Magma: C3 Roks Edition v3.3.5 (8/14/2020) – Feelin’ Stronger Every Day!
- This topic has 37 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by
October 3, 2019 at 8:54 pm #397244
This is Magma C3, or Magma: C3 Roks Edition to use the full name. Originally overseen by TrojanNemo, Magma C3 is the community’s take on Magma, Harmonix’s tool for creating songs for the old Rock Band Network. Magma C3 is the product of hundreds of hours of programming and cooperation between many members of the community. I (FujiSkunk) oversee the project now, but by no means will I be the only one responsible for new features and fixes. At least I hope I won’t be…
If you don’t already know what Magma C3 can do for you, read on, and be aware Magma C3 is one of the definitive tools that all RB3 customs creators should use.
Not at all. Nemo and company started with the Magma toolkit that Harmonix made freely available to anyone interested in authoring for the Rock Band Network. Reverse engineering of Magma.exe and a little hacking of MagmaCompiler.exe got us to where we are today. That and countless hours of programming, testing, and more programming!
Click the link below for a complete list of available features and fixes, starting with what’s different in the most recent version.
Magma C3 v3.3.5 – Features and Change Log
The download link is below. Once downloaded, unless you’re new to Magma C3 or you’re upgrading from a really old version of the tool, you can simply unzip and drop the new archive on top of your existing installation. New files will copy over old ones and all your settings will be preserved. Otherwise, simply unzip the archive to a directory where you plan on working on customs. For more recent versions of Windows, we strongly recommend you not put Magma C3 in Program Files. Otherwise you will be constantly nagged about granting administrator rights to use the program.
Magma: C3 Roks Edition v3.3.5 – ZIP Archive
Please note Magma C3 is currently for Windows only. It may be possible for Mac and Linux users to use Magma C3 with the help of WINE, virtual machines, and the like, but for now the tool does not officially support any other operating system.
Windows users will need .NET Framework 4, available for free from Microsoft.
It’s an older tutorial, but it checks out. Very helpful and very recommended to anyone who hasn’t yet used Magma C3.
Here are some useful tips and tricks for working around some of Magma C3’s known issues, and for customizing Magma C3 to your liking.
- How to bypass Magma C3’s 1MB MIDI file size limitation. Also how to create custom practice sections.
- How to make and use custom skins in Magma C3.
- Magma C3 will throw an error if you try to use a MIDI file greater than 1MB. Magma C3 includes midishrink (thank you, raynebc!) which can help, but if the compressed file is still over 1MB, Magma C3 will complain. See above for a workaround that can help get larger MIDIs into your projects.
- When using Magma C3 for the first time, the program will ask you for an author ID. See this thread for how to make the program happy if you do not have your own author ID.
- In rare circumstances, while creating lip-sync data, the Magma C3 compiler (MagmaCompilerC3.exe) will exit abnormally and without any explanation. You can tell this has happened when, during Magma’s build process, you see the message “Lip Sync Compiler: Starting…” after which the “CANCEL” button becomes a “CLOSE” button without any other clue that something has gone wrong. The source of this bug is not yet known, but it appears to be tied to the length of dryvox audio files used for the second and third harmonies. If you encounter this mystery bug, shorten or lengthen your dryvox audio files for harmony parts #2 and #3, then try building your project again. It is safe to have dryvox audio files that are of different lengths than the rest of your audio files, so this will not have any other obvious effect on your project.
When TrojanNemo decided to step back from maintaining his tools for the customs community, he created open-source packages of everything he had done. For his explanation and for links to the packages he released, visit this thread. For legal reasons, the open-source packages for Magma C3 and C3 CON Tools do not include the ability to encrypt audio, or to handle audio already encrypted. While encryption is not essential for creating playable customs, we highly recommend you do encrypt all audio in your projects, especially when using multitracks. Therefore we highly recommend using the official releases of Magma C3 and C3 CON Tools, rather than any compiled from the open source packages. However, if you are curious what the code looks like, or if you are interested in contributing bug fixes or new features to the projects, then we also encourage you to look at the source code available! As newer official releases come out, they will skew further and further from the open-source packages, but hopefully I can do something to keep the open-source versions useful. What that is, I don’t yet know. Stay tuned!
- Harmonix for the original Magma and Rock Band Network
- TrojanNemo for creating and maintaining Magma C3 through 2015 / v.3.3.2
- emist for the assembly hacking to MagmaCompiler
- xorloser for all his great tools and knowledge
- DJ Shepherd for the x360 library
- Nyxyxylyth for base code to convert RBA files
- PikminGuts92 for the ark file modifications
- NewCreature for the modifications to oggenc
- raynebc for midishrink and help with MIDI editing
- Mark Heath for the NAudio.MIDI library (
- Ian Luck for the BASS audio library (
- Bernd Niedergesaess for the BASS.NET API (
October 3, 2019 at 8:54 pm #507348Hello, all. For those who don’t know, a while back I was asked if I would like to take over development of Magma C3 and C3 CON Tools. I accepted, knowing it was not a light request and also knowing that fresh tools are essential to keep up interest in customs and the communities that make them.
I want to again thank TrojanNemo, farottone and everyone else who considered me worthy enough to be trusted with this code, and I want to thank the entire community, in advance, both for helping me stay aware of issues and possible new features, and for patience when I get sidetracked by other things!
Please note, v3.3.3 does not have anything of note for people already familiar with Magma C3. It’s just a couple of very minor bug fixes and a proof that my development environment actually does what it’s supposed to. Expect more substance in future releases!
Sharp-eyed viewers will see my announcement thread is a rather blatant copy-and-paste job from Nemo’s earlier release announcements. I thank him for allowing me, after the fact, to mooch off more of his fine work.
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October 3, 2019 at 10:52 pm #507350Woo, a fixed help link! Thanks Fuji, Nemo, and others of course
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October 3, 2019 at 11:37 pm #507351Nice, thanks for the update Fujiskunk!
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October 4, 2019 at 9:25 am #507354Hello, all. For those who don’t know, a while back I was asked if I would like to take over development of Magma C3 and C3 CON Tools. I accepted, knowing it was not a light request and also knowing that fresh tools are essential to keep up interest in customs and the communities that make them.
I want to again thank TrojanNemo, farrotone and everyone else who considered me worthy enough to be trusted with this code, and I want to thank the entire community, in advance, both for helping me stay aware of issues and possible new features, and for patience when I get sidetracked by other things!
Please note, v3.3.3 does not have anything of note for people already familiar with Magma C3. It’s just a couple of very minor bug fixes and a proof that my development environment actually does what it’s supposed to. Expect more substance in future releases!
Sharp-eyed viewers will see my announcement thread is a rather blatant copy-and-paste job from Nemo’s earlier release announcements. I thank him for allowing me, after the fact, to mooch off more of his fine work.
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />
Thank you FujuSkunk for taking over this task! Do you want to share some spoilers about those future releases?
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> Just wishing that one day there would be a feature in Magma to automatically fix old encrypted customs with that nasty multidrums issue for PS3…
October 4, 2019 at 12:46 pm #507356Do you want to share some spoilers about those future releases?
” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” /> Just wishing that one day there would be a feature in Magma to automatically fix old encrypted customs with that nasty multidrums issue for PS3…
Re-encoding already-encoded audio is a bad idea, as the audio quality can severely degrade. Having said that, I know for some of those older customs this may be the only option. Any such feature would be better suited for C3 CON Tools than Magma, or maybe a stand-alone thing, but either way I’ll look into it. At any rate, as mentioned, the default going forward will be quality value 3, so this will stop being a problem with future multitracked custom, at least.
There is a fix related to disco-flip I need to incorporate, and I intend to fix Magma looking in the wrong folder for the preset silent audio clips until you re-select them. That and whatever else I stumble upon along the way that looks like an easy fix will all be part of 3.3.4.
October 4, 2019 at 3:44 pm #507361Thank you Fuji!
October 8, 2019 at 12:30 am #507405November 2, 2019 at 2:11 pm #507706i was using with magma v2
November 2, 2019 at 2:42 pm #507707i was using with magma v2
Use V3.3.3 (and for the love of god please stop telling people to use different updates of software)
November 25, 2019 at 10:26 pm #507936I keep getting this error
You have audio stems with different bitrates blah blah blah Must be either 44100Hz or 48000Hz
Right now you have the following:
Drum Kit (16-bit)
Backing (16-bit)
Not Supported:
You can’t compile the song until all tracks match!
Try again.
But everything matches!!! What the hell?!
November 26, 2019 at 2:23 am #507947Yeah that code is pretty stupid. I never did get around to fixing it and I guess he hasn’t either. Just re-add all the audio files and it should go away. Might have to redo the whole Magma project, but that’s like 2 minutes at most?
November 26, 2019 at 7:44 pm #507973If all else fails, quit and restart Magma C3. That’s another one for the to-do list.
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November 29, 2019 at 11:58 pm #508037FujiSkunk, that’s the problem. I’ve tried both your suggestion as well as TrojanNemos, but neither of them have worked.
Also, after re-adding the audio, as well as restarting Magma, it now gives me this error
Magma: C3 Roks Edition v3.3.3
Build started at 5:55 PMStarting Nemo’s MIDI Validator…
Everything looks good, continuing…Nemo’s MIDI AutoGen process started.
Found PART DRUMS and you have enabled the ‘Add to MIDI’ option
However, the current suggested drum mix event is unsupported
Nothing is being changed in the drums track.
Added drum mix events successfully.
Nemo’s MIDI AutoGen process completed.Loading MagmaCompilerC3.exe…
Reading the archive
Project Compiler: Reading project ‘C:UserssmccoVideosOESLM.rbproj’…
Project Compiler: Entering Phase 1 of 5…
ERROR: Audio Compiler: Could not open ‘c:/users/smcco/videos/audio/stereo44.wav’ for read.
ERROR: Project Compiler: Unable to calculate song length due to Audio Compiler errors.December 2, 2019 at 9:35 pm #508088ERROR: Audio Compiler: Could not open ‘c:/users/smcco/videos/audio/stereo44.wav’ for readTry browsing to the silent audio clips again. Unfortunately the defaults are assumed to be relative to your Magma project file, which is usually not the case.
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