[How-To] Playing Customs on PS3

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      Awesome. Glad to hear things are mostly on track now.


      Yup I can confirm as well most of the songs are fixed now. Good job ;=)


        Thank you!!! :excited: :excited:


        Groan :sweatdrop:


        I spoke too soon – I’m still having the looping problem with older songs from the database and the shower fix doesn’t seem to be correcting it. The specific songs are “Knocking on Heaven’s Door”, “Help”, and “Can’t Buy Me Love” (although technically that last one is from TBR:cool:.


        The problem, in theory, is caused by the encryption prior to v3.7.0. When that new encryption came out, I re-encrypted all my Xbox songs on the server. So even though it’s an old song, it has the new encryption


        I guess I’m also still lost about what changed with the encryption and why it had to. Is there a thread that goes into more detail about this change?


        For what it’s worth, I’m no longer having any problems with the non-C3 songs…


          I think it should be obvious that audio encryption is not something that anyone will go into detail about. But the change did not affect the other consoles, so it comes down to PS3 being annoying.


          Yeah, I guess I wasn’t very clear with my question. I wasn’t so much looking for technical details about the encryption itself, rather, I was curious what circumstances drove the need to change it.


          BTW, although I wasn’t able to get the CON files to work, I used the PS3 files instead and those did work. I tried the PS3 file for “Rockin’ in the Free World” the other day and it didn’t work then (the PS3 file looped too). Very confusing.


          Another question Nemo – if I accidentally use the mogg fix on a file that already works, does it hurt anything?

            I wasn’t so much looking for technical details about the encryption itself, rather, I was curious what circumstances drove the need to change it.


            Same reason HMX changed encryption from game to game, to make it harder for people trying to get at the stems.


            Another question Nemo – if I accidentally use the mogg fix on a file that already works, does it hurt anything?


            Probably. The “fixes” are correcting the last bytes in the audio, that either got encrypted wrong or didn’t get encrypted at all (that’s why two ways of fixing – two problems), so when you do that on a mogg that works, you’re effectively breaking those same bytes it normally would fix. In short, don’t have the option enabled when converting unless you’re actively trying to fix a song that you know if broken.


              So with this fix, do we just use the ‘Fix mogg’ utility as we discover looping songs?

              Do you recommend we leave the ‘fix looping’ option checked at all times from now on?



                So with this fix, do we just use the ‘Fix mogg’ utility as we discover looping songs?


                That’s the point. When the next update to Magma comes out (soon) you should not see new songs with this issue, although songs that are already out or are created with outdated versions of Magma might continue to have the problem.


                Do you recommend we leave the ‘fix looping’ option checked at all times from now on?


                when you do that on a mogg that works, you’re effectively breaking those same bytes it normally would fix. In short, don’t have the option enabled when converting unless you’re actively trying to fix a song that you know if broken.

                Hi guys!


                I’ve been working on this problem with the songs that gets corrupted and stuck in the menu for lot of my free time and tried to figure out where the problem is, and I want to inform you that I know where the problem is with all of this songs like “Marry the night, The Rhyme, Strangers and so on”.


                I’m almost 99% sure that the problem is inside those .mogg files that are containing 16 channels. All of those songs got tracks_count like this (6 2 2 2 2 2) which ps3 for some reason isn’t liking in all occasions. I didn’t figure out the difference why in some cases ps3 plays 16 channels .mogg files, and why in those specific don’t, but I know 16 channels seems to be problematic on ps3.


                I’ve based my research on creating various of .con files using magma and midi file from those songs that are not working. Instead of using original .mogg files which are encrypted (I’ve asked for decrypted.mogg file from one song to do a proper testing, but I didn’t get them from the author), I was using some of my random .wav samples and place them in magma.


                When I placed 6 drum channels (2 kick, 2 snare, 2 kit) along with stereo guitar, bass, vocals, keys and backing track, my ps3 froze many times on the song menu, or got corrupted in the middle of song.


                What I did was making my songs into format with 15 channels (1 kick channel instead of 2) so the track count was (5 2 2 2 2 2) and all songs that wasn’t working worked perfect.


                As the problem is not with con tools or problem during conversion process, I don’t know if there can be some easy tool that could help us which could re-sample .mogg file so it contains mono kick drum. Other option is to take wii .mogg file, but in that case we are loosing a lot of quality as wii is using much less channels.


                If not, it would be good to give a notice to authors of multitracks to place a kick track into mono, as it doesn’t have to be in stereo at all and it’s not loosing on any quality of the song.




                  The problem I have with that is that, as you say, some 16 channel files play. The question = what difference is there between the 16 channel songs that play and the 16 channel songs that do not play?


                  A fully multitracked song for Rock Band can have as many as 18 channels, since the crowd track is another 2. Are all the problem songs, songs with 6 channels for drums? Or do you have any problem song with less than 6 channels for drums? Any of the 16 channel songs that work have less than 6 channels on drums, making up the 16 with the crowd track?


                  As far as having an automated way of doing it = not possible at the moment. We still rely on MagmaCompiler to create the necessary mogg header for the audio, and if you modify the mogg file without adjusting the mogg header, it’ll be broken in game. So IF you confirm that is the solution, what can be done is the designated PS3 guy will have to downconvert the songs using Magma like Stack does for the Wii users. But let’s cross that bridge once you’re 100% sure that is it.


                  That’s what was bothering myself as well, as I know ps3 supports 16 channels but seems like not all the time.

                  I can’t tell you why cause I couldn’t figure out why some 16 channels tracks in some occasions was bothering ps3.

                  I had random results some played fine, some got corrupted in the middle of the song and some got frozen in the menu.


                  Well yes I had all stereo samples tracks, and I only changed kick track to mono others always stayed in stereo and then it’s playing fine. When I had 6 tracks in drums I had problems.


                  The thing I’m 100% sure is that when I placed it in format with 15 tracks in format (5 2 2 2 2 2) worked all the time. Making kick drum into mono fixed all of my songs and played fine all the way to the end, while when they had 16 channels they didn’t.


                  If you could make a testing con file with any of the broken song in format with (5 2 2 2 2 2) channels so I can test it out will be cool… you can send the song you made “she will be loved” if you like…


                  Marry the night have 6 drum tracks

                  The Rhyme have 6 drum tracks

                  Strangers have 6 drum tracks

                  She Will be loved have 6 drum tracks

                  Burning in the Sky have 6 drum tracks




                  Okey I have update my testing, it seems the problem is not in .mogg files at all, or ps3 supporting 16 channels!

                  I’ve isolated the problem!


                  It is inside your version of Magma rock edition. I don’t know if your old or previous versions of magma did the same, but somehow your version of magma c3 rock edition is doing something wrong that ps3 isn’t liking when creating 16 channels mogg. Sometimes but in very rare situations your version of magma makes those 16 tracks work, but most of time it fails to do it proper way!


                  I’ve converted the songs that gave me errors with original magma V2 and all songs played fine with track format (6 2 2 2 2 2) while same songs gets corrupted when converting them with your version of magma.


                  Can you take a look what could be different between your version of magma and original one, specially doing conversion of the .mogg files? I don’t know if your previous versions of magma worked well, in my testing I’ve been using Magma C3 rock edition v3.


                    So you’re telling me to see what is different between the original Magma and the Magma C3 that I have spent 2 years and over 1000 hours working on? I’m sure there’s a difference here or there.


                    Well as you know that problem with those songs is not a new one, it exists for more then a year ago when we found out about that kind of problem with the songs she will be loved, Harder to breathe, Somebody That I Used to Know, Bless My Show.


                    I’m telling you that making the same 16 channel song with original magma V2 works, while doing it with your version makes song corrupted or freezing in the menu. I know the facts… and I don’t know where the problem is.


                    I can’t tell you where or why it is happening, I just know that when I run the song trough original v2 magma it plays fine with (6 2 2 2 2 2) config, while in rock edition it doesnt and makes the song freeze.


                    if you still have song she will be loved or any other problematic song I mentioned, run it trough magma v2 and send the con file to us ps3 users to test it.

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