[How-To] Playing Customs on PS3

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  • #447505

      Can’t help you with the PAL situation, but to address one point in your post…


      It’s my custom track made from zero, it’s really have encryption? Or what?


      When you create the song with Magma: C3, you have the choice to encrypt the audio. However, when you convert to PS3, you don’t have the choice. It is encrypted. That is required by the PS3 or it rejects the audio.


      Must’ve been the unupdated RB3 that caused it, since updating it to 1.05 made other customs work. Annoyingly, conversions of unexported songs (+Party in the USA) mostly failed. (haven’t tried the pre-converts, since they seem to be from pre-March fix). Any ideas? REBUG lite 4.46.1

      Must’ve been the unupdated RB3 that caused it, since updating it to 1.05 made other customs work.

      Of course! Updates!

      Thousand of kisses, it’s worked!!1 :excited:





      Must’ve been the unupdated RB3 that caused it, since updating it to 1.05 made other customs work.

      Of course! Updates!

      Thousand of kisses, it’s worked!!1 :excited:


      Well this is a surprise, glad to know I helped you out, then.


      Hello, I would like to help me with queries use custom songs for RB3.


      I have this: PS3 CFW v4.55 Habib, RB3 BLUS v1.05, v3.02 reActPsn.


      1. Do not use PsnPatch, I can activate with RAP files from reActPsn?.

      2. If the above is true, how do I get the RAP file from C3CONToolsv373?

      3. If I have 2 or more personal songs, like I change the song.dta file to the list of RB3 show me where I have gone? Example: 10 songs loading…

      4. What does the extension (.dta, .edat, .mogg, .milo_ps3, .png_ps3)?


      Grateful for the help and waiting for your suggestions.


      Greetings c3customcreators team … <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />

      Hello, I would like to help me with queries use custom songs for RB3.


      I have this: PS3 CFW v4.55 Habib, RB3 BLUS v1.05, v3.02 reActPsn.


      1. Do not use PsnPatch, I can activate with RAP files from reActPsn?.

      2. If the above is true, how do I get the RAP file from C3CONToolsv373?

      3. If I have 2 or more personal songs, like I change the song.dta file to the list of RB3 show me where I have gone? Example: 10 songs loading…

      4. What does the extension (.dta, .edat, .mogg, .milo_ps3, .png_ps3)?


      Grateful for the help and waiting for your suggestions.


      Greetings c3customcreators team … <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


      1. Sure

      2. Did you read the tutorial? It is exactly explained at “Initial Setup: Option 2”

      3. Don’t understand what you mean

      4. songs.dta is the file that contains all the information about the songs: artist,title,audio file name(.mogg) etc

      .edat file contains the midi chart and is also the activation key for the song to show up on your ps3

      .mogg is the multichannel ogg file (contains the audio)

      .milo_ps3 contains information about the band animation

      .png_ps3 is the album art


        1. Do not use PsnPatch, I can activate with RAP files from reActPsn?.

        2. If the above is true, how do I get the RAP file from C3CONToolsv373?

        3. If I have 2 or more personal songs, like I change the song.dta file to the list of RB3 show me where I have gone? Example: 10 songs loading…

        4. What does the extension (.dta, .edat, .mogg, .milo_ps3, .png_ps3)?

        Point 3: You can tell the converter to merge songs to your main song list (just toggle the switch) and the tool does the rest for you. The whole songlist will be stored in a file named songs.dta in the same folder you can find the converted songs(C3CONToolsps3Merged Songs).


        Is it that you like to know?


        1. Sure

        2. Did you read the tutorial? It is exactly explained at “Initial Setup: Option 2”

        3. Don’t understand what you mean

        4. songs.dta is the file that contains all the information about the songs: artist,title,audio file name(.mogg) etc

        .edat file contains the midi chart and is also the activation key for the song to show up on your ps3

        .mogg is the multichannel ogg file (contains the audio)

        .milo_ps3 contains information about the band animation

        .png_ps3 is the album art


        point 1, ok.

        point 2, i did not read properly.

        point 3, next post of hamburgerjung this response.

        point 4, ok.

        Thanks kim666, <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Point 3: You can tell the converter to merge songs to your main song list (just toggle the switch) and the tool does the rest for you. The whole songlist will be stored in a file named songs.dta in the same folder you can find the converted songs(C3CONToolsps3Merged Songs).


        Is it that you like to know?


        that’s right!, hamburgerjung <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


        Well, one last query… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />

        Now I know file types, where I copy the downloaded (.dta, .edat, .mogg, .milo_ps3, .png_ps3) folders within the tool and when finalize the process of merging, what should I copy to the console?


        Sorry for my bad english and thank you very much for all… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          Now I know file types, where I copy the downloaded (.dta, .edat, .mogg, .milo_ps3, .png_ps3) folders within the tool and when finalize the process of merging, what should I copy to the console?

          You have to copy all content of the merged songs folder to the right place (please follow the instructions explained at the beginning of this thread) of your PS3.


            Has anyone tried this?




            It’s a utility that allows installing homebrew DLC and PSN games PS3 harddrive backups for official firmware. Looks promising.


            Hi I’m having some issues loading in customs. It’s a strange issue.


            I followed the tutorial to the letter and no dice, the customs wouldn’t show up in my library. I used Initial Setup Option 2. I figured maybe something wrong happened at the PSNpatch stage (validating the .rap files), but this wasn’t the case as I was able to get on PSN and download the free pack. Even after I downloaded the free pack nothing showed up (not even the offical dlc).


            Does anybody know why nothing is showing up in my library? Any help would be greatly appreciated, I’ve been running in circles for the past week trying to get this to work.




            So for customs to work on PS3, you absolutely need the latest patch 1.05 for them to be recognized. I thought the fix for customs applied to both systems – and my copy was originally at the 1.04 patch.


            You can find the patch here if you can’t connect to PSN.


            Hi guys!


            I was trying to put some customs into my OFW (OFW? Is this guy crazy? Read here: viewtopic.php?p=49979#p49979)


            Anyways, the problem I have using this method, is that there is no way before doing a restore to purchase the RB2 free pack, everytime I will do a restore it’s as if I never bought it, even though I use my main account and I did bought it, every time I return to the store It’s not bought, it’s 0.00$.


            I’d need a way to inject something in the backup to make the game believe I bought it (or perharps, another place to put customs, idk?). I’m somewhat a PS3 noob, I did some research, apparently I’d need to extract a riff file conresponding to the dlc, which I would need my IDPS to extract. IDPStealer has been patched.


            If anyone has an idea. The custom song shows up in the list, it’s just not ”purchase” so it skips when trying to load it.


              Hey guys.


              Try using Encryption Mode 3 on the latest version of the tools. I just separated the code for doing the MIDI to EDAT stuff to a separate tiny little program that is now called by the PS3 Converter. In the process I realized that the MIDI to EDAT encryption type 3 wasn’t set up to work during the regular conversion process, only during a “encrypt replacement midi” type of thing. So if you were using Encryption Type 3 during conversion…it was actually still using Type 2. Now it should be using 1, 2 or 3 correctly and with some minor improvements.


              Don’t know how much of a difference it’ll actually make, but hey, it’s something.


              It might do one… thanks for the notice.


                Hey. What program can read and edit the ps3 song files? I’d like to be able to edit what folders the songs (both official and custom) can be saved in. This is so I can hopefully cut the song install meter to something under 500.

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