Jun 19, 2015 – Sade, Whitesnake

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  • #448533
    (shitty gifs)


    Yeah? Well your customs are….! What’s that? You don’t have any customs? That’s too bad. Cause then I could have said they sucked too. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      Guys cut her a break. Her username tells you she’s manic and is high on pixie dust. Don’t hold her behavior against her.


        I’m …….. not really terribly sure what is going on this thread. I must have missed the memo.


        But, as for the songs (and this is an honest statement, so sarcasm or in jokes).


        Whitesnake is cool, I’m getting all of it, Thanks!


        Sade …. she has a great voice, and the instrumentation is is pretty cool. Lots of bass, I like that. But for some reason the songs just don’t gel for me. Unfortunately, I have to pass <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” /> I’m sure there are people out there for whom they do work and I am super happy for them, because she seems like a cool artist.


        I am thankful for such an excellent release. Steve Vai-era Whitesnake, right on. Sade, one of the best voices ever, these are all win. Everyone has a right to their opinion, mine is this stuff is awesome.

        Also, should you not use kindness when discussing something someone spent countless hours working on. Witty memes aside, that is rude.

        With all these authors do for the community, you should extend the common courtesy of not being insulting to the fact you weren’t a fan of what they worked so hard to bring to us, free of charge and out of their love for this game and it’s players.


        Please keep in mind, this is for everyone not just you. Thank you for all the hard work bringing us weekly awesome.

        80’s month is so cool.



          Unbelievable, free songs that you don’t have to download and you post crap like this??? Shame on you :confused: Put your money where your mouth is, learn to create songs, put a lot of your free time & effort into it and let the community critique your choices.


          For some of us this a great release, thank you Farottone for all you do for our community. Also thanks to Drihscol for teaming up with the Grand Poobah. Look forward to trying all of these tunes.

          Dash Riprock
            Opinions are like assholes.


            Everybody’s got one, and everyone else’s stinks.


            I’d just like to add that my appreciation for the customs found here is not predicated on whether or not I choose to download them, but rather by their very existence. The amount of work that goes into making them can be simply staggering.


            Thank you, one and all.


              You don’t have to be a creator to be able to critique creations or choices. Just playing Devil’s Advocate.




              Weren’t some of these Whitesnake songs previous C3 releases, or were they from the forums back in the day? I’m feeling lazy about updating my customs pack with those songs on them…

                You don’t have to be a creator to be able to critique creations or choices. Just playing Devil’s Advocate.


                You do have to critique them to critique them, though.

                  You don’t have to be a creator to be able to critique creations or choices.


                  You’re right about this, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but her post was plain insulting to a gentleman that for over 2 years has provided this community with a ton of great tunes & asked for nothing in return.


                    I just downloaded Whitesnake songs. Sade? I’ll pass. But please post different kind of songs.


                      Those Whitesnake songs are in old RB3 Custom List page.

                      You don’t have to be a creator to be able to critique creations or choices.


                      You’re right about this, everyone has a right to their own opinion, but her post was plain insulting to a gentleman that for over 2 years has provided this community with a ton of great tunes & asked for nothing in return.


                      She posted her opinion of the songs and or artists, she obviously doesn’t like them, she didn’t comment on the charting that I saw, are people not entitled to an opinion on this site?


                        She posted her opinion of the songs and or artists, she obviously doesn’t like them, she didn’t comment on the charting that I saw, are people not entitled to an opinion on this site?


                        The fact that you can read that user’s opinion means people are entitled to their opinion. Are you suggesting we block the opinions of people who disagree with that user?

                          Those Whitesnake songs are in old RB3 Custom List page.


                          The Whitesnake songs are FtV versions.


                            Today is act like a doodee day, it seems. It’s this insufferable heat, I tell ya.

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