work you’re doing is really awesome. Good work Green!

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