Customs Repository – dead links for old customs? try here first!

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  • #418183
      Still thinking would need another person’s help as I am on Windows XP 32 Bit only and all downloads for Python seems to be 86x or 64x bit and the version I did got ended up not working at all…


      :haw: :haw: :haw:


      x86 is 32-bit, x64 is 64-bit.


      You’re welcome. Also, Google is a thing. Don’t be afraid to use it. :excited:


        I’m on Windows XP 32bit…




          Then why is it not doing anything? I run it and it says “preparing to install…” then goes dead…

            :haw: :haw: :haw:


            And it is NOT my fault that idiots call 32-bit “x86” instead of “x32”, like it should be.

            :haw: :haw: :haw:


            And it is NOT my fault that idiots call 32-bit “x86” instead of “x32”, like it should be.


            Agreed, calling 32-bit x86 seems rather nonsensical and confusing


              So, for decades 32-bit has been designated x86 because that’s the instruction set for that architecture of processors, and it’s not that YOU don’t know jackshit about computers and can’t be arsed to look up what you don’t know … it’s that everyone who came before you is an idiot.



              Yup :what:

                Agreed, calling 32-bit x86 seems rather nonsensical and confusing


                Just as calling Warriors of Rock “Guitar Hero” makes no sense, because you have a full band, it should be Full Band Hero. But if you bothered to look at the history, then you see that the game started as a Guitar-only game, and then the name makes sense. The x86 architecture was introduced before we had the need to distinguish between 32-bit and 64-bit. If you don’t know the history and don’t bother to look it up, sure it makes no sense.


                Then again to me it makes no sense to post on a gaming / game modding forum “why doesn’t it install…” instead of Googling it or going to a Windows XP support forum or something.


                Not everybody is a programer Trojan, I think most people would look at x86 and x64 and think “hmm no 32-bit support”


                  It’s not about being a programmer. It’s about having a bit of common sense and not being afraid to research what you don’t understand, rather than expect others to do it for you. I’ve understood the difference between x86 and x64 since 2001 when I got my first computer with Windows ME and a AMD Duron processor. I didn’t think about programming until a few years later.


                  If you see x86 and x64 and don’t see x32, don’t you think you should look that up? That to me is like going to a restaurant in an foreign country, going to the bathroom only to find “Homme” and “Femme” and shrugging your shoulders and peeing in your pants because you couldn’t find the “Men” sign.


                    Keep it on-topic or I’m changing all of your avatars to happy anime penises for a week.


                      Then call the old system of doing things “x86″… We are in a day and age where 32-bit and 64-bit are now separated so thusly the names should respect both bits to remove confusion between the two people. “x32” and “x64”.


                      Also, they kinda did tried “Band Hero” for full band… Just saying.


                      Lastly, I wasn’t originally asking for help installing it here… I was asking for help with the chart itself, just in case if I can’t find a way to install it myself (as I was planning to go to another forum to look for tech-issues). The most I did in my “original” post was mentioned what I think is the problem… When you (and C16) replied to that specific, it caused my next response… (And I was wanting a reply to the chart, not to the python thing).


                      BUT it is starting to seem like that I shouldn’t ask for help anymore since people want to start arguments with me or insult me (if they meant to or not, that I do not know)…



                      Anyways. If no one gonna help with “The Wicked End”, I guess I’m done.


                        Okay okay, I’ll admit it.

                        I’m UGC_Plus. It’s all my fault. All these awful customs. I TROLLED YOU ALL

                        I’m UGC_Plus. It’s all my fault. All these awful customs. I TROLLED YOU ALL

                        Soooo does this mean you will have to re-upload all of your reduction songs with this fixed? I assume you will do this in the thread you will make to make it easier to find all of your stuff?


                          One thing I wanted to point out C16 when I was deleting the expert only versions and adding your EMH versions of the songs, the new EMH versions dont have album art and artist name when browsing them on the xbox 360 dashboard. They are fine in game, its just when you manage the library on the xbox dashboard, it would be easier if each custom had the artist name, song name, and album art to better find it when browsing a large library. Keep up the great work!


                            Yeah he likes that silly HMX way of doing things that uses the RB3 icon in the dashboard and just the song name. Silly I think.

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