[How-To] Playing Customs on PS3

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  • #434210

      Then let me answer that for you: no.

      Any conversion to PS3, Wii or Phase Shift must start with an Xbox CON file. And there are plenty of threads about how converting from FoF or Phase Shift takes authoring knowledge and won’t be automated. So there is no way to go from FoF(iX) or Phase Shift to PS3.


      Okay, thank you. Well, i got some nice songs from the database and the Halo Theme from the Forum so im happy.


      i suppose that im somehow dumb regarding this part but: How do i merge? I dont get how i merge multiple “songs.dat” into one. Is there a tutorial with screenshots, or a video?


      I know that there is a tutorial for merging on the first page, but i dong get it right. (english isnt my main language <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_biggrin.gif” />)


      I’m gonna kinda piggyback off this guys question. It was answered, yes, but the answer doesn’t seem to help me.


      When I go through the process of putting the songs in the appropriate folder (Songs to Merge) and try to run the PS3 converter, the Merge Songs option under Tools is grayed out and I can’t press it to begin the process. I’m not quite sure what I’m doing wrong, really.


      EDIT: NEVER MIND, got it to work. I did Install Option 2, so I had to make a songs.dta file. The instructions said to make a text file and rename it “songs.dta” but my computer wasn’t displaying the full file name, so what I actually had was a file called songs.dta.txt.


      Alright, I tried my hand at the RBHarmonies on my PS3. For the most part it’s not too hard, I just followed the steps hamburgerjung back on page 26.


      It’s not hard, but it’s a bit arduous. When it comes to replacing the “songs.dta” file, you need to find the right folder out of the bunch of HMX### and ccf### folders. Also, if the upgraded songs comes from a pack, then the new “songs.dta” (that has only one song info block) needs to be merged with the original “songs.dta” (that has all the pack’s info). If we ever want to automate the process, we’ll need to account for this.


      I’ve tried Pro keys, Pro guitar and regular upgrades for RB1, RB2 and DLC, and all works properly. Well almost all. “Highway Star” crashed my game, both Pro keys and regular upgrade.


      I couldn’t manage to upgrade RBN either. I tried on “Flight of the Conchords – The Most Beautiful Girl (In the room)”. Whatever I tried, the song showed up shaded in the song list, and crashes the game when I select it.


      Okay, I believe I’ve figured out the problem…


      The naming convention for the RBN songs (at least the ones I have) is alpha-numeric and has nothing to do with the song name. For instance, the song name for “Higher” is UGC_5002868. It jogged in my memory somewhere I had read that the PS3 customs don’t do well with caps in the song name. So I changed the song name for “Higher” to ugc_5002868; sure enough, that fixed it. I had to change this in four locations: the song name in the songs.dta file, the song name and the plus.mid location in the upgrades.dta file, and the actual file name for the plus.mid.edat file itself.


      Long story short: NO CAPS allowed! :cool:


      When you say you changed the song name in “songs.dta”, do you mean the identifier right after the first parenthesis or the file path under the tag ‘song’ then ‘name’?


      Or maybe it’s because the song has Drum upgrades? Or maybe it’s just the song?


        Three things to make sure of:


        1) IDs match

        2) path name is lowercase in the songs/songname/songname line

        3) song rating is not 4 (unrated)


        PS3 Converter changes takes care of 2 and 3 when converting. RBHP files will not always be in compliance with 2 and 3.


        You can try posting a RBN DTA that you think should be working but isn’t so we can all take a look and see if we can spot what may be wrong.


          ^ Yep, if you can throw up the Highway Star data and FotC data we can compare notes.

            2) path name is lowercase in the songs/songname/songname line


            interesting note regarding this point: there are official songs that don’t obey this, and it looks like they’re the RBN ones. So I wonder if it’s a case where the two don’t match and need to.


            for example, from BLUS30147/USRDIR/RBN0394/songs/songs.dta


            "Even Rats"
            "The Slip"
            ('master' 1)
            (6 2 2 2 2)


              OK gang, thanks to espher we now have a dedicated RBHP forum, and I’ve posted a thread there for RBHP on PS3 discussion. Lets try and move all this conversation over to that thread going forward.


              RBHP forum


              RBHP on PS3 thread


                Oops…it says I’m not authorized to see the forum. Espher needs to fix permissions.

                  Oops…it says I’m not authorized to see the forum. Espher needs to fix permissions.


                  Sorry, perhaps I should have waited before pointing everyone there. it should go live to the public some time today – espher was busy prepping the next release but gave me access early so I could get the thread started. If it’s not working for you, try again in a bit.


                  3) song rating is not 4 (unrated)

                  Well, that solved it!


                  Here’s the Flight of the Conchords files that worked:


                  ; RBN - 5001646 - Flight of the Conchords - The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room)
                  "The Most Beautiful Girl (In the Room)"
                  "Flight of the Conchords"
                  ('master' 1)
                  (2 2 2 2 2)
                  (0 1)
                  (2 3)
                  (4 5)
                  (6 7)
                  (vocal_parts 3)
                  (-1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00)
                  (-1.40 -1.40 -2.40 -2.40 -1.20 -1.20 -4.50 -4.50 -1.70 -1.70)
                  (-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)
                  ('kick.cue' 'snare.cue' 'tom1.cue' 'tom2.cue' 'crash.cue')
                  ('kick.cue' 'snare.cue' 'hat.cue' 'ride.cue' 'crash.cue')
                  ('song_scroll_speed' 2300)
                  ('anim_tempo' 16)
                  ('song_length' 251675)
                  ('preview' 100000 130000)
                  ('drum' 169)
                  ('guitar' 247)
                  ('bass' 166)
                  ('vocals' 298)
                  ('band' 219)
                  ('genre' 'novelty')
                  ('decade' 'the00s')
                  ('vocal_gender' 'male')
                  ('version' 11)
                  ('downloaded' 1)
                  ('format' 4)
                  ('album_art' 1)
                  ('year_released' 2008)
                  ('base_points' 0)
                  ('rating' 2)
                  ('sub_genre' 'subgenre_novelty')
                  ('song_id' 5001646)
                  ('tuning_offset_cents' 0.00)
                  ('context' 2000)
                  ('game_origin' 'rb2')
                  ('ugc' 1)
                  "Flight of the Conchords"
                  ('album_track_number' 12)
                  ; Added RB3 scroll information
                  (vocal_tonic_note 9)
                  (song_tonality 0)



                  (upgrade_version 1)
                  (midi_file "songs_upgrades/ugc_5001646_plus.mid")
                  (song_id 5001646)
                  ;(rbhp_author Espher)
                  ;(rbhp_version 1)

                  and finally “ugc_5001646_plus.mid.edat”, encrypted with 10 seconds.

                  ^ Yep, if you can throw up the Highway Star data and FotC data we can compare notes.


                  For Highway Star, I have a feeling it might be the actual .mid vocal file, because all the other RB1 upgrades I tried worked.

                  Original “songs.dta”:

                  "Highway Star"

                  "Deep Purple"

                  ('master' 1)
                  ('context' 11)

                  (0 1 2 3 4 5)

                  ('bass' 6)
                  (7 8)

                  (9 10)



                  (-1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00)

                  (0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.50 -1.50 -3.00 -2.50 -2.50 -3.00 -3.00 -4.50 -4.50)

                  (-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1)

                  ('kick.cue' 'snare.cue' 'tom1.cue' 'tom2.cue' 'crash.cue')


                  ('kick.cue' 'snare.cue' 'hat.cue' 'ride.cue' 'crash.cue')



                  ('hopo_threshold' 250)

                  ('song_scroll_speed' 2300)
                  ('bank' 'sfx/tambourine_bank.milo')
                  ('anim_tempo' 64)
                  ('preview' 36850 78675)
                  ('drum' 430)
                  ('guitar' 385)
                  ('bass' 385)
                  ('vocals' 290)
                  ('band' 440)

                  ('genre' 'classicrock')
                  ('decade' 'the70s')
                  ('vocal_gender' 'male')
                  ('song_location' 2)
                  (downloaded TRUE)
                  (exported TRUE)


                  And the files from the RBHP Package

                  “songs.dta” with pro keys:

                  ; Rock Band - 0000021 - Deep Purple - Highway Star
                  (name "Highway Star")
                  (artist "Deep Purple")
                  (master 1)
                  (context 11)
                  (name "songs/highwaystar/highwaystar")
                  ((drum (0 1 2 3 4 5))
                  (bass 6)
                  (guitar (7 8))
                  (vocals (9 10))
                  (keys (11 12))
                  (vocal_parts 2)
                  (pans (-1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00 -1.00 1.00))
                  (vols (0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1.50 -1.50 -3.00 -2.50 -2.50 -3.00 -3.00 -4.50 -4.50))
                  (cores (-1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1))
                  (seqs (kick.cue snare.cue tom1.cue tom2.cue crash.cue))
                  (seqs (kick.cue snare.cue hat.cue ride.cue crash.cue))
                  (midi_file "songs/highwaystar/highwaystar.mid")
                  (hopo_threshold 250)
                  (song_scroll_speed 2300)
                  (bank "sfx/tambourine_bank.milo")
                  (anim_tempo 64)
                  ;(preview 36850 78675)
                  (drum 430)
                  (guitar 385)
                  (bass 385)
                  (vocals 290)
                  (band 440)
                  (keys 477)
                  (real_keys 476)
                  (genre classicrock)
                  (decade the70s)
                  (vocal_gender male)
                  (song_location 2)
                  (downloaded TRUE)
                  (exported TRUE)
                  ; Added from RB3 DTB
                  (song_id 21)
                  (preview 36850 66850)
                  (song_length 304090)
                  (solo (guitar vocal_percussion))
                  (format 10)
                  (version 1)
                  (game_origin rb1)
                  (rating 2)
                  (year_released 1972)
                  (alternate_path TRUE)
                  (extra_authoring )
                  (album_art TRUE)
                  (album_name "Machine Head")
                  (album_track_number 1)
                  ; Added RB3 scroll information
                  (vocal_tonic_note 7)
                  (song_tonality 0)


                  and “upgrades.dta”:

                  (upgrade_version 1)
                  (midi_file "songs_upgrades/highwaystar_plus.mid")
                  (song_id 21)


                    for highway star, try changing the (vocal_parts 2) to (vocal_parts 3). the midi has 3 vocal parts.


                      I have a theory on the lowercase requirement: quotes. all the tracks that have a shortname in uppercase have them in quotes – including RBN tracks and at least one custom that isn’t an upgrade (A Perfect Circle – Judith has shortname ‘LL2_Judithv8’). this would align with databases ignoring case if the string is unquoted and respecting it if it is. it would also explain upgrades that didn’t work – it looks like a name mismatch between the songs.dta/upgrades.dta if one is quoted and the other isn’t, just like cases where there’s been a typo in a song name.


                      edit: and based on the above, the shortname does NOT have to match the path provided for the song in the songs// block – Judith has the messy shortname above and just uses judith here (songs/judith/judith). Path given still has to match the subdir+filenames, but doesn’t have to match shortname despite that typically being used.

                      for highway star, try changing the (vocal_parts 2) to (vocal_parts 3). the midi has 3 vocal parts.


                      Nope, still crashes. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

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