

To finish this project that I started almost 5 years ago, I present the album Escombros, by the band from Matamoros, Tamaulipas, División Minúscula.

This album features the integration of Eduardo Vela, guitarist of Aurum, as guitarist of Division Minuscula, with whom he had been playing for some time.

The album, like every album by the band, offers a unique sound, different from what was done in previous materials. The album Escombros has 8 songs, and 2 more songs released in this time, on the one hand the re-release of Sueños De Verano, with collaboration of David Summers, vocalist of Hombres G, and Astro (Y Que El Mundo esperar) (B-side), with collaboration of Luis Humberto Navejas, vocalist of Enjambre.

I hope these songs can reach more people, and they enjoy them as much as I do. For now, with this album, División Minúscula’s discography is finished, so all their songs can be found at

1. Escombros
2. La Última Llamada
3. Beso A La Medida
4. Laberintos
5. Todo Se Detiene Aquí
6. Sueños De Verano
7. Astro (Y Que El Mundo Espere)
8. Isla Desierta
9. Sueños De Verano (con David Summers)
10. Astro (Y Que El Mundo Espere) (B-side) (con Luis Humberto Navejas)

I can only thank all those who have supported this project, those who enjoy this music and this content, and you who are reading this.

División Minúscula are:
Javier Blake: Vocal, Rhythm guitar
Kiko Blake: Drums
Alex Luque: Bass, Harmonics
Ricci Perez: Lead guitar
Eduardo Vela: Lead guitar
Bucho: Keyboards

In the customs:
andrew etg: Instruments (Guitar, bass, drums, rhythm guitar), Events, Venue
Marcos: Vocals
Karim: Video previews

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