[How-To] Playing Customs on PS3

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  • #420185

      Alright, let’s try to troubleshoot this thing.

      Download new debugging beta from here:



      – Extract to a folder on your desktop.

      – Immediately after extracting, right-click on that folder and check how many files are inside. There should be 296 files, 9 folders. If not, something is missing and I would suggest you check your antivirus and what it’s doing.


      If all files are there, let’s move on…


      – Grab any one CON file and put it in its own folder where there are no other CON files.

      – Open PS3 Converter, go to Options -> MIDI to EDAT Encryption -> Enable Type 2

      – Throw that CON file at PS3 Converter and click Begin.


      If it works, great!

      Now try putting a couple more CON files in there, and try with the files that were failing before. Until you’re satisfied that it works OR it tells you it failed in the log.


      If/when it fails, right-click on the Log and ‘Export log file’. Copy/paste that text on here.


      I just followed my own instructions with Stairway to Heaven and All Time Low – Umbrella and both worked OK.


        Well, first of all and again a big THANK YOU for your support!! :excited:


        I’ll use the same songs (Stairway to Heaven & Umbrella) for testing purpose.


        I will follow your instructions when I get home from work tonight and give a feedback.

        Please be patient, cause I have to work long hours today so it could be late today…

          Alright, let’s try to troubleshoot this thing.

          Download new debugging beta from here:


          Looks like your link is broken.

          Can you add another mirror?





              Sorry man, I don’t have much time tonight… <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

              Please fix the link and I will continue testing the stuff this friday (tomorrow I’ll not be at home). :shobon:


                Not sure what happened, file is nowhere on the server. I’ll reup the file when I get home.


                  Link is now fixed.

                    Link is now fixed.

                    Nope, I have to say it’s not up right now…

                    Do you have another link?


                      Link is up and working fine. Make sure you’re clicking on the right thing.




                      Tested on three browsers and the link works in all of them.

                        Link is up and working fine. Make sure you’re clicking on the right thing.




                        Tested on three browsers and the link works in all of them.

                        Ah, OK I have to use right click and save as to get the file…


                          – Extract to a folder on your desktop.



                          – Immediately after extracting, right-click on that folder and check how many files are inside. There should be 296 files, 9 folders. If not, something is missing and I would suggest you check your antivirus and what it’s doing.

                          Check, 296 files and 9 folders are into the main folder


                          – Grab any one CON file and put it in its own folder where there are no other CON files.

                          I created another folder on the desktop named “BETA Con” and threw “Umbrella” by All Time Low in it


                          – Open PS3 Converter, go to Options -> MIDI to EDAT Encryption -> Enable Type 2



                          – Throw that CON file at PS3 Converter and click Begin.

                          I did the conversion without merging


                          The debugger says “EDAT doesn’t exist” and “Failed to encrypt MIDI file umbrellacrunk.mid… try again”.


                          If/when it fails, right-click on the Log and ‘Export log file’. Copy/paste that text on here.

                          My system doesn’t let me save the log file. I can right click on the written text but “Export log file” is marked grey and I cannot choose to click on it. But I did a screenshot and took it in my Google Drive. You should get it here.


                          It looks like the conversion failed at the point where it converts from MID to MID.EDAT.

                          You can find the broken umbrella conversion file here.


                            So there we go, problem is with the rebuilder app, not my code.

                            Let’s try to see what it says.


                            In the C3 CON Tools BETA folder, go in the /bin folder. Create a folder called edats, put the MIDI file you want to convert there. Create a folder called raps. Put ps3.rap that’s in /bin in there (copy / paste). Now double click on rebuilder.exe in the /bin folder and enter the same information you see in the Log that the program did. See at which point it fails.

                            It should be just as in the log

                            Type 2, press Enter

                            Type 1, press Enter

                            Type or copy/paste the ContentID and press Enter

                            Type or copy/paste the License and press Enter

                            (you can get these two from the klic.txt file in /bin)

                            That should encrypt and say successful.

                            Then press any key (program presses x)

                            Type / A to abort and it should close down rebuilder.exe


                            Let me know what happens when you do that.


                              In the C3 CON Tools BETA folder, go in the /bin folder. Create a folder called edats, put the MIDI file you want to convert there.

                              OK, I created a folder called “edat” (not edats, cause that’s similar to the original program folder by TrueAncestor) and put the file “umbrellacrunk.mid” in it. That is the file your program created once.


                              Create a folder called raps. Put ps3.rap that’s in /bin in there (copy / paste).

                              I created the folder “raps” in the /bin folder, cause that’s how I understood doing it and copied the ps3.rap in it.


                              Now double click on rebuilder.exe in the /bin folder and enter the same information you see in the Log that the program did. See at which point it fails.

                              Here we go…


                              It should be just as in the log

                              Type 2, press Enter



                              Type 1, press Enter



                              Type or copy/paste the ContentID and press Enter

                              Copied & pasted ContentID out of klic.txt – check


                              Type or copy/paste the License and press Enter

                              Copied & pasted License out of klic.txt – check


                              That should encrypt and say successful.

                              Yes, it did. You can see the screenshot in here.


                              Then press any key (program presses x)

                              I pressed x as well.


                              Type / A to abort and it should close down rebuilder.exe

                              I typed “a” and pressed enter but rebuilder just went back to the main menue. So I closed the program by pressing the cross of the window.


                              Let me know what happens when you do that.

                              The file “umbrellacrunk.mid.edat” was created in the edat folder. I tested the file and it works – no “skipping song” error!


                                I said to type / A which is what it asks for for aborting, but that’s not a big deal.

                                So it works if you do it manually, following the exact same steps the program is following, but not if you do it through the program. WTF.

                                Right click and run C3 CON Tools as Administrator and see if it works. If not, I’m out of ideas as to why it’s failing. We know the problem is when it calls rebuilder, but as you saw, the commands it’s sending to the process are the correct ones. :confused:


                                  Right click and run C3 CON Tools as Administrator and see if it works. If not, I’m out of ideas as to why it’s failing. We know the problem is when it calls rebuilder, but as you saw, the commands it’s sending to the process are the correct ones. :confused:

                                  I tried running your C3 Tools as admin, but unfortunately it was the same result. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_frown.gif” />

                                  But what’s really funny this effect only happens on a few songs.

                                  Cause when I do the conversion with a working song it looks fine as you can see on this screenshot.

                                  The critical point is where the rebuilder.exe expects the EDAT file (or is it the EDAT folder?). And this one seems not existing in the case with the Umbrella song.

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