Reply To: Looking to Author/Playtest for C3?


    I’d also be interested in helping out. I posted this on your page but I guess you didn’t see it:


    Espher referred me to you from Reddit. I only recently heard of customs thanks to DLC ending. I asked him if I could submit Clockwork Angels when I finished charting it, s/he recommended I talk to you about collaborating. Right now I’m working on The Anarchist. While I may not have much customs experience I’ve been playing rhythm games since GH1, real drums since RB1.


    Maybe we can work together on bringing more Rush songs to Rock Band? I wouldn’t want to spend my time making a custom only to find out you’ve been working on it. I can also shift my focus to another album since you’re doing it on a per album basis.


    Sorry, I must have missed that. No, I’m not working on anything Rush at the moment, because all the albums are out except for:

    Rush and Caress of Steel – Not a huge fan of those albums, so they are on hold

    Roll the Bones – I’m gonna release it soon, but without keys (I will do pro keys when I revisit the whole discography)

    Vapor Trails – Another great FoF charter is working on it, so I then come in, add vocals/harmonies, fix stuff up, etc.

    Clockwork Angels – Didn’t have time to work on it.


    As I said, I would love to revisit all my stuff to add missing instruments, fix vocals, etc. but I simply don’t have the time to do lower difficulties. Great to hear you’re doing Clockwork Angels (Headlong Flight is already charted though for FoF, fyi). Should you decide to help on compacting the discography, just tell me: I can take care of those missing instruments and all the touchups needed in exchange for lower difficulties. :cool:

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