Lacking Experience- Jimi’s works in progress

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  • #452161
      sledgehammer the guitar notes (i played hard just a few mins ago) (first time playing the song) and the notes seem like they are impossible to hit as the hammer on/off ones along with the double notes are impossible for me to hit so it needs fix as the song guitar notes are like impossible to hit (i mean get a score multiplayer going i can’t) but overall thanks for the songs


      Thank you for your feedback! I will definitely look into it.


        thanks and jw do you take song requests

          thanks and jw do you take song requests

          Well I need to improve a lot before even considering that.

          Besides, I have enough to do and I keep working on impulse vocal related side projects.

          So no, not at the moment.


          But don’t worry, I’m sure a full band version of Rebel Rebel will make it into Rock Band 3 or 4 one way or another

          and there will be moar Madness <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


            good thanks <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


              Yay, Beatles!


              Thank you. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


                Update in the OP which really needs cleaning up.


                  Thank you man, see you in a few hours. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


                  any update on Red House?


                    any update on Red House?

                    Nothing I can share yet, unfortunately. I had plans for August but those plans got altered.

                    I was a bit shocked to notice that even more recent customs I did, which I thought were okay in the vocal department turned out to be not that good at all. So I’ve been working on those as well as some side projects. The Red House custom has the unfortunate handicap that all the instrument charts need to be redone. So I’m going for the fruit that is relatively less high at the moment.


                    Red House will still be done though. I’m not promising anything but I intend to get the songs missing from the RB Are You Experienced album playable in the game (Red House, I Don’t Live Today, Hey Joe, Stone Free, 51st Anniversary). It will probable be done when pigs fly but at least Red House will be one of those.



                      Stone Free


                      This is in RB3, just not given the correct album name. Can’t wait to play some more Hendrix though, seriously needs to be more, maybe you can work on some stuff missed from Electric Ladyland. I’d love to see House Burning Down and Still Raining, Still Dreaming charted. I’d REALLY love to see 1983 done, but since it is 13 minutes, I don’t expect to see that. Good luck man, Mitch Mitchell is a pain to chart I bet.


                        This is in RB3, just not given the correct album name.

                        We…don’t…We don’t talk about that version on my thread.

                        No but seriously it’s not just a matter of an incorrect album name or cover.


                        Hendrix made more versions of the song. The one I like most is on the Are You Experienced album.

                        That one is very different from the one in the game, which has its own merits.

                        I would link to a youtube video, but it seems to have been taken down. All the way down. And I don’t wanna be down. I want to be free!


                        The songs you mentioned would be cool to have In game and I think only drummers should tackle charting Mitch’s drumming in order to do it justice (so that’s me out then). That man was really something else.


                          The songs you mentioned would be cool to have In game and I think only drummers should tackle charting Mitch’s drumming in order to do it justice (so that’s me out then). That man was really something else.


                          One of the drummers that would be not that fun in game probably (but lots of fun actually playing). Jazzy styles are not the best fit for a rhythm game.


                            We…don’t…We don’t talk about that version on my thread.

                            No but seriously it’s not just a matter of an incorrect album name or cover.


                            Hendrix made more versions of the song. The one I like most is on the Are You Experienced album.


                            Oh, I never realized that. And yeah, drum charters are best of for doing Mitch because he’s too crazy for a normal charter.


                              Update in the opening post. Working on some Jimi-, Paul Simon and Focus songs at the moment. As long as my Asus laptop doesn’t just quit, taking precious progress with it (I really need to get that fixed)


                                Im Westen nichts Neues, but I thought I should tidy up the opening post a bit, so that it actually communicates what I’m trying to work on.

                                My laptop woes seem to have subsided a bit for now and I’m happy to be able to lay down some midi notes again. Even though the time to do so is scarce at the moment.

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