[How-To] Playing Customs on PS3

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  • #432738

    Thanks Blackened!


    I should have been more specific in my write-up. I did install the songs_upgrades subfolder in the HMX0756 folder. I also did an initial encryption using the default and then again using Method 2 at 10 seconds. I also had the “grayed-out” results with “Paralyzer” (which is also Pro Drums) and the three Third Eye Blind songs (which are Harmonies and Pro Drums). However, I only did the troubleshooting on Higher.


    I’m still puzzled about the DTA file. If you are going to take a shot at Higher, could you take a look at the original DTA and the harmonies DTA and let me know if you see any difference?


    I’m out of idea atm, maybe Pro-Drum upgrades are not compatible with ps3, but then they did fix a bunch of early dlc with on-disc pro drum upgrade, so that is doubtful.


    And there is a few formating difference between the 2 songs.dta, unsure if they matters, ‘song’ and ‘name’ etc as opposed to song and name


    And there is the rating line, but I’m guessing that’s the rating we give the song in game, lol…


    I just pulled the plus_mid file for Creed into Reaper, just to see what’s actually there. It’s just the drum track by itself. I assume that Pro Guitar and Harmonies are also stand-alone tracks. In those cases, tracks are being added into essentially “empty slots”. With drums, however, the original track is somehow being replaced. Not sure if that has any bearing; it doesn’t explain why Pro Drum worked for non-RBN songs.


    Perhaps Espher might have some insight about the differences? Maybe there were issues getting Pro Drums to work on the Xbox.


    I’m also considering using that dumper program you found to match the encryption of the Higher directory and see if the upgrade works installed there…


    Just another data point…


    I installed the keys upgrade for “Won’t Get Fooled Again” and that worked just fine :raise:

      I just pulled the plus_mid file for Creed into Reaper, just to see what’s actually there. It’s just the drum track by itself. I assume that Pro Guitar and Harmonies are also stand-alone tracks. In those cases, tracks are being added into essentially “empty slots”. With drums, however, the original track is somehow being replaced. Not sure if that has any bearing; it doesn’t explain why Pro Drum worked for non-RBN songs.


      Perhaps Espher might have some insight about the differences? Maybe there were issues getting Pro Drums to work on the Xbox.


      I’m also considering using that dumper program you found to match the encryption of the Higher directory and see if the upgrade works installed there…


      Upgrades are ‘nested’, as it stands, because I have yet to take the time to dive back into the packager source code (and certainly don’t want to burden anyone else with it) to look into providing/merging individual instrument parts into one .mid. Basically, as it stands, harmonies mids include the pro drums tracks, keys include harmonies/pro drums, and I think I have it set so pro guitar includes harmonies/keys/pro drums, but I honestly can’t remember.


      My “long term” plan is to change this so you drop a song_plus.instrument.mid and a songs.instrument.dta (and songs.upgrades.dta, if applicable) for each part you want to modify into a folder and the packager merges these into one songs.dta/song_plus.mid/upgrades.dta set. This way it makes it very modular. I just don’t have the time yet (plus it’s in C# and I’ve been doing a lot of VB.NET work and need to retrain my brain on syntax).


      My “longer term” plan is to see about making the whole thing web based, so you go on, pick your OS/songs, and it gives you the files you need to do whatever you need to do on your console of choice. I don’t know how feasible this is for the Wii/PS3 versions but it seems like it would be entirely doable for the Xbox version… but I need to set up an IIS server and figure that part out, too, and that will come after I get the standalone app working and can port the code over.


      All of that might sound easy as pie for a seasoned programmer, but I’m a self-taught hobbyist at best. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>


        4 or 5 pages prior in this thread, there is mention of a fix for getting PS3 to save scores on customs.

        It’s not clear what the procedure is or if PS3 converts available from the database have already been altered.

        I’ve not seen any of my customs save status yet.


        Is this fix as simple as changing song index to numeric in the songs.dta file, and remerging?

        Is this fix as simple as changing song index to numeric in the songs.dta file, and remerging?


        Yep, pretty much. TrojanNemo updated the C3 CON Tools program to change the numbers automatically:


        The idea is the very first time you’re doing this, you get a songs.dta file, change all the numeric values using the batch tool. Then anytime you convert or merge a song, it’ll keep going from the last numeric value the tool used.


        So use the “Change all song IDs to numeric” batch command found in the PS3 Converter > Tools menu and you should be good to go.


        Thanks for info, Espher!


        I’ve done a little more prodding and I’m starting to think the problem isn’t so much the drum upgrades, but something with the RBN files instead.


        I tried the keys upgrade for “Going Under” and got the same grayed-out results I had with “Higher” and the Third Eye Blind Songs. I verified in Reaper that there wasn’t a Pro Drum Upgrade for “Going Under”.


        Do you know of anything different about how the RBN songs are processed that might cause them to hang on the PS3?

          Thanks for info, Espher!


          I’ve done a little more prodding and I’m starting to think the problem isn’t so much the drum upgrades, but something with the RBN files instead.


          I tried the keys upgrade for “Going Under” and got the same grayed-out results I had with “Higher” and the Third Eye Blind Songs. I verified in Reaper that there wasn’t a Pro Drum Upgrade for “Going Under”.


          Do you know of anything different about how the RBN songs are processed that might cause them to hang on the PS3?


          I’m not aware of anything, no.


          Okay, I believe I’ve figured out the problem…


          The naming convention for the RBN songs (at least the ones I have) is alpha-numeric and has nothing to do with the song name. For instance, the song name for “Higher” is UGC_5002868. It jogged in my memory somewhere I had read that the PS3 customs don’t do well with caps in the song name. So I changed the song name for “Higher” to ugc_5002868; sure enough, that fixed it. I had to change this in four locations: the song name in the songs.dta file, the song name and the plus.mid location in the upgrades.dta file, and the actual file name for the plus.mid.edat file itself.


          Long story short: NO CAPS allowed! :cool:


            Long story short: NO CAPS allowed! :cool:


            Stupid *nix operating systems…

              Long story short: NO CAPS allowed! :cool:


              I feel like I should have mentioned that before :haw: The PS3 Converter takes care of that when doing the conversions.


                Good to know. I wonder if it’s case-insensitive on the Xbox/Wii ends… if that’s the case, I might just swap my upgrades.dta and songs.dta files around as a precaution.

                  Is this fix as simple as changing song index to numeric in the songs.dta file, and remerging?


                  Yep, pretty much. TrojanNemo updated the C3 CON Tools program to change the numbers automatically:


                  The idea is the very first time you’re doing this, you get a songs.dta file, change all the numeric values using the batch tool. Then anytime you convert or merge a song, it’ll keep going from the last numeric value the tool used.


                  So use the “Change all song IDs to numeric” batch command found in the PS3 Converter > Tools menu and you should be good to go.


                  So, when I first merged my customs a couple weeks ago, I took all defaults on the tool.

                  This means the grayed out box, ‘Change song ID to numeric’ was checked.

                  My song scores/stars/stats did not save.

                  I’m assuming that the grayed out box isn’t necessarily changing the id’s?


                  I’m trying again tonight, but after merging, I ran the Tools—>Change song IDs to numeric.

                  Testing this evening.

                  Assuming this has to be run after the merge, what’s the process as I add new customs?

                  Just rerun the batch job after the merge on the final songs.dta?


                  *** edit ***

                  Running the batch on the songs.dta resulted in my scores/status saving correctly.

                  So the only question is what happens next time I merge some songs in?

                  Will running it again on songs.dta screw up the IDs on the ones that are already merged?


                  *** edit 2 ***

                  Ok, so I just merged about 29 Genesis songs.

                  After the merge, I ran the Tools—>Change song IDs to numeric on the songs.dta.

                  Once the FTP transfer of the new songs and songs.dta, my saves prior to that were lost.

                  I’m likely doing something wrong, just not sure what.

                  My guess is the batch is ‘renumbering’ everything in the songs.dta, not just the newest ones I’m merging.


                    Ok, so I just merged about 29 Genesis songs.

                    After the merge, I ran the Tools—>Change song IDs to numeric on the songs.dta.

                    Once the FTP transfer of the new songs and songs.dta, my saves prior to that were lost.

                    I’m likely doing something wrong, just not sure what.

                    My guess is the batch is ‘renumbering’ everything in the songs.dta, not just the newest ones I’m merging.

                    Yep, I guess that’s what it does.

                    Probably Nemo can deal with it and build in a search and not destroy existing numeric ID’s…? :shobon:

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