[How-To] Playing Customs on PS3

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  • #421170
    That’s the most current list I found on this thread, so if I missed any let me know. I still have to convert the “unable to load, skipping” songs.


    I think you don’t have to convert those songs as the problem was in edat file which was fixed with that trojannemo made.


      Hi All,

      I was wondering if any other PS3 users got this weeks R Kelly-Ignition to work? I even tried with C3 Beta with 10 sec delay and it wont work.

      “skipping, unable to load”

      I did notice that in the library list the album art doesn’t show up and song won’t preview.


      Hi everyone! Thanks for making this customs possible!!!


      I followed option 2 for installing the customs to my ps3 but I can’t get it to work and its driving me crazy!

      I’m supposed to create the HMX0756 in “/dev_hdd0/game/BLUS30463/USRDIR”, but my copy of Rock Band 3 has “game/BLUS30463/PS3_GAME/USRDIR”. I think that’s where the problem is. Which file/s do I have to modify, and how, for the game to find the correct directory for the customs. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!!!


      try creating HMX0756 folder inside USRDIR, then inside HMX0756 create folder songs.


      Just for your info Bon Jovi – Bed of roses song got unable to load skipping error so use type 2 conversion for that song.

        Just for your info Bon Jovi – Bed of roses song got unable to load skipping error so use type 2 conversion for that song.


        Did you manage to get the R Kelly song to work with type 2 conversion?

        try creating HMX0756 folder inside USRDIR, then inside HMX0756 create folder songs.


        I already made both folders. My USRDIR is not directly under BLUS30463 folder. Its “game/BLUS30463/PS3_GAME/USRDIR”. That’s where I create the HMX0756 and songs folder. I think it can’t find the files because of the extra PS3_GAME folder. What file do I have to change to change the target folder for the songs?

        Just for your info Bon Jovi – Bed of roses song got unable to load skipping error so use type 2 conversion for that song.


        Did you manage to get the R Kelly song to work with type 2 conversion?


        I didnt download that song so i dont know. What error do you get?


          I tried normal conversion, type 2 with each time delay, R Kelly. Each result for me is unable to load skipping. I did get Bed of Roses working though.


            The folder should be named ignition(remix) not ignitionremix. It’s a silly way to name the files, but that’s how the author did. I guess PS3 Converter is removing the ( and ) from the folder name. I’ll fix that in next update.

            So just change the name of the folder, the DTA is correct and so are the file names.

              The folder should be named ignition(remix) not ignitionremix. It’s a silly way to name the files, but that’s how the author did. I guess PS3 Converter is removing the ( and ) from the folder name. I’ll fix that in next update.

              So just change the name of the folder, the DTA is correct and so are the file names.


              I tried the Beta 10 sec delay, then renamed the folder to “ignition(remix)”, now the ablum art and preview work, but still says unable to load, skipping.

              Has another ps3 user tried this song yet?

              I tried the Beta 10 sec delay, then renamed the folder to “ignition(remix)”, now the ablum art and preview work, but still says unable to load, skipping.

              Has another ps3 user tried this song yet?


              I saw in that in songs dat file it says:


              ;Song=Ignition (Remix)



              is that supposed to be like that or it’s ID should be “CustomID=Ignition(remix)”?


              Hi guys!


              This is awesome! Thanks for doing this for the PS3 crowd. I tried using th guide already with my home made CON songs (that works on my jtag). I can see my songs on the song list. But after choosing instrument, difficulty then a short film where they start to get ready to perform, goes to loading screen… And stayed there. Any idea whats wrong? Im on 4.55 Rogero.


                If it’s stuck on a loading animation and never starts the song and never freezes the PS3, just keeps “loading”, it’s likely a problem with the audio. Make sure you’re not messing with the mogg file at all. Don’t modify it in any way after PS3 Converter is done with it.


                Otherwise, if it is crashing your system, it sounds like one of the issues already dealt with here. Read up on the last 10 pages or so.


                That’s the problem I’ve encountered when I had unencrypted .mogg file in my directory.

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