[How-To] Playing Customs on PS3

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    You don’t have to post for every song that is formatted correctly. Only if you find the song with the issue that tells us what the problem is.


    Here’s the thing. Not to toot my own horn, but I was pretty sure I did everything correctly when creating the converter. And back then TDCMark was able to test it to heck and it worked as intended. So I really don’t think it’s something in the conversion process itself beyond it being a bug we didn’t know about then and still have no clue about now.


    I was hoping you’d find something easy by analyzing the files but I had done that before and nothing jumped out at me either. So it’s probably going to take some more in-depth PS3 knowledge to figure out what’s causing the problems. And I have barely ever touched a PS3, much less own one.


    Well yeah must be something in particular is bothering ps3 converts, as most of them works fine. Do you have a link with old version of c3 con tools where you couldn’t pause/resume song on ps3? I would like to try to convert it with that version to see if it’s maybe working with it?


      No unfortunately I do not.


        Hi folks. Sorry I haven’t been around to be of assistance (and thanks to Nemo for stepping up and helping). I’ve been super busy with work and other things going on in my life that I haven’t had a chance to sit and work on this. And I still don’t have a PS3…


        I’m looking into a new converter for the edat process. While this won’t solve the audio problem, it should fix the “Unable to load song, skipping” problem. It’s hard to narrow these things down when some people seem to have problems, and others don’t. The audio problems are odd, because I never encountered any issues when I tested everything.


        Edit: Here’s a new EDAT for Hootie & The Blowfish – Hold My Hand. Someone test it and tell me if it works.


          Here’s the thing. Not to toot my own horn, but I was pretty sure I did everything correctly when creating the converter. And back then TDCMark was able to test it to heck and it worked as intended. So I really don’t think it’s something in the conversion process itself beyond it being a bug we didn’t know about then and still have no clue about now.


          I was hoping you’d find something easy by analyzing the files but I had done that before and nothing jumped out at me either. So it’s probably going to take some more in-depth PS3 knowledge to figure out what’s causing the problems. And I have barely ever touched a PS3, much less own one.

          Could it be usefull to know the previous version of your “Somebody that I used to know” works fine while the one you released last friday freezes? Or is it a totally different created song compared to each other? :confused:


          Where can I access this earlier version of “somebody that I used to know”?

          Hi folks. Sorry I haven’t been around to be of assistance (and thanks to Nemo for stepping up and helping). I’ve been super busy with work and other things going on in my life that I haven’t had a chance to sit and work on this. And I still don’t have a PS3…


          I’m looking into a new converter for the edat process. While this won’t solve the audio problem, it should fix the “Unable to load song, skipping” problem. It’s hard to narrow these things down when some people seem to have problems, and others don’t. The audio problems are odd, because I never encountered any issues when I tested everything.


          Edit: Here’s a new EDAT for Hootie & The Blowfish – Hold My Hand. Someone test it and tell me if it works.


          It’s good to have you back, and yeah Nemo helped us a lot while you where gone and tried to find the problem we encountered with some songs. If you missed my earlier posts, I posted 2 videos of how it looks for songs that have “corrupted” sounds so you can check it out. I will test the new edat when I get home from work and give you feedback how it went, but I must say that I didn’t report that song as not working, I’m not sure if it was working on my ps3 before or not, I’ll have to check if I have that song in my library from before if not I can test it with old and new edat. I found out that song from Bruce Springsteen’s “Born to run” works fine to me, and Hamburgerjung said it froze his ps3.


          The songs that gives me “Unable to load song skipping” are: All Time Low – Umbrella, One Republic – All the right moves, Mötley Crüe -Too Young to Fall in Love


            Where can I access this earlier version of “somebody that I used to know”?

            You got a pm. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />

              Hi folks. Sorry I haven’t been around to be of assistance (and thanks to Nemo for stepping up and helping). I’ve been super busy with work and other things going on in my life that I haven’t had a chance to sit and work on this. And I still don’t have a PS3…


              I’m looking into a new converter for the edat process. While this won’t solve the audio problem, it should fix the “Unable to load song, skipping” problem. It’s hard to narrow these things down when some people seem to have problems, and others don’t. The audio problems are odd, because I never encountered any issues when I tested everything.


              Edit: Here’s a new EDAT for Hootie & The Blowfish – Hold My Hand. Someone test it and tell me if it works.


              I tried to download you edat rar, but WinRAR says that it is an empty rar… no edat file


              Confirmed that song “Hold My Hand” not working on my ps3 with original edat file, and as well can’t test the new one, as it’s empty rar.

              Also song from beatles “All You Need is Love” have same error, even tho that song is not affiliated with C3.


                Just like to note, Shimmer by Fuel was posted in the forums and it won’t show up in the song library.



                  Tested, and song is working fine with new edat file. <img decoding=” src=”/wp-content/uploads/invision_emoticons/default_SA_wink.gif” />


                    Good stuff. That means we might just have two choices for encrypting the MIDI, and you can pick the secondary one if the first one doesn’t work. Let’s see TDCMark test this with a couple other songs first.


                    That would be great. Glad to see that you are on the right track with songs with problematic .edat files. Great work guys! It would be really cool if TCDMark finds what’s problem in .mogg files as well later on. Anyways, when other test files comes up I’ll test them and let you know the result.


                      Great work!!!

                      This edat fixes the issues with the “unable to load” songs? Is it a quick fix for us or is there an update required to the ps3 converter?


                      We will see when TDCMark makes few other edat fixes for songs that didn’t work. So far he only made fix for 1 song and it worked fine to me. If he found out what causes problem then I guess TrojanNemo will make another option in converter to encrypt those specific songs other way then most of them.

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