RB4 online multiplayer not confirmed…

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  • #447053

    If online multiplayer is omitted from the disc and not a day one dlc item I’ll be saving a lot of money not getting it or the PS4 to play it on.


    Without online I have nobody to play with.


    The only reason I want gold is to play online in Rock Band 3 and play Guitar Hero Smash Hits Online (Never find anyone on smash hits <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />)


    And I would not be happy if it goes.


      I think I remember watching the video where this question/answer took place, and if it’s the same one, the person asking the question seemed to phrase it in a way that talked about playing/having a band, which makes me think the question was interpreted to be about playing the tour/RPG mode online.


      That lined up with the rest of the answer given (which is longer than Nemo’s quote in the OP), but the async part has nothing to do with either mode, so the answer is a weird thing that sounds more like the question was heard/interpreted wrong.



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