[How-To] Playing Customs on PS3

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      OK, I’ll have a look on these files and come back to you.

      Thanks for the hint!


      Metallica- Dyers Eve

      Metallica – That was just your life


      Both of these ps3 package failed on me, I will do more testing in the near future (when I’m done redownloading all my Official DLC).


      Also the download link for Metallica – Orion (ps3) was dead (converting the CON file did work as a workaround).


      Also, the previous PS3 guru posted somewhere on this forum the song that didn’t export from RB1 and RB2 (paranoid, enter sandman etc…), none of these package worked on their own, the game didn’t even enter the song list, it got stuck at loading the downloaded content. Converting the xbox CON file worked somewhat, made it past the loading screen, but none of the song worked when selected (and no audio preview), to make them work properly I had to take the mogg file from the ps3 package and put them manually in the song folder made by converting the xbox CON.


      I’ll retest all those too later on and provide better information.


        Weird Al’s – Hardware Store,

        Daft Punk – One More Time,

        King Crimson – Epitaph (1x version, didn’t try the 2x version),

        Led Zep – Kashmir, Stairway to Heaven


        Metallica- Dyers Eve

        Metallica – That was just your life


        I just converted and linked the songs mentioned above.

        There was a problem with encrypting the midi file of “One More Time” when I converted it with the C3 tool but I used my version of “One More Time” that works for sure. I think I once encrypted it manually because I used to have problems with doing it with C3 tools as well.

        If there’s anybody who could test the songs for me it would be nice cause I don’t have time to do right now.


        Also, the previous PS3 guru posted somewhere on this forum the song that didn’t export from RB1 and RB2 (paranoid, enter sandman etc…), none of these package worked on their own, the game didn’t even enter the song list, it got stuck at loading the downloaded content. Converting the xbox CON file worked somewhat, made it past the loading screen, but none of the song worked when selected (and no audio preview), to make them work properly I had to take the mogg file from the ps3 package and put them manually in the song folder made by converting the xbox CON.

        To be honest, I tried to work on that issue once but left it someday.

        If you got working PS3 converted files of those songs offer them at the Other Customs Disussion area. Please point out these songs are PS3 files if you want to do that.

        I cannot link them to the C3 database because it’s not an official C3 release. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


          The broken PS3 conversions are probably my fault. For a good 3-4 months I was doing the conversions myself with absolutely no way of testing them. But it was that, or nothing. Now that hamburgerjung is on the case, this shouldn’t be a problem going forward <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif” />


          I’m just wondering if not being able to use the converted xbox CON directly (thus I had to use the ps3 mogg from the faulty ps3 file) would have something to do with decryption, and assuming TDCMark had access to to unencrypted xbox mogg file (or whatever they are on xbox)


            No, TDCMark does not have access to the unencrypted mogg, and that wouldn’t make a difference since the PS3 requrires the mogg and MIDI be encrypted.


            I’m still having problem with the song Steve Ouimette – La Marseillaisa, which gives me unable to load song skipping error, even with normal and with type 2 10 second conversion, still gives me same error.

              I’m still having problem with the song Steve Ouimette – La Marseillaisa, which gives me unable to load song skipping error, even with normal and with type 2 10 second conversion, still gives me same error.

              Have you tried to encrypt it manually?



              I just did it by my own and linked the new file to the database – please try this one and tell me if it works.

                Thanks for your warm words! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>

                TDCMark did a great job, cause he and Nemo made it possible for us PS3 players to be a part of this nice C3 community. So thanks again to TDCMark for that!

                I hope we can achieve for PS3 area the same advantages as we can see in 360 or Wii section.

                Most of all I’m aiming at the harmonies project I really would like to introduce to PS3 songs as well.

                With the help of our community I could imagine to make it happen – I hope you are with me! <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”>


                Welcome to the collective. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_smile.gif”> I’m sure all PS3 users are thrilled that we have once again a reliable source for our conversions. Good luck and thanks for accepting the job. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif”>

                Also, the previous PS3 guru posted somewhere on this forum the song that didn’t export from RB1 and RB2 (paranoid, enter sandman etc…), none of these package worked on their own, the game didn’t even enter the song list, it got stuck at loading the downloaded content.


                I stumbled onto the explanation for this problem while trying to add album art to Paranoid. The song name and ID for HMX songs are linked somehow in the game files. The PS3 versions of the non-export songs that TDCMark posted will work fine – as long as you don’t change the song ID. If you do, the PS3 locks up at the loading screen exactly as Traflaz describes. If you do change the song ID, then you also have to change the song name in the DTA file. In the case of Paranoid, the converted CON file worked because the song name was changed from “paranoid” to “baranoid” in the CON DTA.


                Thanks to clintilona for cluing me in on this…


                Thanks Dahnlee for the answer, after my “clean” reinstall, I installed the songs 1 by 1, I found out that the provided package for battery and Any Way you Want it did work, and got Paranoid and Enter Sandman working using the way I talked earlier.


                I will try to find a way to get the AC DC songs working, keeping in mind what you added. Testing is a pain, the game itself is a long load, and then 600ish dlc package make for an even longer start up time…


                Edit: It appears the mogg file for “Let there be rock” from the ps3 package is borked. Using a mogg from another song, the song loads properly, and using the letthereberock.mogg file on another song (and renaming it) breaks that song. Using the mogg from a converted CON produce the same effect.


                Tried to get “This Love” from Pantera, and I’m getting the “Can’t load song, skipping” error, using the ps3 version or converting the CON with method 1 or 2 fails on me giving the same error.

                  Thanks Dahnlee for the answer, after my “clean” reinstall, I installed the songs 1 by 1, I found out that the provided package for battery and Any Way you Want it did work, and got Paranoid and Enter Sandman working using the way I talked earlier.

                  Yesterday I tried installing the songs you mentioned above using the allready converted versions by TDCMark.

                  I just merged the content from the attached songs.dat with mine and all songs worked properly.


                  I will try to find a way to get the AC DC songs working, keeping in mind what you added. Testing is a pain, the game itself is a long load, and then 600ish dlc package make for an even longer start up time…


                  Edit: It appears the mogg file for “Let there be rock” from the ps3 package is borked. Using a mogg from another song, the song loads properly, and using the letthereberock.mogg file on another song (and renaming it) breaks that song. Using the mogg from a converted CON produce the same effect.

                  Why don’t you try the very good created “Let there be rock” by Funkydunkleman? This one works on my machine.


                  Tried to get “This Love” from Pantera, and I’m getting the “Can’t load song, skipping” error, using the ps3 version or converting the CON with method 1 or 2 fails on me giving the same error.

                  I’ll have a look on this one tonight.

                    Tried to get “This Love” from Pantera, and I’m getting the “Can’t load song, skipping” error, using the ps3 version or converting the CON with method 1 or 2 fails on me giving the same error.

                    I’ll have a look on this one tonight.

                    I’ve just updated the song “This Love” (one time bass pedal version) in the PS3 database.

                    Please try it and give me a feedback whether it works or not.


                    It worked! Thanks. Can you tell me what you did, so I can figure out how to fix it myself? Even if you just did a regular CON to PS3 (method 1 or 2), as this would let me know its a problem with my C3ConTool/pc.


                    Since method 2 use a program that uses Java, and I’m unsure if it does the midi encryption properly on my pc.


                    Edit: As for “Let there be rock”, converting using Method 1 gives me a song that will load forever (after picking difficulty), and Method 2 gives


                    Loaded and processed songs.dta file for song #1 successfully
                    Song #1 is AC/DC - Let There Be Rock
                    Extracted MIDI file letthereberock.mid successfully
                    Encrypting MIDI file to EDAT
                    Failed to encrypt MIDI file letthereberock.mid ... try again
                    Extracted and modified songs.dta file successfully
                    Extracted album art file letthereberock_keep.png_xbox successfully
                    Converted album art from png_xbox to png_ps3 successfully
                    Extracted mogg file letthereberock.mogg successfully
                    Extracted milo file letthereberock.milo_ps3 successfully
                    Successfully processed 1 of 1 files
                    Process took 0 minutes and 16 seconds
                    Click 'Reset' to start again or just close me down


                    and *.mid in the song folder instead of a *.mid.edat


                    I’m leaning more and more toward my JAVA being borked thus making Method 2 not working for me

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